How to Analyze People on Sight - The Original Classic Edition. Lincoln Benedict

How to Analyze People on Sight - The Original Classic Edition - Lincoln Benedict

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and this only will you be able to impress or to help others.

       In this way only will you be able to achieve real success. In this way only will you be able to help your fellowman find the work, the

       environment and the marriage wherein he can be happy and successful.

       The Four C's

       To get the maximum of pleasure and knowledge out of[Pg 31] this interesting course there are four things to remember as your part of the contract.


       Think of what you are reading while you are reading it. Concentration is a very simple thing. The next C is

       Observe CAREFULLY

       Look at people carefully (but not starefully) when analyzing them. Don't jump at conclusions. We humans have a great way of twisting facts to fit our conclusion as soon as we have made one. But don't spend all your time getting ready to decide and forget to decide at all, like the man who was going to jump a ditch. He ran so far back to get a good start each time that he never had the strength to jump when he got there. Get a good start by observing carefully. Then

       Decide CONFIDENTLY


       Be sure you are right and then go ahead. Make a decision and make it with the confidence that you are right. If you will determine now to follow this rule it will compel you to follow the first two because, in order to be sure you are right, to be certain you are not misjudging anybody, you will read each rule concentratedly and observe each person carefully beforehand.

       Practise CONSTANTLY

       "Practice makes perfect." Take this for your motto if you would become expert in analyzing people. It is one[Pg 32] easily followed for you come in contact with people everywhere--at home, amongst your business associates, with your friends and on the street. Remember you can only benefit from a thing as you use it. A car that you never took out of the garage would be of no value to you. So get full value out of this course by using it at all times.

       These Rules Your Tools

       These rules are scientific. They are true and they are true always. They are very valuable tools for the furtherance of your progress

       through life.

       An understanding of people is the greatest weapon you can possess. Therefore these are the most precious tools you can own.

       But like every tool in the world and all knowledge in the world, they must be used as they were built to be used or you will get little service out of them.

       You would not expect to run a car properly without paying the closest attention to the rules for clutches, brakes, starters and gears. Everything scientific is based not on guesses but laws. This course in Analyzing People on Sight is as scientific as the automobile. It will carry you far and do it easily if you will do your part. Your part consists of learning the few simple rules laid down in this book and in applying them in the everyday affairs of your life.

       Fewer and Truer

       Many things which have been found to be true in almost every instance could have been included in this course. But we prefer to make fewer statements and have those of[Pg 33] bedrock certainty. Therefore this course, like all our courses, consists exclusively of those facts which have been found to be true in every particular of people in normal health.


       The Five Extremes

       This book deals with PURE or UNMIXED types only. When you understand these, the significance of their several combinations as

       seen in everyday life will be clear to you.

       The Human Alphabet

       Just as you can not understand the meaning of a word until you know the letters that go into the makeup of that word, you cannot

       analyze people accurately until you get these five extreme types firmly in your mind, for they are your alphabet.

       Founded in Five Biological Systems

       Each PURE type is the result of the over-development of one of the five biological systems possessed by all human beings--the

       nutritive, circulatory, muscular, bony or nervous.

       Therefore every individual exhibits to some degree the characteristics of all the five types.[Pg 34]

       The Secret of Individuality

       But his PREDOMINANT traits and INDIVIDUALITY--the things that make him the KIND of man he is--agree infallibly with

       whichever one of the five systems PREDOMINATES in him.


       Combinations Common in America

       The average American man or woman is a COMBINATION of some two of these types with a third discernible in the background.

       To Analyze People

       To understand human beings familiarize yourself first with the PURE or UNMIXED types and then it will be easy and fascinating to

       spell out their combinations and what they mean in the people all about you.

       Postpone Combinations

       Until you have learned these pure types thoroughly it will be to your advantage to forget that there is such a thing as combinations. After you have these extreme types well in mind you will be ready to analyze combinations.

       The Five Types

       Science has discovered that there are five types of human beings. Discarding for a moment their technical names, they may be called the fat people, the florid people, the muscular people, the bony people and the mental people.

       Each varies from the others in shape, size and structure and[Pg 35] is recognizable at a glance by his physique or build. This is because his type is determined by the preponderance within his body of one of the five great departments or biological systems--the nutritive, the circulatory, the muscular, the bony or the nervous.

       At Birth

       Every child is born with one of these systems more highly developed, larger and better equipped than the others.

       Type Never Disappears

       Throughout his life this system will express itself more, be more intense and constant in its functioning than the others and no man-ner of training, education, environment or experience, so long as he remains in normal health, will alter the predominance of this system nor prevent its dictating his likes, dislikes and most of his reactions.

       Effect of Eating

       If you do not understand why the overaction of one bodily system should influence a man's nature see if you can't recall more than one occasion when a square meal made a decided difference in your disposition within the space of thirty minutes.

       If one good meal has the power to alter so completely our personalities temporarily, is it then any wonder that constant overfeeding

       causes everybody to love a fat man? For the fat man is habitually and chronically in that beatific state which comes from over-eating.

       [Pg 36]

       [Pg 37] CHAPTER I

       The Alimentive Type


       "The Enjoyer"

       Note: Bear in mind at the beginning of this and every other chapter, that we are describing the extreme or unmixed type. Before leaving this book you will understand combination types and should read people as readily as you now read your newspaper.

       hose individuals in whom the alimentive system is more highly developed than any other are called Alimentives. The alimentive sys-tem consists of the stomach, intestines, alimentary canal and every part of the assimilative apparatus.

       Physical Rotundity

       A general rotundity of outline characterizes this type. He is round in every direction. Fat rolls away from his elbows, wrists, knees and shoulders. (See Chart 1)

       [Pg 38]

       The Fat, Overweight Individual


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