Training of defensive and semi-offensive cooperative defense strategies for handball teams. Jörg Madinger
A good defense is a prerequisite for modern team handball. The intention is not only to prevent goals but also to actively win the ball and subsequently initiate a fast attack. The offense should permanently be put under pressure and forced to make mistakes.
The exercises in this collection initially deal with the individual basics of defense play. Individual and position-specific training marks the starting point for subsequent cooperative defense play and allows for choosing the appropriate defense system. The basics both include exercises on legwork, 1-on-1 defense and covering the pivot in combination with fast adjustment to subsequent actions as well as blocking and anticipating on the wing positions of a proactive defense system.
The second part of the collection deals with cooperative small group defense play and focuses on handing over/taking over attacking players along the defense line (width of defense) and on making agreements when defending against the pivot.
The third chapter introduces cooperative team defense in 6-0, 5-1, 3-2-1, and 4-2 defense systems along with possible variants.
Get inspired by the exercises, develop your own defense concepts, and make use of the individual strengths of your defense players for optimal cooperation.
Publishing information
1 st English edition released on 15 Aug 2018
German original edition released on 09 Mai 2018
Published by DV Concept
Editors, design, and layout: Jörg Madinger, Elke Lackner
Proofreading and English translation: Nina-Maria Nahlenz
ISBN: 978-3-95641-215-8
This publication is listed in the catalogue of the German National Library. Please refer to for bibliographic data.
The work and its components are protected by copyright. No reprinting, photomechanical reproduction, storing or processing in electronic systems without the publisher's written permission.
The exercises are divided into the following difficulty levels:
Category: Individual basics
1. General exercises on legwork and basic defense movements
No. 1: Basic defense training with ropes
Difficulty level:
Minimum number of players: 4
Equipment required: 4 cones and 2 ropes (without handles) per team of 2
- The players make groups of 2.
- Define one playing field per group with cones or use existing field markings on the floor.
Course 1 (A):
- Each player has a rope folded once or twice and put it into the waistband of his pants on the backside.
- Upon the coach’s whistle, the pairs start simultaneously, and each player tries to pull out the rope of his opponent’s pants.
- If a player succeeds before the coach whistles again (after 20 seconds), he gets a point. The other player must do 10 jumping jacks.
- After the first round, one player of each team changes to the next field clockwise and the course starts over with new pairs.
- Who has scored highest in the end?
Course 2 (B):
- Only one player per team has a rope folded twice and put it into the waistband of his pants on the backside.
- Upon the coach’s whistle, all the players without a rope start simultaneously and try to steal their teammate’s rope as fast as possible.
- If a player succeeds, he calls out “STOP”.
- The player who first calls out “STOP” gets a point.
- The players without a rope change to the next field clockwise and the course starts over.
- As soon as all the players without a rope have played one time against each player with a rope, the player who has scored highest wins the game.
- Now switch the tasks, i.e. the players without a rope in the first round now take the ropes; the other players try to be the first stealing the rope in each field.
Course 3: (C):
- Put a folded rope on the floor in the center of each field.
- One player per field starts as the defending player, one as the attacking player.
- Upon the coach’s whistle, the attacking players try to pick up the rope as fast as possible.
- The defending players try to prevent this for as long as possible.