Myths of Babylonia and Assyria - The Original Classic Edition. MacKenzie MacKinnon Donald

Myths of Babylonia and Assyria - The Original Classic Edition - MacKenzie MacKinnon Donald

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When the Babylonians appear before us in the early stages of the historical period they had reached that stage of development set forth so vividly in the Orations of Isocrates: "Those of the gods who are the source to us of good things have the title of Olym-pians; those whose department is that of calamities and punishments have harsher titles: to the first class both private persons and states erect altars and temples; the second is not worshipped either with prayers or burnt sacrifices, but in their case we perform ceremonies of riddance".[77]

       The Sumerians, like the Ancient Egyptians, developed their deities, who reflected the growth of culture, from vague spirit groups, which, like ghosts, were hostile to mankind. Those spirits who could be propitiated were exalted as benevolent deities; those who could not be bargained with were regarded as evil gods and goddesses. A better understanding of the character of Babylonian deities will therefore be obtained by passing the demons and evil spirits under review.

       [50] Indian Myth and Legend, p. 100.

       [51] Maspero's Dawn of Civilization, p. 156 et seq.

       [52] Egyptian Myth and Legend, p. I et seq. The saliva of the frail and elderly was injurious.

       [53] Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, E. Wallis Budge, vol. ii, p. 203 et seq. [54] Brana's Popular Antiquities, vol. iii, pp. 259-263 (1889 ed.).

       [55] The Religion of the Semites, pp. 158, 159.

       [56] Castes and Tribes of Southern India, E. Thurston, iv, 187.

       [57] Omens and Superstitions of Southern India, E. Thurston (1912), pp. 245, 246.

       [58] Pausanias, ii, 24, 1.

       [59] Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia, R.C. Thompson, vol. ii, tablet Y.

       [60] Animism, E. Clodd, p. 37. [61] 2 Kings, xvi, 3.

       [62] Ezekiel, xx, 31.

       [63] Leviticus, xviii, 21.

       [64] Indian Myth and Legend, p. 65.

       [65] Religious Belief in Babylonia and Assyria, M. Jastrow, pp. 312, 313. [66] The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, T.G. Pinches, p. 81.

       [67] In early times two goddesses searched for Tammuz at different periods. [68] Indian Myth and Legend, p. 30.

       [69] Early Religious Poetry of Persia, p. 35. [70] Early Religious Poetry of Persia, p. 37.


       [71] The Golden Bough (Spirits of the Corn and Wild, vol. ii, p. 10), 3rd edition. [72] Indian Wisdom, Sir Monier Monier-Williams.

       [73] A History of Sanskrit Literature, Professor Macdonell.

       [74] Religious Belief and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria, M. Jastrow, pp. 111, 112. [75] Indian Myth and Legend, pp. xxxii, and 38 et seq.

       [76] The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, T.G. Pinches, p. 94.

       [77] The Religion of Ancient Greece, J.E. Harrison, p. 46, and Isoc. Orat., v, 117

       Chapter IV. Demons, Fairies, and Ghosts


       Spirits in Everything and Everywhere--The Bringers of Luck and Misfortune--Germ Theory Anticipated--Early Gods indistinguishable from Demons--Repulsive form of Ea--Spirit Groups as Attendants of Deities--Egyptian, Indian, Greek, and Germanic parallels--Elder Gods as Evil Gods--Animal Demons--The Babylonian "Will-o'-the-Wisp"--"Foreign Devils"--Elves and Fairies-

       -Demon Lovers--"Adam's first wife, Lilith"--Children Charmed against Evil Spirits--The Demon of Nightmare--Ghosts as Enemies

       of the Living--The Vengeful Dead Mother in Babylonia, India, Europe, and Mexico--Burial Contrast--Calling Back the Dead--Fate of Childless Ghosts--Religious Need for Offspring--Hags and Giants and Composite Monsters--Tempest Fiends--Legend of Adapa and the Storm Demon--Wind Hags of Ancient Britain--Tyrolese Storm Maidens--Zu Bird Legend and Indian Garuda Myth--Legend of the Eagle and the Serpent--The Snake Mother Goddess--Demons and the Moon God--Plague Deities--Classification of Spirits, and Egyptian, Arabian, and Scottish parallels--Traces of Progress from Animism to Monotheism.

       The memorable sermon preached by Paul to the Athenians when he stood "in the midst of Mars' hill", could have been addressed with equal appropriateness to the ancient Sumerians and Akkadians. "I perceive", he declared, "that in all things ye are too superstitious.... God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; neither is worshipped with men's hands as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things ... for in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device."[78]

       Babylonian temples were houses of the gods in the literal sense; the gods were supposed to dwell in them, their spirits having entered into the graven images or blocks of stone. It is probable that like the Ancient Egyptians they believed a god had as many spirits as he had attributes. The gods, as we have said, appear to have evolved from early spirit groups. All the world swarmed with spirits, which inhabited stones and trees, mountains and deserts, rivers and ocean, the air, the sky, the stars, and the sun and moon. The spirits controlled Nature: they brought light and darkness, sunshine and storm, summer and winter; they were manifested in the thunderstorm, the sandstorm, the glare of sunset, and the wraiths of mist rising from the steaming marshes. They controlled also

       the lives of men and women. The good spirits were the source of luck. The bad spirits caused misfortunes, and were ever seeking to work evil against the Babylonian. Darkness was peopled by demons and ghosts of the dead. The spirits of disease were ever lying in wait to clutch him with cruel invisible hands.

       Some modern writers, who are too prone to regard ancient peoples from a twentieth-century point of view, express grave doubts as to whether "intelligent Babylonians" really believed that spirits came down in the rain and entered the soil to rise up before men's eyes as stalks of barley or wheat. There is no reason for supposing that they thought otherwise. The early folks based their theories on the accumulated knowledge of their age. They knew nothing regarding the composition of water or the atmosphere, of the cause of thunder and lightning, or of the chemical changes effected in soils by the action of bacteria. They attributed all natural phenomena to the operations of spirits or gods. In believing that certain demons caused certain diseases, they may be said to have achieved distinct progress, for they anticipated the germ theory. They made discoveries, too, which have been approved and elaborated in later times when they lit sacred fires, bathed in sacred waters, and used oils and herbs to charm away spirits of pestilence. Indeed, many folk cures, which were originally associated with magical ceremonies, are still practised in our own day. They were found to be effective by early observers, although they were unable to explain why and how cures were accomplished, like modern scientific investigators.

       In peopling the Universe with spirits, the Babylonians, like other ancient folks, betrayed that tendency to symbolize everything which has ever appealed to the human mind. Our painters and poets and sculptors are greatest when they symbolize their ideals and ideas and impressions, and by so doing make us respond to their moods. Their "beauty and their terror are sublime". But what may seem poetic to us, was invariably a grim reality to the Babylonians. The statue or picture was not merely a work of art but a manifestation of the god or demon. As has been said, they believed that the spirit of the god inhabited the idol; the frown of the brazen image

       was the frown of the wicked demon. They entertained as much dread of the winged and human-headed bulls guarding the entrance to the royal palace as do some of the Arab workmen who, in our own day, assist excavators to rescue them from sandy mounds in


       which they have been hidden for long centuries.

       When an idol was carried away from a city by an invading army, it was believed that the god himself had been taken prisoner, and was therefore unable any longer to help his people.

       In the early stages of Sumerian culture, the gods and goddesses who formed groups were indistinguishable from demons. They were vaguely defined, and had changing shapes. When attempts were

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