Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
files on Elizabeth Bentley, Louis Budenz, Whittaker Chambers, Paul Crouch, Matthew Cvetic, Bella Dodd, Martha N. Edmiston, Benjamin Gitlow, Kenneth Goff, Gordon Hall, Sidney Hook, Joseph Zack Kornfeder, John Lautner, Joseph B. Matthews, Harvey Matusow, Frank S. Meyer, Herbert A. Philbrick, Rena Vale, Max Yergan, and Louisiana Joint Legislative Committee on Un-American Activities. Series III. Subject Files1941-1992, contains files on Accuracy in Media, American Opinion, Robert Bork, California Assembly Committee on Constitutional Amendments [hearings regarding limitations on the rights of Communists], Chicago Police Department [spying activities], Christic Institute, Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), Counter Spy, Covert Action Information Bulletin, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Group Research Report, Group Watch [profiles on the Western Goals Foundation and the World Anti-Communist League], Heads Up, Heritage Foundation, House Committee on Un-American Activities, Iran/Contra, Jewish Defense League, Joseph McCarthy, People for the American Way, Antonin Scalia, and The Smith Act. Series IV. Writings, contains copies of "Old Nazis, the New Right and the Reagan Administration: The Role of Domestic Fascist Networks in the Republican Party and Their Effect on U.S. Cold War Politics," by Russ Bellant (1988); "The American Right Wing," by Ralph E. Ellsworth and Sarah M. Harris (1960) [online at]; "The Politics of the Word: Meaning as Power on the Religious Right," by Richard French (1981); "Bringing It All Back Home: A Strategy to Deal with the Radical Right," by Michael Lerner, Laurie Zoloth, and Wilson Riles, Jr. (ca. 1981); "Anti-Abortion, Anti-Feminism, and the Rise of the New Right,'" by Rosalind Petchesky (1981); and "The American Ultras: The Extreme Right and the Military Industrial Complex," by Irwin Suall (1962). Accession 2003-M-016. Additional Material, contains topical files on Abortion, Abortion gag rule, Patrick Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, Iran/Contra, Edwin Meese, Pornography, and Antonin Scalia.
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[0829] Frank J. Donner Papers, circa 1958-1966, TAM.456
Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012
Description: This collection contains the papers of Frank J. Donner (1911-1993), author of an account of HUAC's abuse of power and its opposition. The papers contain collected clippings, editorials, and reports on the hearings, hearing transcripts, related flyers and newsletters and correspondence with Donner.
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[0830] Robert Donner Collection. Donner Shelved Holdings
Location: Callie Faye Milliken Special Collections/Abilene Christian University Archives of the Margaret and Herman Brown Library, 760 Library Court, Abilene, Texas 79699-9208
Description: The Robert Donner collection consists of books, serials, pamphlets and ephemera on American history, political science, economics, Americanism, minority groups, and Communist and Socialist activities within America. Robert Donner, Sr. (1891-1964), a steel executive and investment banker, collected most of his library, which he housed in his Colorado Springs, Colorado, office, after his retirement from the Donner Corporation in 1957. His collection consisted of about 4,000 volumes of books and over 3,000 pamphlets and ephemera. Contains a copy of Alerte (Advocates of Our Lady), November 1954. Authors of books and pamphlets include Silas Walter Adams, Lewis Albert Alesen, Marilyn R. Allen, Gary Allen, T. Coleman Andrews, Adrien Arcand, Richard Arens, George W. Armstrong, Karl H.W. Baarslag, Jack Barbash, Harry Elmer Barnes, John U. Barr, Paul C. Bartholomew, Fanchon Battelle, Morris A Bealle, Henry Hamilton Beamish, Don Bell, Ezra Taft Benson, George S. Benson, Elizabeth Bentley, William Benton, L.P. Beria, Hilaire du Berrier, Aldrich Blake, Anthony T. Bouscaren, Frank T. Bow, Tom P. Brady, Styles Bridges, Frank L. Britton, William F. Buckley, Louis Francis Budenz, Edgar C. Bundy, Usher L. Burdick, James Burnham, Eric D. Butler, Harry F. Byrd, James F. Byrnes, William Guy Carr, William Henry Chamberlin, A.K. Chesterton, Frank Chodorov, Fred G. Clark, Grenville Clark, J. Reuben Clark, Upton Close, R. Swinburne Clymer, Roy M. Cohn, Kenneth Colegrove, Eugene Cook, Oscar W. Cooley, Hilary Cotter and R. de Roiste (World Dictatorship by 1955? Why Forrestal Threw Himself Out of the Window), Charles E. Coughlin, Earnest Sevier Cox, Lucille Cardin Crain, Cathrine Curtis, Matt Cvetic, Ira M. Darden, Christopher Dawson, Bertrand De Jouvenel, G.E. Deatherage, P.A. Del Valle, Martin Dies, Elizabeth Dilling, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Milovan Djilas, Robert Donner, John Dos Passos, Robert B. Dresser, James O. Eastland, Robert Edward Edmondson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, T.S. Eliot, John R. Elsom, Edith Essig, Harry T. Everingham, Myron C. Fagan, Denis Fahey, Raymond T. Feely, Bonner Fellers, Lawrence Fertig, A.N. Field, Hamilton Fish, Austin T. Flett, John T. Flynn, L. Fry, William Fulton, W.O.H. Garman, Garet Garrett, Wesley Critz George, G.T. Gillespie, Hermann Goering, Kenneth Goff (including "Reds Promote Racial War" (1958), Barry Goldwater, Rosalie M. Gordon, R. Gordon-Canning, Ron Gostick, J. Peter Grace, Joseph C. Grew, Elgin Groseclose, Ralph W. Gwinn, Ernest van der Haag, Alfred P. Haake, Anne Burrows Hamilton, Billy James Hargis, F.A. Harper, Merwin K. Hart, Vincent W. Hartnett, Paul Harvey, F.A Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, Karl Hess, Clare E. Hoffman, Paul G. Hoffman, Frank E. Holman, Sidney Hook, John Edgar Hoover, Herbert Hoover, Bela Hubbard, T.W. Hughes, Edward Hunter, P.J. Huxley-Blythe, Newton Jenkins, William E. Jenner, B. Jensen, August E. Johansen, Jenkin Lloyd Jones, George Racey Jordan, Emanuel M. Josephson, Joseph Peter Kamp, Verne P. Kaub, Willmoore Kendall, T.G. Kent, Husband E. Kimmel, Henry H. Klein, William F. Knowland, Fred C. Koch, Joseph Zack Kornfeder, Irving Kristol, Irene Corbally Kuhn, Rose Wilder Lane, Owen Lattimore, Arnold S. Leese, Robert LeFevre, Fulton Lewis, Charles A. Lindbergh, Don Lohbeck, Milton M. Lory, Eugene Lyons, Douglas MacArthur, Russell Maguire, George Malone, Victor E. Marsden, Fred R. Marvin, Joseph Brown Matthews, Reuben Maury, Irving G. McCann, Joe McCarthy, Colonel Robert R. McCormick, Louis T. McFadden, Carl McIntire, Philip M. McKenna, Arthur U. Michelson, Robert A. Millikan, Ludwig von Mises, Raymond Moley, Ben Moreell, George V.H Moseley, Carl H. Mote, John Francis Neylan, Richard Nixon, Revilo Pendleton Oliver, Edmund A. Opitz, Winfred Overholser, Melchior Palyi, Paul O. Peters, Samuel B. Pettengill, George Pitt-Rivers, R. Carter Pittman, A Plot for the World's Conquest (1936), Paul L. Poirot, Stefan T. Possony, Eugene C. Pulliam, Howard B. Rand, Leonard E. Read, B. Carroll Reece, Lawrence Reilly, Bryson Reinhardt, Victor Riesel, Richard Stanton Rimanoczy, Jess M. Ritchie, George Washington Robnett, Archibald B. Roosevelt, E. Merrill Root, Murray N. Rothbard, Edward A. Rumely, Eugene Nelson Sanctuary, John C. Satterfield, Phyllis Schlafly, Fred C. Schwarz, Marjorie Shearon, William J. Simmons, Earnest Sincere, Gerald L. K. Smith, Dan Smoot, John Howland Snow, Frederick Soddy, Harvey H. Springer, Dillard Stokes, Jeremiah Stokes, George Edward Sullivan, Robert A. Taft, Herman E. Talmadge, Jack B. Tenney, T.H. Tetens, J. Thorkelson, Strom Thurmond, Nora de Toledano, Ralph Townsend, Rufus S. Tucker, James B. Utt, Hugo Valentin, Harold Lord Varney, Harold Velde, Wickliffe B. Vennard, Ludwig von Mises, Edwin A. Walker, Francis E. Walter, James P. Warburg, Louis B. Ward, J.K. Warner, V. Orval Watts, Nesta H. Webster, Robert H.W. Welch, Alice Widener, Robert H. Williams, John Bell Williams, Charles A. Willoughby, Gerald B. Winrod, Jennings C. Wise, Felix Wittmer, Frederick Woltman, Felix Edgar Wormser, Glenn O. Young, and Leonard Young.
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