Ingmar - Cosmic Symbols. Wolfgang Becvar
this context I must add that every light frequency represents consciousness and thus contains further information that must be decoded.
In the solar system of Sirius, there is a planet called ‘LEANDER 0’ (aspirate [oh]) which is shrouded in a dense cloud of gas. It cannot be identified by conventional astronomical equipment because it lies in the midst of etheric matter. This planet is the origin and home of all colours which exist in this (our) solar system and which are only known in part to date.
Perceptive humans and animals do, however, have the ability to receive colour perceptions that cannot be described. The impossibility of assigning such colours to the corresponding human terms ultimately leads to strange-sounding definitions such as ‘white in the shade’ (ZIER).
The symbolic forces can be transmitted directly to humans and to animals through visualisation via a chakra. The best way to go about this is to imagine how the symbolic force flows into the body via the corresponding chakra. You could also use your hand or a crayon to draw the symbol on your skin. When doing so you must, however, use the correct chakra.
Crown chakra (at the top of the head):
Aphta, Avita, Birne, Carla, Coiphis, Dim, Erban, Eybel, Flat, Galgat, Gans, Grind, Ins, Lantra, Lateran, Latos, Legrand, Lur, Mert, Othos, Prana, Ramdul, Ratta, Reiki, Rondo, Sonar, Spagira, Sren, Tatar, Toth, Zagat, Zar, Zier, Zita.
Third-eye chakra (at the centre of the forehead):
Angus, Ariel, Asram, Birne, Coiphis, Delta, Dim, Erban, Hepipher, Krisis, Laf, Lego, Leisur, Lur, Malma, Obus, Prana, Rad, Raziz, Rondo, Run, Scharan, Spagira, Tatar, Usus, Viert, Zig.
Throat chakra (at the base of the neck):
Ceres, Ethel, Flat, Khal, Lâmbert, Mahi, Ritter.
Heart chakra (at the centre of the chest):
Agda, Epto, Eybel, Gans, Grind, Holon, Kardul, Kiril, Klirr, Kob, Land, Lateran, Leathon, Linnen, Mantyr, Pin, Plö, Pollut, Rasch, Risis, Rondo, Spagira, Zam, Zorro.
Solar plexus chakra (stomach):
Agda, Elos, Gumor, Karsal, Kerlan, Klirr, Kob, Kurt, Land, (solar plexus), Limen, Linz, Lithos, Lotto, Mittel, Pollut, Ragun, Risis, Rondo, Rotor, Schicht, Spagira, Templa, Zorro.
Navel chakra
: Ara, Elba, Elos, Epan, Flachs, Golan, Karp, Kilo, Lâmbert, Odin, Pedal, Plasta, Rau, Ries, Rig, Riga, Sexsek, Yena, Zam, Zita.
Base chakra (at the tailbone):
Ahem, Echo, Fahr, Ins, Isli, Kavalir, Kilo, Kiril, Kolos, Lagos, Lèmon, Mur, Odin, Othos, Pedal, Platha, Rede, Rig, Rigal, Schicht, Sexsek, Spa, Urus, Yena, Zagat.
Hand and foot chakra:
Abra, Cabos, Eccel, Hamor, Kart, Klon, Kolos, Opus, Pi, Anti-Pi, Quall, Quer, Reiki, Usus, Vril.
Tip of tongue chakra :
Abra, Cabos, Eccel, Hamor, Kart, Kavalir, Klon, Opus, Orgon, Anti-Pi, Pi, Quall, Reiki, Ries
All chakras:
Dann, Dor, Emu, Haber, Jacob, Klara, Nutpen, Pter, Rigal, Rinkh, Rus, Ton, Urban, Zyna.
Forces that can be used mentally:
These forces are not bound to chakras and can be transmitted mentally by thinking of the symbol (in other words, visualising it) and transmitting it to a location or to another person as a whole. This applies to the following symbolic forces:
Adina, Agda, Angus, Ara, Aragon, Ariel, Asram, Avita, Birne, Cabos, Carla, Coiphis, Dann, Delta, Dim, Dor, Eccel, Echo, Elba, Elos, Epto, Eybel, Flachs, Flat, Galgat, Gans, Golan, Grind, Gumor, Haber, Hamor, Ins, Isli, Jacob, Karp, Kart, Kavalir, Kilo, Kiril, Klara, Kob, Krisis, Kurt, Laf, Lâmbert, Lantra, Lateran, Leathon, Lego, Legrand, Leisur, Limen, Linnen, Linz, Lotto, Lur, Mahi, Mantyr, Mittel, Nutpen, Obus, Orgon, Othos, Pedal, Platha, Plö, Pollut, Pter, Quer, Rad, Ramdul, Rasch, Ratta, Raziz, Ries, Rig, Rigal, Rinkh, Risis, Ritter, Rondo, Rotor, Rus, Scharan, Schicht, Spa, Spagira, Sren, Tara, Tatar, Ton, Toth, Urban, Urus, Usus, Vril, Yena, Zam, Zar, Zier, Zig, Zita, Zyna.
All the symbolic forces either have a positive (+) or a negative (–) charge. When trans mitting forces via chakras or by means of mental transmission, you should take into account that symbols with the same charge cancel one another whereas symbols of different poles intensify the effect each force has. Consequently, you should only use a single symbol or only one positive and one negative symbol at the same time. This does not, however, apply to transmission with a package of symbols or to the preparation of essences, for the only symbolic forces that automatically take effect in these situations are those that are needed for the case in hand while the others are temporarily dormant (see practical application).
The following alphabetical list of applications does not go into as much detail as a conventional list of symptoms would for good reason. Greater detail would restrict the ‘free energies’ to specific fields and this could make you lose the general overview of a happening. Frequently, individual cases require special combinations of symbols which would not fit into a specific pattern anyway. By means of a kind of ‘modular technique’, individual symbolic forces are gradually strung together. As a result, a mosaic of living, free-flowing life energies is constructed so that the happenings are always geared to the action required at the time. The dynamism as such is therefore generated through the interaction of the precise forces of the moment.
In addition, we would like to explicitly point out that the application of the symbols is purely energy work which is neither designed to ‘substitute’ nor ‘compete’ with traditional medicine. Consequently, it is the responsibility of each individual as to which type of treatment (orthodox medicine, energy work or a combination of the two) s/he opts for in the situation in hand.
Adaptation: Gumor, Rigal
Addictive behaviour: Hyrl, Ries
Aging (premature aging): Rau
Alcohol dependence and drug addiction: Hyrl, Ries
Allergies, allergoses: Aphta, Isli, Lantra, Pter, Ton
Basic trust (sense of basic trust): Dim, Epto, Tatar
Battery: Lithos, Plasta
Bones, teeth: Klon, Opus, Pin, Quall, Rig
Cells: Cabos, Odin, Orgon, Othos
Change (allowing change): Zyna
Change: Agda, Kavalir, Mittel, Sonar, Zita
Changeovers (adjustment, change): Ara, Rigal, Zier
Chaos: Rigal, Vril
Character (personality): Birne, Lâmbert, Plö, Prana
Cleansing and detoxication: Mittel, Rau
Colic: Rydd
Communication: Ceres, Flat, Khal
Completion: Plátin
Concentration: Coiphis, Erban, Mahi
Convulsions during fever: Rydd
Courage, boldness and stamina: Dyrn, Haber, Plö, Ton
Cramps: Fahr, Rydd
Crises: Dyrn, Eybel, Haber, Krisis
Decisions: Coiphis, Lâmbert, Linnen, Ritter
Deformity: Yena
Dematerialisation: Anti-Pi
Depression: Ara, Karsal, Krisis, Latos, Rasch
Detoxication and cleansing: Rau
Diabetes: Golan, Kob, Leathon
Diarrhoea: Coiphis, Legrand, Rau