The Power and the Glorification. Jan L. de Jong

The Power and the Glorification - Jan L. de Jong

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of Core, Dathan, and Abiron Against the Leadership of Moses and the Supreme Priesthood of Aaron 11 Pietro Perugino, The Surrender of the Keys; the Threat to Jesus 12 Sandro Botticelli(?), Pope Sixtus II 13 Circle of Pietro Perugino, The Assumption of the Virgin 14 Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican Palace, Rome 15 Stanza d’Eliodoro, Vatican Palace, Rome 16 Raphael, The Expulsion of Heliodorus Trying to Rob the Temple Treasury 17 Raphael, Saint Peter Liberated from Prison by an Angel 18 Raphael, Pope Leo I Deterring Attila and His Huns from Advancing to Rome 19 Raphael, The Mass at Bolsena 20 Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome 21 Nicolas Beatrizet, Castel Sant’Angelo Seen from Across the Tiber 22 Antonio Salamanca(?), Castel Sant’Angelo Seen from the South 23 Bartolomeo Faletti, Aerial View of Castel Sant’Angelo in 1557 24 Pintoricchio, The Resurrection 25 Pintoricchio, Pope Callixtus III Creating Enea Silvio Piccolomini a Cardinal in 1456 26 Pintoricchio, Saint Catherine of Alexandria Discussing with Emperor Maxentius’s Philosophers 27 Pintoricchio, Enea Silvio Piccolomini Paying Homage to Pope Eugenius IV in 1445 28 Baccio Pontelli(?), Castel Sant’Angelo Around 1490 29 Conservators’ Palace in Rome in its present state 30 Maarten van Heemskerck, Conservators’ Palace in Rome 31 Capitoline Hill in Rome in its present state 32 Maarten van Heemskerck(?), Capitoline Hill in Rome 33 Maarten van Heemskerck, Church of Saint John Lateran with the Equestrian Statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius 34 Maarten van Heemskerck, Capitoline Hill in Rome with View of Santa Maria in Aracoeli 35 Sala Grande, Conservators’ Palace, Rome 36 Sala dei Capitani, Conservators’ Palace, Rome 37 Reconstruction of the plan of the first floor of the Conservators’ Palace in Rome around 1500 38 Sala di Annibale, Conservators’ Palace, Rome 39 Sala della Lupa, Conservators’ Palace, Rome 40 Domenico Amio da Varignana, Honorary Statue of Pope Leo X 41 Trajan’s Column, Rome 42 Jacopo Ripanda, Sea Battle 43 Jacopo Ripanda, The Roman Triumph over Sicily 44 Jacopo Ripanda, Lutatius Catulus Conducting Peace Negotiations with the Carthaginian Leader Hamilcar 45 Jacopo Ripanda, Hannibal and His Troops on Their Way to Rome 46 Jacopo Ripanda, Manlius Vulso Defeating the Gallo-Greeks 47 Jacopo Ripanda, Chiomara with the Severed Head of a Roman Centurion 48 Jacopo Ripanda, The Triumph of P. Aemilius Paullus 49 Jacopo Ripanda, The Triumphal Procession of P. Aemilius Paullus 50 Hagesander, Polydorus, and Athanodorus, Laocoön 51 Colossal head of Emperor Constantine the Great 52 Domenico Amio da Varignana, Pope Leo X (detail) 53 Hall of Constantine, Vatican Palace, Rome 54 Vault of the Hall of Constantine 55 Diagram of the paintings in the Hall of Constantine 56 Raphael and assistants, The Cross Appearing to Emperor Constantine the Great 57 Raphael and assistants, Emperor Constantine the Great Defeating Emperor Maxentius in the Battle
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