Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. Philip Yungkin Lee
n grass-root industry
cǎoyào 草药 n herbal medicine
cáozáde 嘈杂的 adj noisy
cáozáshēng 嘈杂声 n noise
cāozuò xìtǒng 操作系统 n operating system (computer)
cāwǎngqiú 擦网球 n netball
cāxǐ 擦洗 v to scrub
cèjì 侧记 n sidelights
céng 层 n story (building), layer, floor
céng 曾 adv ever, have already
cèshìbǎn 测试版 n beta version (of software/games)
cèsuǒ 厕所 n bathroom, toilet
cèyàn 测验 v to test
chá 查 v look up (find in book)
chá 茶 n tea
chābié 差别 n difference (discrepancy in figures)
chádào 茶道 n sado (tea ceremony)
chāhuā 插花 n ikebana (Japanese flower arrangements)
cháhuàhuì 茶话会 n tea party
chāi dōngqiáng bǔ xīqiáng 拆东墙补西墙 idiom rob Peter to pay Paul
cháiyóu 柴油 n diesel
chán 禅 n Zen
cháng 长 adj long (size)
cháng 尝 v to taste, sample
chángbǐngsháo 长柄勺 n ladle, dipper
chángcháng 常常 adv often
chángdí 长笛 n flute
chángdù 长度 n length
chángfāngxíng 长方形 n rectangle
chángfù nénglì 偿付能力 n solvency
chànggē 唱歌 v to sing
chángguī cáijūn 常规裁军 n conventional disarmament
chángjiàn wèntí 常见问题 n FAQ
chángjiāng sānjiǎozhōu 长江三角洲 n Yangtze River delta
chǎngnèi jiāoyìrén 场内交易人 n floor trader
chángpǎo 长跑 n long-distance running
chǎngpéngchē 敞蓬车 n open car, convertible
chàngpiān 唱片 n album (music)
chángqī guózhài 长期国债 n long-term government bonds
chángshè guójì fǎtíng 常设国际法庭 n permanent international tribunal
chángshì 尝试 v to attempt
chángtú 长途 adj long-distance
chángtú diànhuà 长途电话 n long-distance call
chángwèi 尝味 v to taste (salty, spicy)
chángwěihuì 常委会 n standing committee
chángwù dǒngshì 常务董事 n executive director
chángwù lǐshì 常务理事 n executive member of the council
chàngyìshū 倡议书 n written proposal
chángzhì jiǔān 长治久安 n prolonged political stability
chángzhù dàibiǎo 常驻代表 n permanent representative
chángzhù jìzhě 常驻记者 n resident correspondent
chángzhù liánhéguó dàibiǎo 常驻联合国代表 n permanent representative to the United Nations
chángzhù shǐjié 常驻使节 n permanent envoy
chǎnjià 产假 n maternity leave
chǎnpǐn jīyā 产品积压 n overstocked products
chǎnyè bù jǐngqì 产业不景气 n industrial depression
chǎnyè shēngjí 产业升级 n upgrade of industries
cháo 朝 prep to, toward (a place)
chāobiān rényuán 超编人员 n excess personnel
chāochū 超出 v to go beyond
chāodǎo yuánsù 超导元素 n superconducting elements
chāoduǎnbō 超短波 n ultrashort wave
chāoduǎnqún 超短裙 n mini-skirt
chāofùhè yùnzhuǎn 超负荷运转 n overloaded operation
chǎohuì 炒汇 v to speculate in foreign exchange
chāojí shìchǎng n 超级市场 supermarket
chǎojià 吵架 v to argue, quarrel
chāopiào 钞票 n bill, paper money
chāoqián xiāofèi 超前消费 n excessive consumption
chāoqián yìshí 超前意识 n superior consciousness
chāoshì 超市 n supermarket
cháoshī 潮湿 adj damp, humid
chāowénběn chuánsòng xiéyì 超文本传送协议 n hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
cháoxī diànzhàn 潮汐电站 n tidal power stations
Cháoxiǎn 朝鲜 n North Korea
Cháoxiǎnde 朝鲜的 adj North Korean (in general)
Cháoxiǎnyǔ 朝鲜语 n Korean (language)
chāoxiě 抄写 v to copy
chāozài guòmù 超载过牧 v to overgraze
chāozhīhù 超支户 n household living perpetually in debt
cháshì 茶室 n teahouse
chātóu 插头 n plug (electric)
chāyì 差异 n difference (in quality)
chāzi 叉子 n fork
chāzuò 插座 n socket (electric)
chē 车 n vehicle
chēdào 车道 n lane (of a highway)
chèdǐ 彻底 adj complete (thorough)
chēfáng 车房 n garage (for parking)
chējiǎn 车检 n vehicle test
chēkù 车库 n garage (for parking)
chēkuàng 车况 n vehicle conditions
chéncí làndiào 陈词滥调 n cliché
chēng 称 v to weigh
chéng 乘 v times (multiplying)
chèng 秤 n scales
chéng yīzhíxiàn 成一直线 v to line up
chéngbāo 承包 v to contract with
chéngběn 成本 n cost
chéngběn fèntān 成本分摊 n sharing costs
chéngběn xiàoyì 成本效益 n cost-effectiveness