Origami for Busy People. Marcia Joy Miller
Open the fold that you just created. (It may be helpful for beginners to also make a mountain crease on this valley crease so that the reverse fold will be easier to make.)
4 Make an inside reverse fold by following the procedure taught by steps 5 and 6. The result is shown in step 7.
5 Spread the layers of the model apart. Begin to push the flap inside the model.
6 Continue pushing the flap inside the model. Press the sides of the flap together as you close and flatten the model.
7 The illustration shows the inside reverse fold that you just made. For some inside reverse folds, the reversed corner will be hidden inside the model. Turn your model upside down by rotating it to the position shown in the next step.
8 Prepare for the outside reverse fold by folding the right corner upward. Beginners should make this fold sharply.
9 Open the fold that you just created. (It may be helpful for beginners to also make a mountain crease on this valley crease.)
10 Turn the indicated portion of the flap inside out, wrapping the layers around the model. Take care not to tear the paper. (The model will partially open during this process.)
11 The illustration shows the procedure in progress. Close and flatten the model after you are done.
12 The illustration shows the outside reverse fold that you just made.
Squash Fold
The term “squash fold” is descriptive of this next type of fold.
1 Start with the white side of the paper facing you. Fold the top edge to the bottom edge.
2 Fold the double edge on the right side of the model to the left. Unfold.
3 Using the crease made in the last step, fold the right portion of the model so that it stands up.
4 Insert a finger into the pocket to spread it open as you push down from above, flattening the flap in a symmetrical fashion.
5 The completed squash fold.
Rabbit Ear Fold
Making a rabbit ear fold is one way of creating a new flap.
1 Start with the white side of the paper facing you. Fold the bottom corner to the top corner. Unfold. Fold the right corner to the left corner. Unfold.
2 Bring the left bottom edge to the horizontal crease. Make a partial fold by pressing the paper starting at the left corner and ending at the crease. Unfold.
3 Bring the right bottom edge to the horizontal crease and make the indicated partial crease.
4 Pinch the left and right sides of the bottom corner together as you fold up on the valley creases which will cause a raised flap to form.
5 Fold the flap to your right. The flap will rest flat against the model.
6 Your rabbit ear fold is complete.
Waterbomb Base
The Waterbomb Base is a well-known base.
1 Start with the white side of the paper facing you. Fold the bottom corner to the top corner. Unfold. Fold the right corner to the left corner. Unfold. Turn the model over so that its white side is facing away from you.
2 Rotate the model to the position shown in the next step.
3 Fold the bottom edge to the top edge. Unfold. Fold the right edge to the left edge. Unfold. Turn the model over so that its white side is facing you.
4 Push the center point causing it to recede. Next, bring the midpoint of each side edge down to the midpoint of the bottom edge.
5 Press on the front flap to flatten the model.
6 The Waterbomb Base brings the midpoint of each of the four sides of the square together.
Fish Base
The Fish Base has been used to create fish models as well as other types of designs.
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