English Made Easy Volume One. Jonathan Crichton

English Made Easy Volume One - Jonathan Crichton

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      • parts of the body

       • common ailments

      UNIT 12: I live in the big house.


      • talking about addresses and locations


      • future with will

       • spatial prepositions


      • locators

       • numbers over 20

      UNIT 13: How much is this purse?


      • buying goods and services

       • inquiring about health


      • some/any

       • necessity


      • common containers

       • musical instruments

       • rooms

      UNIT 14: It’s the second street on the left.


      • asking for and giving directions


      • open questions

       • directional prepositions


      • common institutions

       • colors

       • ordinal numbers

      UNIT 15: Revision and extension

      UNIT 16: She bought a cake.


      • talking about the past


      • simple past

       • regular and irregular verbs

       • present continuous


      • activities and processes

      UNIT 17: They’re working in the garden.


      • using the telephone


      • gerunds

       • present and past continuous

       • before/after


      • telephone language

      UNIT 18: What’s the time?


      • talking about time

       • making appointments


      • timetable future


      • times

      • emotions

      UNIT 19: You’re not allowed to park here.


      • using public transport

       • asking for, giving and refusing permission


      • prohibition

       • quantifiers


      • transport

       • time measurements

      UNIT 20: Revision and extension



      In an increasingly international world, being able to communicate in English is nowadays a necessity in social, professional and business life. Competence in English creates an increasing range of business, travel and leisure opportunities, opening doors to international communication.

      English Made Easy is a breakthrough in English language learning–imaginatively exploiting how pictures and text can work together to create understanding and help learners learn more productively.

      English Made Easy gives learners easy access to the vocabulary, grammar and functions of English as it is actually used in a comprehensive range of social situations. Self-guided students and classroom learners alike will be delighted by the way they are helped to progress easily from one unit to the next, using the combinations of pictures and text to discover for themselves how English works.

      The English Made Easy method is based on a thorough understanding of language structure and how language is successfully learned. The authors are experienced English language teachers with strong backgrounds in language analysis and language learning. The English Made Easy team is confident that the books represent a significant development in English language learning.

      —Professor Christopher N. Candlin

      Using this book

      This book is easy to use. You will learn how to speak English by looking at the pictures and words on each page. The pictures explain the words.

      The table of contents tells you what you will learn in each of the twenty units. You can use this table to look up any particular points you want to learn or practice.

      The twenty units are arranged in groups of five. The first four units present language and give you opportunities to practice as you learn. The first page of each unit has a list of all the words and phrases you will learn in that unit, together with a pronunciation guide. At the end of each unit there is an interesting story which uses the language you have just learned.

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