Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
by George Wallace, undated; and Martin Luther King at Communist Training School, undated; broadsides and broadsheets, including W. J. Simmons, "Organization: The Key to Victory," 1962; and copies of The Citizen, the "official journal of the Citizens' Councils of America," The Citizens' Council (newspaper), and Augusta Courier (Augusta, Ga.).
Jesse Curtis, "'Will the Jungle Take Over?' National Review and the Defense of Western Civilization in the Era of Civil Rights and African Decolonization," Journal of American Studies, published online: 9 May 2018.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
Finding aids to digital collection:
Includes High Court's "Arrogance" Is Viewed by Northerner: A Letter to the President, by Carleton Putnam (1958); Second Putnam Letter Cuts Root of Integration Fallacy, by Carleton Putnam (1959); "The Ugly Truth About the NAACP," an address by Attorney General Eugene Cook of Georgia before the 55th Annual Convention of the Peace Officers Association of Georgia, printed by the Citizens' Council, circa 1955; "Statewide Scholarship, Essay Contest for Mississippi High School Students, 1959-60," printed by the Citizens' Council, whose "Subject" is "(a) Why I believe in social separation of the races of mankind. (b) Subversion in racial unrest. (c) Why the preservation of States Rights is important to every American. (d) Why separate schools should be maintained for the white and negro races."; and a publisher's announcement for States' Rights vs. The Supreme Court, by Thomas Wilcox (Boston, Mass., Forum Publishing Company, undated).
[0561] Citizens' Council collection, 1955-1967, MSS. 331
Location: Manuscripts Division, Special Collections, Mississippi State University Library, 395 Hardy Rd, P.O. Box 5408, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5408
Description: Includes correspondence, annual reports, and publications of the Association of Citizens' Councils of Mississippi, the Citizens' Council of America, and various other organizations. Pamphlets, including Segregation and the South, Address by Judge Tom P. Brady, October 4, 1957; Conflicting views on segregation, by Dr. Dotson McGinnis Nelson (circa 1955), A Christian View on Segregation, by Rev. G. T. Gillespie, November 4, 1954 [online at]; A Jewish View on Segregation [online at http://dig]; The Citizens' Council: A History. An Address by Robert B. Patterson (1963); The Citizens' Council; The Road Ahead, a speech by Robert Patterson, January 15, 1965; John Bell Williams: Where is the Reign of Terror?, 1956; Interposition, the barrier against tyranny, by John Bell Williams, January 25, 1956; Southerners Unite!; The Truth Cries Out, by Robert B. Patterson; Famous Quotations; Educational fund of the Citizens' Council (n.d. [1956]); How to Keep Schools Open; Mixed Schools and Mixed Blood, by Herbert Ravenel Sass (1956); How to Save Our Public Schools; The Story of the NAACP; The Ugly Truth About the NAACP, an address by Attorney General Eugene Cook of Georgia, circa 1955; Racial Facts; James F. Byrnes: The Supreme Court Must Be Curbed, 1956; "We've reached era of judicial tyranny," an address by James O. Eastland, December 1, 1955 [online at]; High Court's "Arrogance" Is Viewed by Northerner: A Letter to the President, by Carleton Putnam [online at]; Second Putnam Letter Cuts Root of Integration Fallacy, by Carleton Putnam [online at]; The Majority Consensus; The Mid-west hears the South's story: An address by William J. Simmons, February 3, 1958 [online at]; Civil Rights, States' Rights, and the Reconstruction Background, by Alfred H. Stone (1948) [online at]; Rebuilding the Tower of Babel: a study of Christianity and segregation, by Stuart O. Landry (New Orleans: Pelican Publishing Company, 1957); Voter Qualifications Laws in Louisiana; The Supreme Court–The Broken Constitution and the Shattered Bill of Rights; Negroes Menaced by Red Plot; Race Mixing–A Religious Fraud; Truth About Supreme Court's Segregation Ruling (Charleston, S.C.: Grass Roots League, Inc., 1955); Red Infiltration of the National Council, Protestant Episcopal Church; Congressman James C. Davis speaks to the States' Rights Council, by James C. Davis, November 28, 1956; A Resolution Requesting Impeachment of Six Members of the United States Supreme Court; Trickery, treachery, tyranny and treason in Washington, by Joseph P. Kamp, April 1957; "The Hybrid Race Doctrine: A Critical Analysis of Some Teachings of Modern Anthropology by Bela Hubbard, Ph.D." (San Francisco, CA: Liberty & Property, Inc.); and The Pending Tragedy in the South, by George W. Cheek. Broadside: "Freedom Bus to Any City in the North or West." Copies of The Citizens' Council. Newspapers, including Dixie-American, East Tennessee Reporter (Clinton, Tenn.), Free Men Speak, Nationalist Party Bulletin, News and Views, Southern Digest, The American Nationalist, The People's Peace Party Forum, The South African Observer, and The Virginian.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:'_Council_collection_finding_aid_MSS.331.pdf
[0562] Citizens' Council Forum Films Collection 1955-1966, MP 1986.01 [films]
Location: Archives and Records Services Division, William F. Winter Archives and History Building, The Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 200 North Street, Jackson, MS 39201
Description: The first Citizens' Council was formed in 1954 in Indianola, Mississippi, to resist integration. By March 1955, 167 Citizens' Councils were reported in Mississippi; these were loosely affiliated into a state organization. In 1955, the state organization began producing fifteen-minute weekly films under the name Citizens' Council Forum Films. These films consisted of interviews by producer Dick Morphew with leading American and foreign conservatives and were shown on local television stations throughout the country. The discussions centered on race, Communism, the Supreme Court, religion, and integration. The programs were created to influence public opinion on integration and Communism. Some of the films in this collection were not produced by the Citizens' Council Forum Films, but activities of similar groups. Contained in the collection are 132 reels of film, approximately 90,000 feet. Names include Representative Bruce Alger, Citizens Council, Communism, Representative James Davis, Representative William Jennings Bryan Dorn, Senator James O. Eastland, Dr. Medford Evans, Dr. Robert Gayre, Dr. W. C. George, Senator Barry Goldwater, Mr. Edward Hunter, Reverend T. Robert Ingram, August E. Johansen, Dr. Robert Kuttner, Myers G. Lowman, Representative Noah M. Mason, Carleton Putnam, John C. Satterfield, Senator John C. Stennis, Senator Herman Talmadge, Senator Strom