My First Japanese Kanji Book. Eriko Sato

My First Japanese Kanji Book - Eriko  Sato

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      My First Japanese Kanji Book

      Learning kanji the fun and easy way!


      Written by Anna Sato and Eriko Sato

       Illustrated by Anna Sato


       Tokyo • Rutland, Vermont • Singapore

      To Anna’s late grandfather, Yoshio Sato


      The authors are grateful to Anna’s grandfather, the late Yoshio Sato, and her grandmother, Etsuko Sato, in Japan, as well as the students of the Pre-College Japanese Program at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, for inspiring them to write this book for English/Japanese bilingual children and for others interested in learning basic kanji in context. Being able to talk with one’s grandparents and relatives to express love and share culture and tradition is a special life-time treasure to be cherished by one’s entire family, and ultimately becomes a life-time strength.

      The creation of this book involved an enjoyable mother-daughter collaboration through language teaching and learning. Special thanks to Anna’s cousin, Kota Motonaga, and his parents, Yoshinori and Yumiko Motonaga, for their continued and selfless help. The authors are also grateful to Anna’s art teacher, June Adinolfi, for enthusiastically and effectively guiding her to create all 36 illustrations in this book over the past four years, and to Tuttle’s editors, Bob Graham and Sandra Korinchak, and the designer, Sook Fan Loh, for their professionalism, dedication, and kindness. Last but not least, special heartfelt thanks to Yimei Zhu, Anna’s father and Eriko’s husband, for his never-ending support and for being excited about this book with us.

      Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd., with editorial offices at 364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, Vermont 05759 U.S.A.

      Copyright © 2009 by Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Sato, Anna.

       My first Japanese Kanji book: learn Kanji the fun and easy way! / written by Anna Sato and Eriko Sato; illustrated by Anna Sato.

       p. cm.

       ISBN: 978-1-4629-1369-5 (ebook)

       1. Chinese characters--Japan. 2. Japanese language--Orthography and spelling. I. Sato, Eriko, 1962- II. Title.

       PL528.S37 2009



      First edition

       13 12 11 10 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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       Lesson 1 からて Karate (一・二・三)

       Lesson 2 こうえん Park (Playground) (人・子)

       Lesson 3 おじいちゃんのいなか My Grandpa’s Inaka (山・川)

       Lesson 4 お日さまと、お月さま The Sun and the Moon (日・月・明)

       Lesson 5 いもうと My Little Sister (目・口・見)

       Lesson 6 木のあるところ Places with Trees (木・林・森)

       Lesson 7 はな火 Sparklers (火・光・水)

       Lesson 8 車りん Wheels (車・自)

       Lesson 9 田んぼ Rice Fields (田・土・米)

       Lesson 10 金メダル Gold Medal (金・銀)

       Lesson 11 大きい犬と、小さい犬 A Big Dog and a Small Dog (大・小・犬)

       Lesson 12 かがみ Mirror (右・左・中)

       Lesson 13 シーソー Seesaw (上・下・兄)

       Lesson 14 男の子と、女の子 Boys and Girls (男・女・好)

       Lesson 15 字をつかって Using Letters (字・文・本・書)

       Lesson 16 学校 School (学・校)

       Lesson 17

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