Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong

Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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航班 N flight, flight number

      hángdào 航道 N waterway, channel

      hánghǎi 航海 N (ocean) navigation

      hángkōng 航空 N aviation

      hángtiān 航天 N spaceflight

      hángxiàn 航线 N ocean or air route

      hángxíng 航行 V (of a ship) sail, (of an aircraft) fly

      hángyùn 航运 N shipping

      háo 豪 ADJ bold and unrestrained

      háohuá 豪华 ADJ luxurious, sumptuous

      háozhū 豪猪 N porcupine

      háo 毫 N fine long hair

      háo bù 毫不 ADV not in the least, not at all

      háomǐ 毫米 N millimeter

      háo wú 毫无 V have no … at all, be in total absence of

      hǎo 好1 ADJ good, all right

      hǎobǐ 好比 V may be compared as, be like, same as

      hǎochī 好吃 ADJ delicious

      hǎochu 好处 N benefit, advantage

      hǎogǎn 好感 N favorable impression, fondness (for somebody)

      hǎohàn 好汉 N brave man, hero

      hǎohǎor 好好儿 ADJ normal, nothing wrong

      hǎohuài 好坏 N what is good and what is bad (for somebody)

      hǎojiǔ 好久 ADV a long time

      hǎokàn 好看 ADJ 1 pleasant to the eye, good-looking, pretty) 2 interesting, absorbing

      hǎo róngyì 好容易 ADV with great difficulty

      hǎotīng 好听 ADJ pleasant to the ear, melodious

      hǎowánr 好玩儿 ADJ great fun

      hǎoxiàng 好像 V be like, similar to

      hǎoxīn 好心 ADJ kindhearted

      hǎozài 好在 ADV fortunately, luckily

      hǎozhuǎn 好转 V take a turn for the better, improve

      hǎo 好2 ADV 1 very, very much 2 How…!

      hǎo duō 好多 ADJ a good many, many, much

      hǎoxiē 好些 ADJ a good many, a large number of, lots of

      hào 好 V be fond of

      hào chī 好吃 ADJ fond of eating, gluttonous

      hào dòng 好动 ADJ hyperactive

      hàokè 好客 ADJ hospitable

      hào qí 好奇 ADJ be curious, inquisitive

      hào sè 好色 ADJ oversexed, lewd

      hào xué 好学 ADJ fond of learning, thirsty for knowledge

      hào 耗 V consume

      hàofèi 耗费 V consume (especially in a wasteful way), cost (a large amount of money, time, etc.)

      hào 号 TRAD 號 N 1 order of sequence 2 date of month

      hàochēng 号称 V be known as (something great), claim to be

      hàomǎ 号码 N serial number, size

      hàozhào 号召 V call upon, appeal

      hào 浩 ADJ vast, numerous

      hàodà 浩大 ADJ huge, gigantic

      hē 呵 V blow a puff of breath, exhale through the mouth

      hē 喝 V drink

      hé 合 V 1 close 2 co-operate, do in partnership 3 conform with 4 be equal to

      héfǎ 合法 ADJ legal, legitimate

      hégé 合格 ADJ qualified, up to standard

      héhū 合乎 V conform with, correspond to

      héhuǒ 合伙 V form a partnership, work in a partnership

      héjīn 合金 N alloy

      hélǐ 合理 ADJ conforming to reason, reasonable, logical

      héshì 合适 ADJ suitable, appropriate

      hésuàn 合算 ADJ worthwhile paying

      hétóng 合同 N contract, agreement

      hézī 合资 V pool capital to run a business

      hézuò 合作 I V cooperate, work together II N cooperation

      hé 盒 N box

      hé 何 PRON which, what

      héděng 何等 I ADJ what kind II ADV how, what

      hékuàng 何况 CONJ 1 what’s more, moreover 2 let alone

      hé 荷 N lotus

      hé 河 N river

      hédào 河道 N river course

      héliú 河流 N rivers

      hé 阂 V hinder, obstruct

      hé 禾 N seedling, (especially) rice seedling

      hémiáo 禾苗 N seedling (of cereal crops)

      hé 和 I CONJ and II PREP with

      hé’ǎi 和蔼 ADJ affable, genial

      hé 核 N kernel, core, pit

      hédiànzhàn 核电站 N nuclear power plant

      hétao 核桃 N walnut

      héwǔqì 核武器 N nuclear weapon

      héxīn 核心 N core, kernel

      hè 贺 TRAD 賀 V congratulate

      hècí 贺词 N speech of congratulations

      hèkǎ 贺卡 N greeting card

      hè 赫 ADJ conspicuous, grand

      hèhè 赫赫 ADJ illustrious, impressive

      hēi 黑 ADJ black, dark

      hēi’àn 黑暗 ADJ dark

      hēibǎn 黑板 N blackboard

      hēiyè 黑夜 N night

      hēi 嘿 INTERJ 1 (used to attract someone’s attention in a casual or impolite manner) 2 (used to indicate admiration)

      hén 痕 N trace

      hénjì 痕迹 N trace, mark, stain

      hěn 狠 ADJ 1 cruel, relentless 2 severe, stern

      hěndú 狠毒 ADJ cruel and vicious

      hěnxīn 狠心 I ADJ ruthless II V make a painful decision

      hěn 很 ADV very, quite

      hèn 恨 V 1 hate, be angry with 2 regret deeply

      hènbude 恨不得 ADV how … wish to

      hēng 哼 V 1 snort 2 hum

      héng 衡 I N weighing instrument II V weigh, measure

      héngliáng 衡量 V judge, consider

      héng 恒 I ADJ permanent, forever II N perseverance

      héngxīn 恒心 N perseverance

      héngxīng 恒星 N star

      héng 横 ADJ 1 horizontal 2 violent, fierce


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