The Tao of Birth Days. Denny Sargent

The Tao of Birth Days - Denny Sargent

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have a grasp on what makes them tick. This helps me deal with them, understand conflicts we may have, and work in a constructive and harmonious way with them.

      No quality in and of itself is bad or good, and also no hexagram is completely bad or good as a natal hexagram. Some are easier and some are harder, but easy is not always good. People who have to work more usually have stronger characters, while people with easy hexagrams can be shallow and self-centered. For every light there is a shadow, every peak signals a coming decline, every problem gives way to a necessary and positive change.

      Think on these things when reading the natal hexagrams. One more thing: The verses in this book are my ideas, thoughts, and interpretations. They come from my perspective. Some of them may not apply to you, and some, in your opinion, may be completely off the mark. However, I have done my best to intuitively interpret and expound on each natal hexagram. Through great effort and a lot of trial and error (and a whole lot of one-on-one natal hexagram readings), I feel that I have captured the essence of each natal hexagram. As you work with and study this book, other concepts, ideas, and attributes for various hexagrams may come to you: Note them down in the margins! This is always a work-in-progress, just as, in many ways, the I Ching still is. There is no definitive interpretation here; just as the Tao is never seen, never graspable, and never really conceived of, so too is this work elusive and ever-expanding. Use it; do not let it use you. As the Tao Teh Ching says: “The world is beyond holding.”


      Finding A Natal Hexagram

      This method of determining a person’s natal hexagram was handed down to devotees in the United States of Shri Gurudev Dadaji Mahendranath, a most amazing and erudite tantric holy man. It was first published in Mandragore Magazine in 1981. The origins of this system are unclear and how it works is certainly a mystery, yet after working with this system for fifteen years, I am convinced that it yields valid results. Thanks, Dadaji, and may you who use this system have fun and gain a bit of insight as well!

      Trigram Chart for Finding Hexagrams

      To find the number of your natal hexagram, find the top trigram on the top row and the bottom trigram on the side row. Where they meet in the chart is the number of your natal hexagram.

      To use this table:

      • First find what the top trigram of the natal hexagram is by adding the numbers of the birth date across, like so:


      Mr. X was born on April 29, 1911

      April29, 1911= 4/29/1911= 4+2+9+1+9+1+1= 27 and 2+ 7= 9

      The final key number must be between 1 and 9.

      • Look at the Trigram Key Number Chart on pages 17-18 and find the correct trigram. In the case of our example, the top trigram is # 9:

      • To get the lower trigram, look up the year of birth on the Date Chart (pages 19-22) and find the key number of the bottom trigram—depending on whether the subject is a man or woman. In the case of our example, the birth date being 1911 and our example being a man, the key number is # 8:

      • So, the natal hexagram for our example would be a combination of the top and bottom trigrams we found, which you can look up in the Trigram Chart for Finding Hexagrams (page 15) or:


      Now, look up this hexagram in “The Natal Hexagram Readings” beginning on page 23, and you'll see the reading for Mr. X. Follow the same steps and find your natal hexagram.

      You can also look up this hexagram in any other I Ching book to get some ideas, thoughts, and feelings about this person’s tendencies and influences.

      Trigram Key Number Chart

      For a better idea of what each trigram means by itself, see the Introduction.

Year Man Woman
1900 1 5
1901 9 6
1902 8 7
1903 7 8
1904 6 9
1905 5 1
1906 4 2
1907 3 3
1908 2 4
1909 1 5
1910 9 6
1911 8 7
1912 7 8
1913 6 9
1914 5 1
1915 4 2
1916 3 3
1917 2 4
1918 1 5
1919 9 6
1920 8 7
1921 7 8
1922 6 9
1923 5 1
1924 4 2
1925 3 3
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