Inro & Other Min. forms. Melvin Jahss
of suzuri-bako. Sleeping cat. Unsigned. 220
149. Suzuri-bako. Sacred bridge at Nikko. Unsigned. Attributed to Ogawa Shomin. 220
150. Sakazuki. Falcon. Unsigned. 221
151. Kashi-bako. Scene at Shono. Unsigned. 221
152. Zushi. Unsigned. 222
153. Natsume. Horsetail grass. Korin style. 222
154. Sweetmeat tray. Mount Fuji. Signed: Zeshin. 223
155. Hitori koro. Moon and reeds. Unsigned. 223
156. Metal kogo. Pine trees and clouds. Signed: Shoami Katsuyoshi. 224
157. Inside of lid of kogo in Fig. 156. 224
158. Inside of ivory kojubako in Fig. 82. 225
159. Kobako. Autumn flowers and grasses. Unsigned. 225
160. Kojubako. Daikoku and rats. Unsigned. Somada school. 226
*161. Netsuke. Rakan coming out of scroll. Signed: Suzuki Tokoku. 259
*162. Netsuke. Shojo dancer. Signed: Jugyoku and Koma Kansai. 259
*163. Netsuke. Shojo dancer. Unsigned. Style of Matsuki Hokei. 260
*164. Inro. Daikoku and rats. Signed: Tokoku. 260
*165. Inro. Animals of the Oriental zodiac. Signed: Kajikawa. 261
*166. Inro (opposite side of inro in Fig. 67). 261
*167. Inro. Chrysanthemums. Signed: Shiomi Masanari. 262
*168. Netsuke. Woman holding basket. Signed: Gyuka I. 262
169. Kogo. Butterflies. Unsigned. 263
170. Netsuke. Skeleton and grave post. Unsigned. Attributed to Shuzan. 263
171. Netsuke. Mask. Unsigned. Attributed to Miwa I. 264
172. Netsuke. Mask. Signed: Deme Uman. 264
173. Netsuke. Recumbent ox. Signed: Tametaka. 265
174. Netsuke. Recumbent ox. Signed: Minko. 265
175. Netsuke. Karashishi and ball. Signed: Ogasawara Issai of Kii Province. 265
176. Netsuke. Bird breaking out of shell. Signed: Naito Toyomasa. 266
177. Netsuke. Snail on furled leaf. Signed: Tomiharu. 266
178. Netsuke. Oxherd and ox. Signed: Sosui. 266
179. Netsuke. Pierced coins on twine. Signed: Morita Soko. 267
180. Netsuke. Two mice nibbling on nuts. Signed: Kaigyokusai. 267
181. Netsuke. Bat. Signed: Morikawa Toen. 267
182. Netsuke and detail. Frog on dried persimmon. Signed: Matsuda Sukenaga. 268
183. Sashi netsuke. Frog. Signed with seal of Koku (Kokusai). 268
184. Netsuke. Kagamibuta style. Millet design. Signed: Ginshotei Tomei. 269
185. Netsuke. Ryusa style. Maple leaves. Signed: Morita Soko. 269
186. Netsuke. Man pretending to be a turtle. Signed: Wada Sansho. 269
187. Netsuke. Snake on a skull. Signed: Nagai Rantei. 270
188. Netsuke. Sake bottle with Hotei design. Signed: Kajikawa. 270
189. Netsuke. Mandarin duck. Signed: Kano Natsuo. 270
190. Netsuke. Kagamibuta style. Daruma. Signed with seal of Ogawa Haritsu (Ritsuo). 271
191. Netsuke. Kudan. Unsigned. 271
192. Netsuke. Cluster of gourds. Signed: Gyokuso. 271
193. Netsuke and detail. Mushroom, snail, and ants. Signed: Gambun. 272
194. Netsuke. Impressionistic bird. Signed with kakihan of Mitsuhiro. 272
195. Detail of figure netsuke. Oni. Unsigned. 273
196. Netsuke. Woman picking fleas from kimono. Signed: Tokoku. 273
197. Netsuke. Mask of Okame. Signed: Shoun. 273
198. Pair of netsuke. Vendors blowing gluten. Signed: Kyokusai. 274
199. Inro. Shoki and oni. Signed: Nagaharu (Joi). 274
200. Inro (two views). Sansukumi (snake, snail, and frog). Signed: Jokasai. 275
201. Inro. Pine branches. Unsigned. 276
202. Inro (tobacco-box shape). Bird and young ferns. Signed: Zeshin. 276
203. Inro. Peony and leaves. Signed: Kajikawa Toshihide. 277
204. Inro. Buddhist emblems: lotus flower and scepter. Signed: Ritsuo. 277
205. Kogo. Plum blossoms. Signed: Shuran. 278
206. Inro. Ants on oak leaves. Signed: Hasegawa. 278
207. Inro. Plovers. Signed: Toyo. 279
208. Inro. Badger. Signed: Kozan (Shohosai). 279
209. Inro. The Blind Men and the Elephant. Signed: Toyo. 280
210. Inro. Horses and stream. Signed: Hasegawa Shigeyoshi. 280
211. Inro (tobacco-box shape). Snake attacking a crane. Signed: Koma Kansai. 281
212. Inro. Rat on a rice bag. Signed: Jokasai. 281
213. Inro and netsuke. Tiger in bamboo grove. Signed: Koma Kansai. 282
214. Inro. Carp ascending a waterfall. Signed: Toju. 282
*215. Inro. Maple leaves. Signed: Koma Yasutada. 369
*216. Inro. Mandarin duck. Signed: Toyo. 370
*217. Inro. Owl. Signed with seal of Ritsuo. 370
*218. Inro. Fish swimming in a stream. Signed: Shiomi Masanari. 371
*219. Inro. Peacock feathers. Signed: Shosai. 371
*220. Inro. Phoenix. Signed: Koami Nagataka. 372
*221. Inro. Bamboo and rock. Signed: Hokkyo Komin. 373
*222. Inro. Bamboo, rock, and stream. Signed: Koma Kyuhaku Yasuaki. 373
*223. Inro. Plum blossoms and moon. Signed: Yoyusai and Hoitsu. 374
*224. Inro (opposite side of inro in Fig. 136). 374
*225. Inro. Noh dancer portraying a shojo. Signed: Jugyoku. 375
*226. Inro. Coastal scene. Signed: Hasegawa Shigeyoshi. 375
*227.Inro. Gate of the Yoshiwara. Signed: Yoyusai. 376
*228. Inro. Night scene. Signed: Koma Koryu. 376
229. Inro (two views). Book: Genji Monogatari. Signed: Jokasai. 377
230. Inro. Dragon and waves. Signed: Sukenaga. 378
231. Inro. Crow on tree trunk. Signed: Koma Kansai. 378
232. Inro and detail. Two men playing game of shogi. Signed: Koma Koryu. 379
233. Inro. Copy of painting by Kakando Ganku depicting wading birds. Unsigned. 379
234. Inro. Tekkai sennin. Unsigned. 380
235. Inro. Character for longevity. Signed: Takamasu (Tatsuke). 380
236. Inro. "Thousand-monkey" design. Unsigned. 381
237. Side views of inro in Fig. 217, illustrating Buddhist symbols. 381
238. Inro (opposite side of inro in Fig. 165). Tomoe and two phoenixes. 382
239. Detail of inro, showing combined signatures of metal artist Ishiguro Masatsune and lacquer artist Koma Kyuhaku. 382
240. Kogo. Hagi (bush clover) leaves. Unsigned. 382
241. Inro. Landscape.