Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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      Finding aids:

      [0406] Elizabeth Churchill Brown Papers, 1943-1984, Coll. 84010

      Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010

      Description: Journalist (1908-1986?). Memoirs, other writings, correspondence, and printed matter, relating to American politics, especially during the 1950s; Senator Joseph McCarthy; and American Communism. The series Correspondence, 1943-1978, contains correspondence with Ezra Taft Benson, Senator Styles Bridges, Committee of Christian Laymen, Inc., Devin-Adair Co., Publishers, Hilaire du Berrier, Senator James O. Eastland, Senator Barry Goldwater, Frank Hanighen, Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper, J. Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, William E. Jenner, August E. Johansen, Joseph Kamp, Russell Kirk, Senator William F. Knowland, Fred C. Koch, Alfred Kohlberg, Joseph M. Lalley, Madalen Leetch, Clare Boothe Luce, Florence Fowler Lyons, Joseph McCarthy, Reverend Carl McIntire, J.B. Matthews, Senator Karl Mundt, Lyle Munson, National Review (William F. Buckley Jr., Frank S. Meyer), Newsweek (Raymond Moley), Otto Otepka, Westbrook Pegler (King Features Syndicate), Admiral Arthur W. Radford, Henry Regnery, George Sokolsky, Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer, The Wanderer (Walter and Joseph Matt, Editors), Senator Strom Thurmond, Senator John G. Tower, James B. Utt, General A.C. Wedemeyer, Robert Welch (John Birch Society), and Alice Widener. The series Subject Files, 1837-1984, contains writings and statements by Lewis Albert Alesen, John W. Bricker, Styles Bridges, Harry F. Byrd, Claire L. Chennault, Hilaire du Berrier, James O. Eastland, Myron C. Fagan, Paul Findley, Barry Goldwater, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, William E. Jenner, George Racey Jordan, Fulton Lewis, Jr., Florence Fowler Lyons, Douglas MacArthur, George W. Malone, J.B. Matthews, Joe McCarthy (mimeographed report, Documentary Evidence on Philip C. Jessup, Ambassador-at-Large, 1951), Carl McIntire, Francis J. McNamara, Karl E. Mundt, Carleton Putnam, Phyllis Schlafly, Willis E. Stone, Strom Thurmond, A.C. Wedemeyer, Robert Welch, Nathaniel Weyl, Charles A. Willoughby, and John T. Wood; copies of Charles Stickley, Brain-washing: A Synthesis of the Text-Book on Psychopolitics, 1955; Communists, Negroes and Integration, by J.B. Matthews; Mental Robots, by Lewis Albert Alesen (1957); Gold and Freedom, by George Racey Jordan; The Party of Betrayal, by Joseph McCarthy (1950); Background to Korea, by Alexander Wiley, H. Alexander Smith, Bourke B. Hickenlooper, and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.; The Protection of Freedom, by Herbert Hoover; Ten Years of the United Nations...Soviet's Greatest Hoax, by Edward B. Simmons (1956); Documentation of U.N. Plot to Destroy U.S., by Myron C. Fagan; Reports on UNESCO, by Florence Fowler Lyons; The American Right Wing; and First National Directory of "Rightist" Groups, Publications and Some Individuals in the United States; correspondence with the American Legion, American Legion Magazine, Devin-Adair Co., Publishers, Everett Dirksen, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Modern Age, Karl E. Mundt, the Republican National Committee, and George Sokolsky; printed or mimeographed transcripts of speeches by John W. Bricker, James O. Eastland, Barry Goldwater, J. Edgar Hoover, William E. Jenner, and Robert Welch; radio broadcast transcript by Fulton Lewis, Jr.; uncorrected galleys of State Department report on Malta and Yalta conferences, Parts I and II, 1938-1976; copies of Exposé (1951 Nov. 1-1953 Jan.) and The Freeman; and files on Alliance; American Coalition of Patriotic Societies; American Legion; American Public Relations Forum; Americanism (patriotism), including correspondence with Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer; anti-Communism; Anti-United Nations; John M. Ashbrook; AWARE, Inc., including correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover; Louis Budenz; Campaign for the 48 States; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), including correspondence with Alfred Kohlberg; Citizens Councils; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee; Civil rights; Communism; Communist infiltration of the armed forces; Congo (Katanga); Congress of Freedom, Inc.; Conservative Book Club; Paul Crouch; Daughters of the American Revolution; Defenders of State Sovereignty and Individual Liberties; Defense, including correspondence with Styles Bridges and Alfred Kohlberg; Desegregation, with a report by Carleton Putnam; Bella Dodd; Dominican Republic, including correspondence with Henry Regnery; Dwight D. Eisenhower, including correspondence with Styles Bridges; Elections, including correspondence with Maury M. Travis; Florida States Righter; Fluoridation; Foreign Policy Association; Freedom Academy, including correspondence with Francis J. McNamara; Freedom Leadership Foundation; Freedom School; Fund for the Republic; Goldwater campaign, including correspondence with Barry Goldwater, William Knowland, and Republican National Committee; Grain, including correspondence with William Loeb; J. Edgar Hoover; House Un-American Activities Committee, including correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover and Francis E. Walter; Immigration; Independent American; Institute of Pacific Relations, including correspondence with Ezra Benson; Intercollegiate Society of Individualists; Internal security (subversive activities), including correspondence with Martin Dies; Italy, including correspondence with Daughters of the American Revolution, Edna Fluegel, and Strom Thurmond; John Birch Society; Emanuel Josephson; Robert Kennedy, including correspondence with William Loeb; Owen Lattimore; Liberty Lobby; Liberty and Property, Inc.; Jay Lovestone; J.B. Matthews; Harvey Marshall Matusow; Joseph McCarthy; mental health; Moral Rearmament Assembly; Morality; National Education Program; National Economic Council, Inc.; Nationalism; Richard M. Nixon; Non-Partisan League for Decency in Political Candidates; Otto Otepka; Pearl Harbor; Edward G. Posniak; Ezra Pound; Ronald Reagan; Religion, including newsletters by Committee of Christian Laymen, Inc. and Mindszenty Report, pamphlets by Carl McIntire, and correspondence with Committee of Christian Laymen, Inc., Clare Boothe Luce, and Carl McIntire; Walter Reuther, including correspondence with Joseph Kamp; Right; John Service; State Department, including correspondence with Russell Kirk and Jay Sourwine; Status of Forces Treaty; Adlai Stevenson, including correspondence with William E. Jenner and Alfred Kohlberg; Supreme Court, including correspondence with Jay Sourwine; Texans for America; Strom Thurmond; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); United States Day Committee, Inc.; Virginia League; Virginians for Conservative Government; Robert A. Winston, including correspondence with James O. Eastland; Women Investors Research Institute, Inc.; Womens movement/ERA; World government; and Young Americans for Freedom.


      John A. Andrew III, The Other Side of the Sixties: Young Americans for Freedom and the Rise of Conservative Politics (New Brunswick, NJ, and London: Rutgers University Press, 1997).

      Finding aids:;query=;style=oac4;doc.view=entire_text

      [0407] Walter J. Brown Papers, 1879-1995 (bulk 1915-1988)

      Location: Special Collections Library, Strom Thurmond Institute Building, Clemson University, 230 Kappa Street, Clemson, SC 29634-3001

      Description: Walter J. Brown (1903-1995) was a reporter, telecommunications company executive, and author. The papers consist of advertisements, articles, artifacts, audio-visual materials, campaign materials, cartoons, clippings, correspondence, a day book, editorials, executive orders, galley proofs, journals, laws and legal documents, a ledger, legislative bills, lists, maps, minutes, petitions, postcards, photographs, publications, reports, scrapbooks, speeches, telegrams, transcripts, and other items. Correspondence with James F. Byrnes.

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