The Complete Guide to Japanese Kanji. Kenneth G. Henshall

The Complete Guide to Japanese Kanji - Kenneth G. Henshall

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href="#fb3_img_img_69908ce3-7c29-58be-b096-8a065d2e6f8d.jpg" alt="Image"/> as 二 65 ‘two’ bent legs 儿.





      HAN, TAN, soru/rasu

      oppose, anti, reverse, bend, cloth, measure

      4 strokes

      反応 HANNŌ* reaction

      反核 HANKAKU anti-nuclear

      反物 TANmono textiles

      OBI Image; seal Image. Generally treated as 又 2003 ‘(right) hand’, with 厂 as phonetic with associated sense ‘raise the hands, overturn’ (though Ma takes the same two elements as representing a person scrambling up a cliff). Meanings such as ‘oppose’ are extended usage. According to Ogawa, the SJ reading TAN (denoting a unit of measure for cloth, or land) derives from 反 as an abbreviation of 段 944 (‘step’: 段 also has an SJ reading TAN), and one meaning of 段 in pre-modern China was a unit of measure for cloth. MS1995:v1:194-5; KJ1970:785; YK1976:415; MR2007:269-70; OT1968:153; ZY2009:v2:572.

      Mnemonic: CLIFF OPPOSES HAND




      HAN, saka


      7 strokes

      急坂 KYŪHAN steep slope

      坂道 sakamichi slope

      下り坂 kudarizaka downhill

      A late, post-Shuowen graph; generally treated as variant of 阪 1865 (seal form of 阪: Image). 坂 consists of 土 64 ‘earth, ground’ with 反 393 (‘slope, oppose’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘sloping’, to give ‘sloping ground’. In Tōdō’s word-family ‘be covered with; sloping’. Note: meaning of 阝 as left-hand element is ‘piled-up earth, terraced elevated land, mound’: see 1907. KJ1970:787; OT1968:213; TA1965:658-60.





      HAN, BAN, ita

      board, plate

      8 strokes

      黒板 KOKUBAN blackboard

      板紙 itagami cardboard

      板前 itamae chef

      Occurs in seal form Image, but not included in Shuowen; generally treated as a variant of 版 791 (‘board, print’), reflecting the fact that early printing in Japan, as in China, used wooden blocks. 板 consists of ‘tree, wood’, with 反 393 (‘oppose’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘thin, flat’, to give ‘flat board’. In Tōdō’s word-family ‘spread out flat, open out in circular pattern’. YK1976:419; OT1968:496; TA1965:654-6.





      HI, kawa

      skin, leather

      5 strokes

      皮膚 HIFU skin

      皮肉 HINIKU sarcasm

      木の皮 kinokawa bark

      Bronze Image; seal Image. Bronze form has 又 2003 ‘(right) hand’, and Image (later Image/Image) as phonetic with associated sense ‘remove’, to give original meaning ‘remove [animal hide] with the hand’. The modern meaning range ‘[animal] hide, leather, fur, skin’ reflects a restricted semantic shift. YK1976:421; MS1995:v2:900; OT1968:689. As a mnemonic we suggest taking the modern graph as 反 (393 ‘opposed’) with one extra stroke.





      HI, kanashii/shimu


      12 strokes

      悲劇 HIGEKI tragedy

      悲鳴 HIMEI shriek, wail

      悲しみ kanashimi sorrow

      Seal Image; a late graph (Shuowen). Has 心 164 ‘heart, mind’, and 非 794 (originally bird wings, meaning ‘oppose’, and by extension ‘deny; wrong’) as phonetic with associated sense ‘sad, misery, grief’. The overall meaning ‘sad, misery’ can be understood as ‘opposing/conflicted feelings’. YK1976:424; KJ1970:797; SS1984:713.

      Mnemonic: MY HEART HAS WINGS – YET I AM SAD!




      BI, utsukushii

      beautiful, fine

      9 strokes

      美人 BIJIN beautiful woman

      美術 BIJUTSU fine arts

      美学 BIGAKU aesthetics

      OBI Image; seal Image. Has 羊 426 ‘sheep’ (often Image), and 大 56 ‘big’, to give meaning ‘big/fat sheep’. By extension from this positive association, ‘good to eat/drink’, and ‘beautiful’. MS1995:v2:1040-41; KJ1970:801; YK1976:424. See 1657 for further comment on standards of beauty in early Japan.





      BI, hana


      14 strokes

      鼻音 BION nasal sound

      鼻先 hanasaki tip of nose

      鼻薬 hanagusuri bribe

      Originally found in OBI in simpler graph自 150 (‘nose’, ‘self’). Seal form for 鼻 is Image. Has 自, originally a pictograph of the nose, and 畀 (CO, originally ‘arrow with big head’) as phonetic with associated sense in dispute: ‘stick out’ (Yamada, Ogawa), or ‘two things are together’ (Mizukami, Tōdō), or ‘naturally draw in and expel air’ (Mizukami). MS1995:v2:1522-3; YK1976:425; OT1968:1171. Suggest 自 as ‘nose’, 田 as 田 63 ‘field’, and lower part as two ‘tens’

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