The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs
Patties, chicken or fowl 928
Fried 896
Lobster 227
Oyster 289
Pavini cake 1771
Pea, origin of the 1133
Soup 144 green 142
winter, yellow 143
Sweet and heath or wood 1135
Varieties of the 143, 1134
Peas, green 1133
a la Francaise 1134 stewed 1135
Peach, and nectarine 1572
Description of the 1469
Fritters 1469
Peaches, compote of 1572
Preserved in brandy 1573
Pear 1574
Bon Chretien 1576
Pears, a l'Allemande 1470
Baked 1574
Moulded 1471
Preserved 1575
Stewed 1576
Pepper, black 369
Long 399
Plant, growth of the 516
White 366
Perch, the 292
Boiled 292
Fried 293
Stewed with wine 294
Pestle and Mortar 421
Petites bouches 1319
Pheasant, the 1041
Broiled 1043
Cutlets 1040
Height of excellence in the 1043
Roast 1041
Brillat Savarin's recipe for 1042
Soup 179
To carve a 1059
Pickle, an excellent 497
Beetroot, to 369
Capsicums, to 385
Cucumbers, to 399
For tongues or beef 611
Gherkins, to 428
Indian (very superior) 451
Lemons, to 456
with the peel on 455
Mixed 471
Mushrooms, to 478
Nasturtiums, to 482
Onions, to 486-7
Spanish, to 527
Oysters, to 491
Red cabbage, to 493
Universal 533
Walnuts, to 534
Pickles of the Greeks and Romans 452
Keeping 451
Pie, apple, or tart 1233
Beefsteak 604
Chicken or fowl 929
Eel 253
Fish and oyster 257
Giblet 966
Grouse 1024
Lark 971
Mince 1311
Mutton 733-4
Partridge 1036
Pigeon 975
Pork, raised 835 little 836
Poultry or game, raised 1340
Rabbit 981
Sole or cod 322
Tench and eel 349
Veal 897
and ham 898 raised 1341 olive 895
Pig, Guinea 997
How roast pig was discovered 841 to silence a 812
Novel way of recovering a stolen 819
Sucking, to carve a 842 roast 841
to scald 840
The learned 840
Pig's cheeks, to dry 830
Face, collared 823
Fry, to dress 824
Liver 831
Pettitocs 832
Pigs, Austrian mode of herding 796
English mode of hunting and Indian sticking 800
How pastured and fed formerly 805
Pigeon, the 974
Barb 976
Breeding 974
Carrier 974
Fantail 976
House or dovecot, aspect of 974
Jacobin 976
Necessity of cleanliness in the 974
Nun 975
Owl 976
Pie 975
Pouter 973
Rock 976
Runt 975
To carve a 1003
Trumpeter 975
Tumbler 975
Turbit 976
Wood or wild 975
Pigeons, broiled 973
Roast 974
Stewed 970
Pike, the 293
Baked 296
Boiled 295
Pineapple 1472, 1478
Chips 1577
Fritters 1472
In Heathendom 1578
Preserved 1578
for present use 1579
Pippins, stewed, Normandy 1563
Plaice, the 298
Fried 297
Stewed 298
Plate-cleaning 2317-18
Plover, description of the 1044
To carve a 1066 dress a 1044
Plovers' eggs 1626
Plum, an excellent pudding 1325
Cake, common 1768 nice 1769
Jam 1580
Pudding, baked 1324
Pudding sauce 499
Tart 1331
Plums 1330
French, box of 1600 stewed 1583
Cultivation of 1582
Origin of the names of 1580
Preserved 1581
To preserve dry 1582
Poisonous food 2665
Mushrooms 2666
Poisons 2647
Calomel 2658
Copper 2659
Emetic tartar 2656
Lead, and its preparations 2661
Opium and its preparations 2662
Symptoms of having inhaled strong fumes of smelling salts 2655 swallowed 2618
alkalis 2654 arsenic 2656
corrosive sublimate 2657 muriatic acid 2651
nitric acid 2650 oxalic acid 2652 prussic acid 2653 sulphuric acid 2649