Santaklaus EVOL 2. Klaus Peter Wagner
04 | Why is the prophet worthless in his own land ...
04 | Why is the prophet worthless
in his own land - why is the proletariat worth
everything in its own land?
It must be a lack of self-love
that brings out the misfortune in us,
to make us lean on other people.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone?
The more you know people,
the more you know those things
that people are too rash to call mistakes -
the principle of the mirror shows us
however only an inconsistency we carry within us.
A misfortune within us, something that is not fortunate,
naturally persists longer and more steadily in its own land.
Standing in the way of another person - no matter what he is trying to do -
certainly means standing in your own way,
the world does a good job of blocking itself.
Not accepting the power of creation that another person harbors
certainly means not accepting creation,
not accepting the creator.
Leaning on the supposed mistakes of another is free-riding pure.
Not seeing or accepting another’s talents
and thus labeling him as commonplace, innocuous, below you,
not able to understand his own creative power,
this gives control-minded people a feeling of security -
the path of fear - the feeling of superiority.
It is not love that presumes a person was sent
from the creator without talents -
it is not love, when you believe you are worth more than another -
it is not love when you ignore the talents of another -
no one comes without talents -
talents are not only insignias of power formed in metal -
talents are a gift of God -
no one came empty -
you don’t need to be afraid of this -
we are all equally valuable -
everyone who lives his talents is a prophet -
Talents are the sign of God’s grace - the grace of God is surely always worth everything - everyone is a prophet who lives out his talents, a witness to the grace of God.
05 | It is what it is
The world is what it is,
so simple, yes, so laughably simple.
Down to the least possible denominator God designs us,
with our being the chance appears.
The chance for us to materialize in ourselves what He is: love!
It is what it is, and it moves forward perpetually.
The reflection of Him in us, from us and from us out into the world.
It is what it is, and it perpetually moves forward and free will gives us the never-ending opportunity to increase it.
The It that He is!
It is what it is, it extends even to developing the heart! Up, up to the mountain peaks! It is what it is, Tabor speaks!
It is what it is. He is. Love is!
06 | The crutch
The world is what we see, but also what we don’t see -
the invisible world. That, which we don’t see, we make and form
into a partially manifested matter, through our words and thoughts.
In the beginning there was thought and thought was with God
and thought was God.
The thought became also flesh and lived among us.
He is risen - Happy Easter!
It was he whom God sent to us, in order to transform the manifest and partially
manifested matter in us and around us into love - he is, the transformer.
When God sent us JESUS CHRIST, He sent a CRUTCH,
so that we might learn to walk in Him.
He, who is love.
A mobility impaired people who couldn’t cope
with their existing freedom to run.
Fear - doubt - hate - anger - wrath - destruction ...
Consider, we must all - yes, all - go forth, learn to go forth with a crutch.
Each of us is part of the whole - if one is missing then the whole is not whole.
Leave 99 sheep for the one ...
Leave 990 sheep for ten ...
9900 ...
Every one is important!
We have all been bidden to go forth. Bidden to make our crutches visible to others. Where is your brother? See here, Lord, he is at my side.
07 | Why escaping is important
Not wanting to look truth in the eye -
what is truth?
Truth is subjective -
it correlates with our own honesty.
When we can’t face our own honesty,
it’s sometimes better, not to get any closer.
Smoking, alcohol, drugs ... or even actually escaping.
What’s happening? -
The situation won’t resolve itself -
God shows us our mirror image - world wide!
Yet the alleged sorrow of the soul is put on the back burner
for the time being, because we believe that in the meantime we,
when the time comes to escape, will be stronger.
This is probably the only aspect,
our belief in ourselves,
that we will become stronger.
Because of our belief in our own strength, escaping is important - long live the faith in our selves - which drives out fear!