New Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of John vol. 2. William Barclay
and Challenge (16:1–4)
The Work of the Holy Spirit (16:5–11)
The Spirit of Truth (16:12–15)
Sorrow turned to Joy (16:16–24)
Christ and his Gifts (16:29–33)
The Glory of the Cross (17:1–5)
The Glory of the Cross (17:1–5) (contd)
The Meaning of Discipleship (17:6–8) (contd)
Jesus’ Prayer for his Disciples (17:9–19)
Jesus’ Prayer for his Disciples (17:9–19) (contd)
A Glimpse of the Future (17:20–1)
The Gift and the Promise of Glory (17:22–6)
The Arrest in the Garden (18:1–11)
The Arrest in the Garden (18:1–11) (contd)
Jesus before Annas (18:12–14, 19–24)
The Hero and the Coward (18:15–18, 25–7)
The Hero and the Coward (18:15–18, 25–7) (contd)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16) (contd)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16) (contd)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16) (contd)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16) (contd)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16) (contd)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16) (contd)
Jesus and Pilate (18:28–19:16) (contd)
The Way to the Cross (19:17–22)
The Way to the Cross (19:17–22) (contd)
The Gamblers at the Cross (19:23–4)
The Triumphant Ending (19:28–30)
The Water and the Blood (19:31–7)
The Last Gifts to Jesus (19:38–42)
The Great Discovery (20:1–10) (contd)
The Great Recognition (20:11–18)
Sharing the Good News (20:11–18) (contd)
The Commission of Christ (20:19–23)
The Doubter Convinced (20:24–9)
Thomas in the After Days (20:24–9) (contd)
The Aim of the Gospel (20:30–1)
The Reality of the Resurrection (21:1–14) (contd)
The Universality of the Church (21:1–14) (contd)
The Shepherd of Christ’s Sheep (21:15–19)
The Witness to Christ (21:20–4)
Note on the Story of the Woman Taken in Adultery (8:2–11)
Note on the Date of the Crucifixion
(by Ronnie Barclay)
My father always had a great love for the English language and its literature. As a student at the University of Glasgow, he won a prize in the English class – and I have no doubt that he could have become a Professor of English instead of Divinity and Biblical Criticism. In a pre-computer