My God Is Black. Hıdır Eren Çelik
don´t you ever …
When in a country
same as Germany
no one hears you cry
cry … not
My tearful mother
do not cry
the tears of your eyes
which wet the earth
no one will dry
The day will come
when I return
When in a country
similar to Germany
the time will come
and the Germans
hear your cries
so I promise you
that will be the time
when I return
to You
forever and ever
Munzur …
oh Munzur
my wounded falcon, my darling
how shall I declare my longing
my heart´s grief
express my unfinished song
While the blood from my
wounded heart
mixes with your stream
and waters faraway lands
how shall I portray?
That three days and three nights
I was hanging at the gallows
that I was shot in the Las valley?
oh Munzur
my companion for life, my homeland
how should I express
that I am scraping a living in exile
that I was sentenced
to hunger
to misery
and to poverty?
Oh Munzur
no happiness is granted to me in faraway countries
When I suffer from homesickness in exile
how can I be happy?
My Love
My love is
like red carnations
fresh as dew
My love is
like green wheat sprouts
on the field
young and fertile
My love is
like tones of a shepherd’s flute
strong and vibrant
My love is
and humanity
My love is
the song of freedom
For whom are we fighting?
For whom,
with whom are we fighting?
We do not even possess an acre of land!
For whom are we occupying new countries?
Inexhaustible is my blood
Inexhaustible is the blood in my veins
While spreading the cement
to the sound of the trowel
I sing my song
– a song of freedom –
The hardness of the stone of earth
toughens my heart
I experienced storms
I was killed
executed like Pir Sultan Abdal* …
And yet again
again I am risen
I am feeling the hardness of the stone in my
*Turkish folk poet from the 16th century, executed under the Ottoman Empire
House cleaner wanted
– a young man
from faraway countries
black hair
brown eyes
big hands –
five Marks per hour
A family wanted
for an attic apartment
– no heater
no shower
no window for ventilation
When it rains, water drips through the roof
But it is good and a luxury
and affordable for foreigners –
Two months’ rent deposit
rent of seven hundred
heating costs excluded …
Man must not keep silent
No sense does it make
to keep silent!
On the side of
the enemy of freedom
is man,
if he keeps silent.
It is the biggest slavery,
to show respect towards the enemy
through silence.
Man must not
keep silent,
he must break through the pain,
to free his heart
and proclaiming liberated
the feelings of his heart.
What is homeland?
My fatherland …
is international
My home …
is everywhere
My nation …
are the people of this world
My skin colour …
is black
a mixture mother earth
Once upon a time …