The Cat Lover's Craft Book. Neko Shugei
by Mico Ogura Instructions + Diagrams → Page 51
Draw whatever you like, stick it in the oven, and voilà! Shrink plastic is so easy and fun. Attach beads to the shrink plastic piece to make a pin or create two matching kitty earrings. The possibilities for accessories are unlimited!
Design and construction by minou14 Instructions + Diagrams → Page 20, 52
These charming “Hachiware” cats have inverted “V” fur markings and require simple black-and-white appliqué. The raw edges are not turned under for this method, which calls for some patience but is entirely doable. The resulting cats are so realistic, you may be tempted to pet them!
Design and construction by Naoko Suzuki Instructions + Patterns + Templates + Diagrams → Page 54
These roly poly pouches have sassy cat faces that are appliquéd and embroidered. You’ll end up wanting to make a whole gang of these cheeky critters. Because the pouch opens flat, each pouch can have lots of uses.
Design and construction by Chizuko Kojima Instructions → Page 40 Patterns + Templates → Page 58
These cute clips have little paws that tenaciously grip. Use them to seal paper bags or hold cards or whimsically clutch and climb curtains…there are so many ways to have fun with them!
Design and construction by Yoko Kobayashi Instructions + Patterns + Templates + Knitting Diagrams → Page 60
We are fabric cats— flower print, polka dots, black-and-white…
I am a cat made with yarn and a crochet hook
Due to the smallness of the motif, this cross stitch (generally a time-consuming art) can be done in a snap.
Refer to the diagram and stitch with care.
Instead of tracing the diagram, count the rows and stitch one at a time.
Alternate between the left and right sides as you stitch. Make sure your intersecting threads all face the same direction.
When assembling the covered button, take care not to cut off the ears.
This project will use double thread for embroidery. Since about 20 in (50 cm) is an easy length to handle, cut double the length to about 40 in (1 m). Fold the thread in half and insert one end into eye of the needle (double thread).
1. Place fabric in embroidery hoop. Keeping the size of the diagram in mind, target the lower right area of the fabric and insert needle from the wrong side (thread color 648).
2. Pull out needle from 1, insert at 2
3. Flip over to wrong side, insert and pull needle through the loop at the tip of the thread to secure (loop method).