The Academic Job Search Handbook. Jennifer S. Furlong
Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, member of planning committee, 2007-2008.
University of X, German Department Instructor. Designed and taught a new course idea and syllabus for an upper-level literature seminar for majors, conducted in German. “Sin and Atonement: Ethics and the Use of Literature.” September-December 2010.
University of X, German Department Teaching Assistant. Lecture and discussion sections. Assisting students with paper writing and text comprehension. Grading. “Metropolis: Visions of the City.” September-December 2007. “Berlin: Culture, History, and Politics.” January-May 2008. “The Devil’s Pact in Film and Literature.” January-May 2009.
University of X, German Department Language Instructor. Teaching intermediate (second-year) German language. September-December 2008. Teaching Intensive German for Reading Knowledge course. May-July 2009.
[Three more teaching entries follow.]
Literary theory and continental philosophy of religion, pre-modern intellectual and religious history, pre-modern German and French literature, literary adaptations of myth
German and French mysticism (twelfth to eighteenth century), esp. mysticism and reform movements; intersubjectivity in philosophy of religion and theological phenomenology
English (native), German (fluency), French (proficiency), reading knowledge of Latin, Italian, Spanish and Biblical Hebrew
[The names of five references follow.]
American Academy of Religion
Delaware Valley Medieval Association Medieval Academy
German Studies Association
Humanities Ph.D. CV. Accepted tenure-track position at urban community college. Candidate had taught at this institution and organized CV to highlight this experience. Original document was two pages.
Office: Address, City, State, ZIP
Home: Address, City, State, ZIP | telephone
Mobile: telephone | Email address
University of X, City, State (2004-present)
Ph.D. in English (expected 2011)
M.A. in English (2006)
Y University Divinity School, City, State (2002)
M.Div. with concentration in social and environmental ethics
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (1997)
B.A. with honors in English, minor in Mathematics
Instructor, University of X
• ENGL 105: The Changing Climate of Nature Writing
Developmental English Instructor, Community College of City Z
• Language Lab: Tutor students in reading and writing, teach ENGL 098 labs (Fall 2010)
Writing Seminar Instructor, University of X
• ENGL 009: Writing Revolution (Fall 2007, Fall 2006)
Teaching Assistant, University of X
• ENGL 102: The American Novel, for Name (Spring 2006)
• ENGL 022: Romance, for Name (Fall 2005)
[Five more position listings follow.]
Teaching Awards
• Nominee for Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by Graduate Students (2008)
• Recipient of Dean’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by Graduate Students (2006)
Courses Prepared
• ENGL 282: Trickster Tales: An Introduction to American Indian Literatures (2010)
Teaching Interests
• Writing and composition
• American literature and culture of the long 19th century
• American Renaissance
• History and literature, historical fiction (antebellum America through 21st century)
• Religion and literature in the western tradition
• Ecological sustainability and literature
• American Indian literatures (19th through 21st centuries)
• Theories of genre, poetics, memory
Research Assistant to Name, University of X (2006-8)
Career Counselor, University of X Career Services (2003-4)
Outreach Director, Tennessee Environmental Council (2002-3)
Teaching Shakespeare Institute Intern, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C. (1996)
Maia Scholar
School of Arts and Sciences Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2009)
Mellon / ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship Alternate (2009)
William Patrick Day Essay Award, University of X (2006)
University Founder’s Fellowship, University of X (2004)
[Six more awards/fellowships follow.]
Introduction to Collaborative Dubliners, co-authored with Name, accepted for publication by Syracuse University Press (2010)
“Reading Dubliners Parabolically,” forthcoming in James Joyce Quarterly 47.2 (Winter 2010)
“‘The supreme folly of the hour’: Romantic Historicism as Utopia in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Crater,” Imagining: A New Century: The Inaugural Conference of C19, The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, Pennsylvania State University, May 2010
“‘We trust in places perfecter’: Emily Dickinson, the Millennium, and Utopian Desire,” Futures of American Studies Institute, Dartmouth College, June 2009
“‘We trust in places perfecter’: Emily Dickinson’s Utopias,” Early American Reading Group, University of Pennsylvania, April 2009
“Julian West’s ‘New World’: Utopian Fiction and Imperial Historiography,” Rethinking Empire and Imperialism in Nineteenth-Century American Literature, University of Maryland, College Park, November 2008
[Three more conference papers/talks follow.]
Essay Contest Judge, Beneficial Scholars Program, City, State (2008, 2009)
Graduate English Association Vice President, University of X (2007-8)
Graduate English Association