Can it! Start Canning and Preserving at Home Today. Jackie Parente
In earlier times, “putting food by” was often a social affair. Folks worked together cooperatively at and after harvest to fill each other’s larders. It was a time to work and a time to “gab,” as my mother would call it. At the end of the day, friendships were stronger and food stores were swelled. This can work just as well today!
Freezing: Flexible Food Preservation
Now that we have all of the background behind us, we’re ready to start putting away some food. Because the goal of this book is to keep things simple, we’re going to start with freezing, which is far and away the easiest and most flexible method of food preservation. Here is a short list of the advantages of freezing (one of which is that you can freeze apple rings for future pies):
The short, easy answer to that question is, “just about anything.” Unlike other methods of food preservation, freezing doesn’t depend upon eliminating or killing spoiling agents such as bacteria. If a particular food was safe to eat when you froze it and—this is very important—you keep it frozen at a steady 0 degrees Fahrenheit, it will be safe almost indefinitely. Of course, while the foods may be safe to eat, you may not want to eat them. Simply stated, some foods don’t freeze well and should either only be eaten fresh or be preserved in other ways. See the sidebar “Don’t Freeze These” for the short list of foods that don’t freeze well. The long list of foods that do freeze well includes the following:
We’ll go into specific how-tos for each major type of food category. But first, let’s look at some general guidelines and guidance.
Berries are one of the most versatile types of produce that you can freeze. Use them for pies, jellies, jams, dessert toppings, or simply as a cool snack on hot summer nights.
Some foods don’t do all that well when frozen. The list is subject to personal preference, but here are the foods I (and many others) believe become unappetizing when frozen:
While in most cases freezing is as simple as putting your product into a freezer-safe container, here are some general guidelines: