Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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      Finding aid:

      [0236a] Carte James Strachey Barnes, 1910-1966, IT-ACS-AS0001-0004132

      Location: Archivio Centrale dello Stato, Piazzale degli Archivi, 27, 00144 Roma, Italy

      Description: James Strachey Barnes (1890-1955) was a British army officer, journalist, and English-language broadcaster for Rome Radio during World War Two. The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, photographs, and writings.

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      [0236b] Joseph Barnes Papers, 1930-1952 (bulk 1940-1952), MSS39370

      Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680

      Description: Newspaper editor and author (1907-1970). Primarily material relating to Barnes' biography of Wendell L.Willkie entitled Willkie: The Events He Was Part Of, the Ideas He Fought For (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1952). There is a file of Willkie speeches and articles for the years 1930 through 1944; some are in holograph or typescript form but most are printed. Drafts of Willkie's speech accepting the 1940 Republican Party nomination for president are included in this group. There is also a collection of printed matter, mainly in the form of newspaper clippings, relating to Willkie.

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      Finding aids:

      [0237] Marge Baroni Collection, 1955-1985, MUM00020

      Location: The Department of Archives and Special Collections, J.D. Williams Library, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848

      Description: Baroni (1924-1986), a native of Natchez, Mississippi, was active in the civil rights movement there in the 1960s. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, newsletters, and journals produced and collected by Baroni. The series Miscellaneous Printed Material. [Subseries] Segregationist Material, contains "In the Interest of Justice" (Natchez, MS: Mississippi Association for Constitutional Government, undated); "Which Side???" (Natchez, MS: Mississippi Association for Constitutional Government, undated); "The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Monday Morning, July 20, 1964, Extremists Gains, Citizens' Fault, Mayor Believes" (Natchez, MS: Mississippi Association for Constitutional Government, 1964); "To [Natchez chief of police, 1953-1962] S.C. Craft, 'Law and Order Will Be Maintained'" (Natchez, MS: Mississippi Association for Constitutional Government, undated); "The Fiery Cross" (Original Ku Klux Klan, La Realm, undated); List of Natchez individuals suspected of belonging to Klan; and D.B. Red, "A Corrupt Tree Bringeth Forth Evil Fruit: A Plea for Racial Segregation Based on Scripture, History, and World Conditions" (Hattiesburg, MS: D.B. Red, undated).

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      Finding aid:

      [0238] Bob Barr Papers, 1994-2003, POL-0005

      Location: Annie Belle Weaver Special Collections, Ingram Library, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118

      Description: Bob Barr (1948–) was a U.S. Congressman from Georgia, 1995-2003. Soon after leaving Congress, Barr also left the Republican Party. In 2008, Barr was the presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party. This collection consists of artifacts, memorabilia, photographs, sound and video recordings, and documentary material relating to Bob Barr's tenure in the U.S. House of Representatives as Georgia's 7th District congressional representative. Series III: Manuscripts. Subseries. Issues Files, 1992-1999, contains files on abortion; Armey Flat Tax (HR 4585, the Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act) (103-HR-4585: To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity for families by reducing the power and reach of the Federal establishment); Contract With America; National Rifle Association; Newt Gingrich; and TRIM Bulletin from Summer 1995 about balanced budget and spending. Subseries. Bob's Files, 1994-2002, contains correspondence from the John Birch Society, Congressman Ron Paul, and Phyllis Schlafly to Bob Barr; Military Tribunals: op-ed of Rush Limbaugh (Washington Post); op-ed of Oliver North (Washington Times); Robert H. Bork article on terrorism; and files on files on 2nd Amendment Gun Rights; The American Spectator; Contract With America; Gun Control; Hillsdale College; MEGIDDO Project (FBI), 1999: Regards FBI assessment of domestic terrorism; National ID Card; National Rifle Association of America; and Phyllis Schlafly Report. Subseries. Judiciary Committee, 1995-2002, contains files on Outside Groups: NRA, ACLU, Eagle Forum, ACU. Subseries. 105th/106th Congress - Bills, 1997-2001, contains files on Citizenship Amendment, Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, and Ten Commandments Defense Act. Subseries. 106th Congress - Bills, 1999-2001, contains file on American Sovereignty Restoration Act and State's Rights and Second and Tenth Amendment Restoration Act. Subseries. 106th Congress - Chronological Files, 1995-2000, contains Barr's correspondence with Congressman Tom DeLay, Bob Dole, Senator Jesse Helms, Charlton Heston, Senator Trent Lott, Lester Maddox, Ed Meese (Heritage Foundation), Oliver North, Oliver North (Freedom Alliance), Robert Novak, Justice Clarence Thomas, and Senator Strom Thurmond; correspondence from Grover Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform) submitted to Barr regarding Executive Order taxes; correspondence from Barr to Grover Norquist congratulating him on his election to NRA board of directors; correspondence between Barr and James Dobson regarding Barr's request for Dobson's help with H.R. 304 to create an inquiry of impeachment of President Clinton, with Dobson's reply that his organization is barred from involvement in partisan politics; and an editorial by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. on Williamsburg's (Virginia) realistic portrayal of slave markets and life. Subseries. Campaign Files, 1990-2002, contains files on Christian Coalition, Georgia Right to Life, Speaker Gingrich, Gun Control, Gun Owners of America, National Right to Life, National Rifle Association, Scorecard National Taxpayers Union, and Susan B. Anthony List. Subseries. Impeachment, 1997-2000, contains files on R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. and Anonymous The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton: A Political Docu-Drama; and A Political Docu-Drama: The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton By Tyrrell, Emmett Jr. and "Anonymous" with Foreword by Congressman Bob Barr, 1997. Subseries. Marietta Office Subject Files, 1994-2003, contains files on abortion, American Legion, CATO Institute, Christian Coalition, Citizenship Amendment, Contract With America, Defense of Marriage Act (D.O.M.A.), Eagle Forum, Flag Desecration, Georgia Right to Life, Guns, Hate Crimes, Hillsdale College, Human Events, Idaho Eagle Forum, Marriage Defense Act, Militias, National Rifle Association (NRA), Ronald Reagan, Right to Life, Right to Work, Second Amendment, Tax Reform Immediately (TRIM), and Bob Tyrrell Manuscript for "Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton." Subseries. Washington Office Subject Files, 1994-2002, contains correspondence with Haley Barbour, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Senator Trent Lott, Lester Maddox, Congressman Ron Paul, Phyllis Schlafly; correspondence from Milton Friedman to Senator Phil Gramm; correspondence from Congressman Tom DeLay et al. to President Bill Clinton; copy of correspondence from Senator Richard Russell, written in 1964 to a military member at Fort Benning, Georgia, in which Russell pledges to fight "against the vicious and misnamed civil rights bill"; Senator Phil Gramm editorial; essay by

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