Molecular Imaging. Markus Rudin
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Extensions, Electron Transfer at Electrodes, Applications
After the fundamental results of the wonder year 1955 (published ten months later in 1956), M. developed his theory and applied it to a variety of chemical and electrochemical systems. This chapter is devoted to the description of results mainly reported in Refs. [1–7], which span the years 1956–1964. I have also freely resorted to the reviews in Refs. [8–13], altogether a real “Guide of the Perplexed” [14]. Among the early applications are comparisons of calculated and experimental data, examples of how to use the theory to investigate reaction mechanisms and of how to systematize and correlate experimental data. These last characteristics have been typical of chemical theories like, say, the theory of the periodic system of elements or that of electrode potentials.
3.1.Theoretical Equations
In Chapter 1, the Landau–Zener–Stueckelberg–Majorana Equation was introduced, giving the probability P of a nonadiabatic transition in the narrow avoided crossing region.
If a transition from the R curve on the left of the col in Fig. 1.4a to the R on the right occurs, the ET does not occur because the system remains on the reagents R set of configurations. The probability that the system remains on the lower potential energy surface (PES) passing, through the col of the surface, to the products P set of nuclear configurations is γ = 1 − P. Marcus denotes with κ the nuclear velocity weighted average of γ [11, p. 181]. The formula for krate is written by M. as:
The same equation can obviously be written as
where ΔF* refers now to a mole of ET reactions.
The M. theory in its early formulation is adiabatic, that is, κ is supposed equal to 1. Note that even if κ were 0.01 the value of
M. introduces in Ref. [1] the symbol λ:
in terms of which
which shows very neatly the two components of the activation free energy:
(i) the reorganization free energy m2λ from an equilibrium state at distance of approach R and (ii) the Coulombic interaction
The energy of activation of a bimolecular reaction is defined in chemical kinetics as:
ΔS* is expressed in thermodynamics in terms of ΔF* and T as:
Introducing Eq. (3.1; with
The terms ΔS* and ΔF* are not the same as the usual free energy and entropy of activation ΔF‡ and ΔS‡ as in, for example, Ref. [15,