Training of defensive and semi-offensive cooperative defense strategies for handball teams. Jörg Madinger
alt="a1k"/> has pushed
- And so on.
No. 6: Stepping forward and moving backward on the left/right back positions
Difficulty level:
Minimum number of players: 8
Equipment required: 6 cones, 2 handballs
- Define the running path with six cones as shown in the figure.
2. Exercises on physical contact
No. 7: Pushing attacking players out of the 6-meter zone/Preventing a breakthrough
Difficulty level:
Minimum number of players: 8
Equipment required: In course 2: 1 cone and 2-3 handballs
Course 1 (figure 1):
- Make two teams.
- Both teams start at the 6-meter zone; one team defending, the other team attacking.
- Upon the coach’s command, the defending players try to push the attacking players out of the 6-meter zone as fast as possible by getting into physical contact (A) and controlled pushing movements (C).
- The other players try to stay in the 6-meter zone for as long as possible (B). They must not enter the 6-meter zone once they have been pushed out, however.
- Stop the time as soon as all players have been pushed out of the 6-meter zone.
- Switch tasks afterwards. Which team has pushed their opponents out of the 6-meter zone fastest?
Course 2 (figure 2):
- Make two teams.
- The attacking players have two handballs and start in the goal. The defending players start in the 6-meter zone.
- Make the field smaller with a cone, so that not the entire 6-meter zone is available for playing (see figure).
- Upon the coach’s starting signal, the two attacking players with the ball try to cross the 6-meter zone as fast as possible (A) and to leave it (C) (while holding the ball in their hands).
- The defending players try to stop the attacking players from breaking through and out of the 6-meter zone by collaborating and by getting into physical contact (B).
- If an attacking player manages to break through (C), he passes the ball to a teammate in the goal (D) who then also tries to break through.
- As soon as all players except the last one have left the 6-meter zone, stop the time and switch tasks.
- Which defense team manages to prevent the attacking players from breaking