The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs
Heath ram 689 " ewe 690
Romney-Marsh ram and ewe 691
South-Down ram and ewe 687
Shortbread 1780
Shrimp, the 313
Skate, thornback 315
Snipe, the 1047
Roast 1047
" to carve a 1060
Sole, the 320
Sorrel 431
Souffle pan 1481
Sow, and pigs 765
Berkshire 781
Chinese 785
Cumberland 784
Essex 782
Yorkshire 783
Spinach 155
Garnished with croutons 1155
Sponge cake 1783
Sprat, the 331
Sprouts, Brussels 1098
Stewpan 567
Stock-pot, ancient 66
Bronze 66
Modern 66
Stove, gas 575
Family kitchener 65
Leamington 65, 540
Pompeiian 65
Strawberries, dish of 1598
Sturgeon, the 332
Sugarcane, the 1335
Sultana grape, the 1326
Swans 54
Tarragon 503
Tart, open 1365
Open mould for a 1365
Plum 1331
Tartlets, dish of 1371
Tazza and carrot leaves 121
Tea 1814
Teacakes 1787
Tench, the 334
Thyme, lemon 458
Tipsy cake 1487
Tomato, the 529
Tomatoes, stewed 1159
Trifle 1489
Trout, the 336
Truffles 1161
Turbot, the 338
Kettle 338
To carve a 176
Tureen, soup 88
Turkey, boiled 986
Roast 990
" to carve a 1005
Turnip 157
Turnips 1165
Turret on old Abbey kitchen 62
Turtle, the 189
Urns, Loysell's hydrostatic 1810
Utensils for cooking, ancient and modern 66-8
Vanilla cream mould 1490
Veal, breast of 857 " to carve a 912
Cutlets 866
Fillet of 872
" to carve a 914
Knuckle of 885
" to carve a 915
Loin of 885
" to carve a 916
Vegetable, cutter 1173
Strips of 131
Vegetable marrow 158
In white sauce 1173
On toast 1170
Vegetables 1069
Cellular development of 1075
Siliceous cuticles of 1075
Venison, haunch of 1061 " roast 1049
" to carve a 1061
Vermicelli 162
Vessels for beverages 1789
Vol-au-vent 1379
Small 1379
Walnut, the 536
Wheat 1779
Egyptian, or mummy 1783
Polish 1722
Red winter 1719
Whitebait 348
Whiting, the 343
Window and flowers 75
Wirebasket 494
Woodcock, the 1053
Roast 1053
Scotch 1653
To carve a 1062
Yorkshire pudding 1384
COLOURED PLATES. Apples in custard
Beef, round of, boiled
Roast sirloin of Calf 's head, boiled Charlotte aux pommes Cod's head and shoulders Crab, dressed
Duck, wild
Ducks, couple of, roast
Eggs, poached, and spinach
Fowl, boiled with cauliflower
Roast, with watercresses Fruits, centre dish of various Goose, roast
Ham, cold glazed
Hare, roast
Jelly, two colours of
Lobsters, dressed
Mackerel, boiled
Mutton cutlets and mashed potatoes
Haunch of roast
Saddle of roast
Mutton, shoulder of roast
Oysters, scalloped
Partridge Pheasant Pie, raised
Pig, sucking, roast or baked
Plum-pudding, Christmas, in mould
Rabbit, boiled
Or fowl, curried
Raspberry cream
Rissoles Salmon, boiled Snipe
Soles, dish of filleted Spinach and poached eggs Strawberries, au naturel, in
ornamental flowerpot
Tongue, cold boiled
Turbot, or brill, boiled
Turkey, roast
Veal, fricandeau of
Whiting, dish of, fried
"Strength, and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her
tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household; and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her."--Proverbs, xxxi. 25-28.
I. AS WITH THE COMMANDER OF AN ARMY, or the leader of any enterprise, so is it with the mistress of a house. Her spirit will be seen through the whole establishment; and just in proportion as she performs her duties intelligently and thoroughly, so will her domestics follow in her path. Of all those acquirements, which more particularly belong to the feminine character, there are none which take a higher rank, in our estimation, than such as enter into a knowledge of household duties; for on these are