Origami Bugs Ebook. Michael G. LaFosse

Origami Bugs Ebook - Michael G. LaFosse

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Mountain- and valley-fold a series of parallel pleats to make overlapping segments.

      9 Fold in half. Rotate the paper so that the head corner is on the right.

      10 Push in the inside corners of the body segments. Repeat on the other side. Squash-fold the head corner to the left, over the front end of the body.

      11 Fold the left and right corners of the head into the center. Mountain-fold the bottom corner of the head to hide it. Install curved mountain-folds at the bottom of the tail end to simulate feet. Pull the body segments up in a curved shape.

      12 The finished Caterpillar.


      Designed by Michael G. LaFosse

      Use a 6-inch (15 cm), square paper.

      1 Step 1, fold in half, edge to edge both ways and unfold. Step 2, fold bottom edge to the center. Unfold. Step 3, fold bottom left and right corners into the bottom crease. Step 4, fold bottom edge up, using the bottom crease.

      2 Fold in half, bottom to top.

      3 Fold the left and right halves of the bottom edge to meet at the middle crease.

      4 Squash-fold each half.

      5 Fold up the bottom corner to about the middle of the paper. Fold and tuck in the left and right white corners.

      6 Inside-reverse-fold the indicated corners. Rotate the paper 180 degrees.

      7 Valley-fold and unfold along the inner edges of the wings. Turn the paper over, left to right.

      8 Make mountain folds using the creases from step 7. Move these edges to the middle of the paper at the center crease line.

      9 Turn the paper over, left to right.

      10 Inside-reverse-fold the indicated corners to trim the lower end of the abdomen.

      11 The finished Luna Moth.


      Designed by Michael G. LaFosse

      Use a 6-inch (15 cm), square paper.

      1 Fold in half corner to corner both ways.

      2 Fold top and bottom corners to the middle of the paper where the creases cross.

      3 Turn paper over. Fold bottom and top edges to meet at the middle, allowing the square corners to come out from behind. Look ahead at step 5 for the shape.

      4 For the top half: Fold the free white edges to the top white edges.

      5 For the bottom half: Fold the free white edges to the bottom white edges; make mountain folds in the top green layer, parallel to the vertical center, and slide the excess green paper under to form the shape shown in step 6.

      6 Detail indicated.

      7 Fold up the bottom corner and fold over again.

      8 Fold corners in.

      9 Your paper will look like this—this is the head of the cicada.

      10 Mountain-fold each wing in half and bring together at the back end. Push in the center of the top of the body to form a diamond-shaped dent.

      11 Mountain-fold the body and head in half and flatten. Open the model a little to get the final form.


      Designed by Michael G. LaFosse

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