Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong

Tuttle English-Chinese Dictionary - Li Dong

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chéng­xìng de rén

      compulsory adj 必须做的 bìxū zuò de, 强迫性的 qiǎngpò xìng de

      compulsory (school) subject 学校必修课目 xuéxiào bìxiūkè mù

      compunction n 内疚 nèijiù, 后悔 hòuhuǐ

      computation n 计算 jìsuàn, 计算的技能 jìsuàn de jìnéng

      compute v 计算 jìsuàn

      computer n 计算机 jìsuànjī [m. wd 台 tái], 电脑 diànnǎo [m. wd 台 tái] □ This computer is sold together with a printer and a scanner. 这台电脑和打印机、扫描机一并出售。Zhè tái diànǎo hé dǎyìnjī, sǎomiáojī yíbìng chūshòu.

      computer game 电脑游戏 diànnǎo yóuxì

      computer jockey 计算机编程高手 jìsuànjī biānchéng gāoshǒu

      computer literate 会使用计算机的 huì shǐyòng jìsuànjī de

      computerize v 电脑化 diànnǎohuà

      computing n 计算机操作 jìsuànjī cāozuò

      comrade n 同志 tóngzhì

      con I v 欺骗 qīpiàn, 诈骗 zhàpiàn II n 欺骗 qīpiàn, 诈骗 zhàpiàn

      con artist 骗子 piànzi

      concave adj 凹面的 āomiàn de

      a concave mirror 凹透镜 āotòujìng

      conceal v 隐藏 yǐncáng

      concealment n 隐藏 yǐncáng

      concede v(勉强)承认 (miǎnqiǎng) chéngrèn

      conceit n 自负 zìfù, 骄傲 jiāo’ào

      conceited adj 自负的 zìfù de, 自高自大的 zìgāo zìdà de

      conceivable adj 可以想象的 kěyǐ xiǎngxiàng de

      conceive v 1 想象 [+状况] xiǎngxiàng [+zhuàngkuàng], 相信 xiāngxìn 2 设想 [+新方法] shèxiǎng [+xīn fāngfǎ], 构想 gòuxiǎng 3 怀胎 huáitāi

      concentrate I v 1 集中 jízhōng □ I’ve got to concentrate on my studies for a while to pass the exams. 这段时间我得集中精力学习,以便通过考试。Zhè duàn shíjiān wǒ děi jízhōng jīnglì xuéxí, yǐbiàn tōngguò kǎoshì. 2 专心 zhuānxīn, 集中注意力 jízhōng zhùyìlì □ After learning the disturbing news, she found it difficult to concentrate in class. 听到那个扰人的消息,她觉得上课的时候很难专心。Tīngdao nà ge rǎorén de xiāoxi, tā juéde shàngkè de shíhou hěn nán zhuānxīn. II n 浓缩液 nóngsuōyè, 浓缩物 nóngsuōwù

      concentrated adj 1 浓缩的 [+水果汁] nóngsuō de [+shuǐ­guǒ­zhī] 2 全神贯注的 quánshén guànzhù de

      to make a concentrated effort 全力以赴地 quánlì yǐfù de

      concentration n 1 专心致志 zhuānxīn zhìzhì □ He has powers of concentration in whatever he does. 他不论做什么,都能专心致志。Tā bùlùn zuò shénme, dōu néng zhuānxīnzhìzhì. 2 集中 jízhōng 3 浓度 nóngdù

      concentric adj 同心的 tóngxīn de

      concept n 概念 gàiniàn, 观念 guānniàn □ In his lecture today Professor Smith introduced some basic concepts in economics. 史密斯教授在今天的讲课里介绍了经济学里的几个基本概念。Shǐmìsī jiàoshòu zài jīntiān de jiǎngkè lǐ jièshàole jīngjìxué lǐ de jǐ ge jīběn gàiniàn.

      conception n 1 概念 gàiniàn, 观念 guānniàn 2 构想 gòuxiǎng 3 怀胎 huáitāi

      conceptual adj 概念的 gàiniàn de, 观念的 guānniàn de

      concern I v 1 和⋯有关系 hé...yǒu guānxi □ This matter does not concern me. 这件事和我没有关系。Zhè jiàn shì he wǒ méiyǒu guānxi. 2 使⋯担心 shǐ...dānxīn □ What concerns many people is the rise in teenage mothers. 使很多人担心的是少女母亲越来越多。Shǐ hěn duō rén dānxīn de shì shàonǚ mǔqin yuèláiyuè duō.

      to be concerned with 关注 guānzhù, 担心 dānxīn □ The government is concerned with inflation. 政府很关注通货膨胀。Zhèngfǔ hěn guānzhù tōnghuòpéngzhàng. II n 1 关心 guānxīn, 担心 dānxīn □ Global warming has caused growing concern. 全球天气变暖,引起越来越大的关注。Quánqiú tiānqì biàn nuǎn, yǐnqǐ yuèláiyuè dà de guānzhù. 2 关心的事 guānxīn de shì 3 公司 gōngsī, 企业 qǐyè

      concerned adj 1 焦虑的 jiāolǜ de, 担心的 dānxīn de 2 有关的 yǒuguān de

      to be concerned for 关心 guānxīn, 挂念 guàniàn

      as far as … is concerned 就⋯而言 jiù...éryán

      concerning prep 关于 guānyú □ We have questions concerning your proposal. 关于你的提案,我们有一些问题。Guānyú nǐ de tí’àn, wǒmen yǒu yìxiē wèntí.

      concert n 音乐会 yīnyuèhuì [m. wd 场 cháng] □ The band is going to give a big concert next weekend. 这个乐队下个周末要举行盛大音乐会。Zhè ge yuèduì xià ge zhōumò yào jǔxíng shèngdà yīnyuèhuì.

      concert grand 平台大钢琴 píngtái dàgāngqín

      concert master 首席小提琴手 shǒuxí xiǎotíqínshǒu

      in concert with 共同行动 gòngtóng xíngdòng

      concerted adj 共同的 gòngtóng de, 一致的 yízhì de

      concerto n 协奏曲 xiézòuqǔ [m. wd 首 shǒu]

      concession n 1 让步 ràngbù 2 特许权 tèxǔquán

      concession stand 小食品摊 xiǎo shípǐn tān

      concierge n 旅馆服务台职员 lǚguǎn fúwùtái zhíyuán

      conciliate v 调停 tiáoting, 调解 tiáojiě

      conciliation n 调停 tiáoting, 调解 tiáojiě

      concilatory adj 和解的 héjiě de

      concise adj 简明的 jiǎnmíng de, 简洁的 jiǎnjié de

      conclude v 1 结束 jiéshù □ He concluded his speech with a quotation from Confucius. 他用孔子的一句话结束演讲。Tā yòng Kǒngzǐ de yí jù huà jiéshù yǎnjiǎng. 2 下结论 xiàjiélùn, 得出结论 déchū jiélùn □ The police report concluded that this man was innocent. 警察报告得出结论,该人无罪。Jǐngchá bàogào déchū jiélùn, gāirén wúzuì.

      conclusion n 1 结束 jiéshù, 结局 jiéjú □ The conclusion of the novel is rather unexpected. 小说的结局出人意外。Xiǎoshuō de jiéjú chūrényìwài. 2 结论

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