The Academic Job Search Handbook. Jennifer S. Furlong

The Academic Job Search Handbook - Jennifer S. Furlong

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Under review at Sociological Forum.

      Name, Name, Bethany Scholar, and Name. “Psychiatric Medication, African Americans and the Paradox of Mistrust.” Under review at Journal of Black Studies.

      Name, Name, and Bethany Scholar. “Race-Gender Differences in the Impact of History of Heavy Drinking on Current Alcohol Consumption during the Transition to Adulthood.” Under review at Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare.

      Scholar, Bethany. “Racial Inconsistency in Brazil: An Analysis of Brazilians’ Life Experiences and Inconsistent Racial Classifications” In preparation.

      Name, Bethany Scholar, Name and Name. “Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win”: Investigating the Association Between John Henryism and Health Status Among Black Adults.” In preparation.


2014Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (declined).
2014Best Graduate Student Paper 2nd place, X University, Sociology: “Racial Hierarchy and Racial Limbo: Generalized Attitudes and Perceived Relative Deprivation of Coloureds in Contemporary South Africa” ($500).
2013--Robert Penn Warren Dissertation Fellowship, X University ($24,000).
2013Stanford M. Lyman Memorial Scholarship, Mid-South Sociological Association ($1000).
2012Best Graduate Student Paper 1st place, X University, Sociology: “Performing Race on the ‘World White Web’” ($700, with Name).
2012International Travel Award, X University ($1000).
2012Certificate of Completion, Summer Institute on Health, Meharry University.
2011Summer Research Award, X University, Sociology: “The Implications of Racial Inconsistency” ($2,000).
2010Travel Award, X University ($500)
2008-13Marion T. Loftin Fellowship, X ($3,000, 5 years).
2007Fulbright Scholarship, Fulbright Foundation with Michigan State University ($8,500).
2006Padnos International Center, Grand Valley State University ($1,000)
2004-08Bert Price Diversity Scholarship, Grand Valley State University (Full Tuition, 4 years).


2013--Dissertation Research. Racial Hierarchy and Liminality in South Africa.
Duties: Exploratory content analysis of legal sources, quantitative survey analysis in Stata, semi-structured interview guide construction, qualitative analysis in Atlas.ti
2011-13Research Assistant. Stress and Health Study, Center for Research on Health Disparities, X University. Funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR).
Duties: Data entry in REDCap, quantitative survey analysis in Stata, qualitative survey analysis in Atlas.ti, seminar contributor.
2009Principal Investigator. Step It Up Tennessee. Funded by Soles4Souls and Hope for Healing Hands, Nashville, TN.
Duties: Survey construction, quantitative analysis in Stata, policy report.
2008-10Research Assistant. Majors Matter Project, The Curb Center at X University. Funded by the Teagle Foundation.
Duties: Survey construction, focus groups, quantitative data analysis in Stata.
2007Undergraduate Research. Between Black and White, Grand Valley State University and the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Travel funded by Fulbright.
Duties: Interview guide construction, qualitative data analysis.


2008-13Teaching Assistant, X University.
Undergraduate Courses: Race & Ethnicity; Racial Domination & Progress; Research Methods; Society & Medicine; Creativity & Society; Men & Women in Society.Graduate Courses: Multivariate Statistics I & II; Social Inquiry & Research Methods.
Duties: Periodical guest lectures, course planning, class activity planning, discussion leading, lecture outlining, grading, extended mentorship, statistical software instruction.
2012Social Identities.” Invited Lecture. Social Psychology 250, Fisk University.
2011The Invention of Race and Racism.” Invited Lecture. Black Student Association’s Martin Luther King Jr. Luncheon, X University.
2009Completed “Teaching Workshop,” X University.


2013“Navigating Graduate School as a Woman of Color.” Presentation at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Black Sociologists, New York.
2012“Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win: Investigating the Association between John Henryism and Health Status among Black Adults.” Presentation at the International Conference on Social Stress, Dublin, Ireland.
2012“The Black-White Gap in Utilization of Psychiatric Medications and the Paradoxical Operation of Mistrust.” Presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association of Black Sociologists, Denver, CO.
2012“Performing Race on the ‘World White Web’: Hate and Dissent on an Anonymous Stage.” Presentation at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, CO (with Name).

      [Five additional conference presentations follow.]


2011--Co-chair, Women of Color Social Science Collective, X.
2010--Occasional Reviewer, American Sociological Review, Sociological Perspectives, J. of Black Studies, J. for the Study of Religion.
2010-11Brown Bag Luncheon Coordinator, X, Sociology.
2009-10Social and Community Service Chair, X, Sociology.
2007-08Co-program coordinator, Upward Bound, Grand Valley State University.


      American Sociological Association

      Association of Black Sociologists

      Society for the Study of Social Problems

      Sociologists for Women in Society

      Social Sciences Ph.D. CV. Accepted joint appointment tenure-track position in a social and behavioral sciences department and in a research center at a large public research-intensive university. Original document was six pages.

       Greg. H. Z. Scholar

CDE School for Communication Email address
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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) May 2013
University of X CDE School for Communication

      Dissertation Title: Cancer-Related Direct-to-Consumer Advertising – A Study of its Antecedents, Influence on Patient Information Seeking Behaviors, and Contingent Effects


      Professor Name, Professor of Communication (Chair)

      Professor Name, Professor of Communication

      Professor Name, Professor of Communication

      Professor Name, Professor of Medicine

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Master of Public Health (MPH), Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health 2007
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School 2007