The ''Maintenance Insanity'' Cure: Practical Solutions to Improve Maintenance Work. Roger D. Lee
someone’s day.
We have actually installed billboards and banners at the entry gates at some sites that capture this philosophy. They say:
As you enter this place CHOOSE to make today a great day. Your colleagues, customers, team members, and you yourself will be thankful. Find ways to PLAY. We can be serious about work without being serious about ourselves. Stay focused in order to BE PRESENT when your customers and team members most need you. And should you feel your energy lapsing, try this surefire remedy: Find someone who needs a helping hand, a word of support, or a good ear—and MAKE THEIR DAY.
To leverage the knowledge of your people, a structure must be established to link the significant contributors of a successful maintenance program into a functioning team to define and lead the standardization of your daily work processes. This will be your Site Maintenance Leadership Team. It has to have full-member representatives from operations, maintenance, and stores and support members on an as-needed basis from engineering, accounting, purchasing, contractors, etc., when appropriate for the topic being addressed. Start with the basics to gain a true understanding of your maintenance organization, crew teams, and mechanic functions by asking the following key questions:
1. What are you doing?
2. Is it getting better?
3. How do you know?
4. Can I help?
Our implementation experiences have shown that when changing maintenance, the following items are “musts”:
The minimum intervention step required to break the reactive insanity cycle is to create a planning and scheduling function that fits your facility.
Maintenance Planning. Adding value for the mechanic through understanding and preparation of a job request prior to the start of tool time.
A planner addresses:
1. Manpower and skills required
2. Materials and parts needed
3. Support equipment and facilities to execute
4. Scope definition through job review in the field with the requestor (a picture is worth a thousand words)
5. Work instructions or stored plan
6. The task of adding planned jobs to the “Ready to Be Scheduled” hopper
Maintenance Scheduling. Assigning resources at the optimum time to allow the most efficient execution of a job request.
A scheduler addresses (with the help of the single voice for operations):
1. Making equipment available from the production schedule to take advantage of predictive technology and early troubleshooting. Gain the value in “Catch and repair” versus “Run to failure.”
2. Providing required information to the site mechanics and operators the previous day to the work being scheduled.
3. Assigning the night shift to do the initial equipment preparation (block in, clean up, initiate LOTO and permits, etc.).
4. Staging materials and ensuring availability to the mechanic at the scheduled start time (if materials are not available, the job cannot be added to the day’s schedule).
5. Identifying needed permits to verify safety and to drive readiness at the scheduled start time.
6. Coordinating manpower resources to staff the top-priority work for the site.
This approach uses centralized planning with decentralized execution. Change is not done to add work. We change to improve how we do our work.
FIGURE 3.2 Does it work?
As Figure 3.2 shows, it may seem like a huge mountain to overcome, but through teamwork and by making one small improvement at a time, we can gain production and save the money to pay for the improvements implemented. So does it work? This process achieved the following results over a three-year period working with five companies for twelve sites:
1. M&R as % ARV improved from 4.52% to 2.80%.
2. A total of $4.8 million was taken out of the maintenance spend with improved product quality.
3. Safety performance as indicated by recordable injuries improved 69% with injuries falling from 117 to 36.
4. Savings from crew team projects were:
First year = 24 for $321,000
Second year = 166 for $4.1 million
Third year = 223 for $3.98 million
We have detailed case studies for greenfield start-up, lack of plant capacity, and union and nonunion applications for U.S. and global locations. Using these maintenance and reliability standard practices, our client companies increased their asset replacement value by 41% over a 10-year period due to expansions and capital projects, while total overall maintenance spending decreased by 2%. Their M&R expenditure benchmark improved from 3.61% to 2.50% M&R as % ARV.
This group of sites improved their process reliability 19% and saved $500 million in reduced M&R expenses over a 10-year period. With globalization and acquisitions, their assets increased 41% while their total M&R spending decreased 2%. They practiced this Maintenance Journey and left the “insanity” behind using many of the tools made available for your use at
To make change fun and to ensure success, follow the maintenance and reliability 12-Step Program:
1. Admit that I have reactive maintenance and do not know how to stop the insanity!
2. Conceive that change is possible and that I desire sanity.
3. Be willing to ask for help.
4. Make a searching and fearless assessment of my present condition.
5. Identify and acknowledge the defects in my system.
6. Get help to develop a path forward.
7. Use data to gain management support and obtain a corporate sponsor.