Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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Britain, by Oswald Mosley (New edition. London, BUF, 1934); Decline and Fall of the Labour Party, by John Scanlon (London, Peter Davies, [1932]); National Socialism now, by William Joyce (London, National Socialist League, 1937); The New Pioneer, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-9 (London, British Council Against European Commit­ments, Dec 1938-August 1939); Famine in England, by Viscount Lymington (London, Witherby, 1938); Failure at Nuremberg: (an analysis of trial, evidence and verdict), by Anne Cutmore (Mrs Anne Beckett) (London, Research Department of the British Peoples Party, n.d.); The Truth about this war, by Anne Cutmore (Mrs Anne Beckett) (London, Research Department of the British Peoples Party, 1939); Alternative to death: the relationship between soil, family and community, by the Earl of Portsmouth (Viscount Lymington) (London, Faber and Faber, 1943); The Red network: the Communist International at work, ed. J. Baker White (London, Duckworth, 1939); and The new unhappy lords: an exposure of power politics, by A.K. Chesterton (London, Candour, 1965). The series Notes and documents compiled by Francis Beckett towards the biography of his father "The Rebel Who Lost His Cause" (1999) contains Subseries 238/5. British Union of Fascists [Oswald Mosley's Fascist movement], Subseries 238/6. Home Office Reports on John Beckett [notes and copies from official files in the Public Record Office], Subseries 238/7. A.K. Chesterton and William Joyce [period of the National Socialist League], Subseries 238/8. 18B [internment under Defence Regulation 18B; includes Duke of Bedford and Viscount Lymington letters], Subseries 238/9. Guy A. Aldred [the proprietor of the Strickland Press, Glasgow, a civil libertarian who took up the cause of opposition to the principle of internment under Defence Regulation 18B without charge or trial], Subseries 238/10. Harry Edmonds [Major Harry Morton Edmonds, novelist; pre-war association with the Peace movement and member of BPP; alleged Nazi sympathiser, Hon. Sec. of Constitutional Research Association post-war; includes report of an address to the Constitutional Research Association by Monsignor John Van Ryswyck (10 Oct 1946) and letter from Lord Hankey to Edmonds], and Subseries 238/10. British Peoples Party [Duke of Bedford's political movement].

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:!/file/BeckettCollection.pdf

      [0260] Peter Beckman teaching collection, 1954-1977 and undated, MSS 156

      Location: Special Collections, Thomas Tredway Library, Augustana College, 639 38th St., Rock Island, IL 61201

      Description: Peter Beckman (1924- ) taught in the religion department of Augustana College from 1960 to 1990. Beckman assembled this collection in order to inform students about some of the more radical political and religious views circulating throughout the United States in the 1950s, 1960s, and the 1970s. The series Subject Files, 1954-1977 and undated, contains files on America's Future, American Opinion, American Crusader, Anti-Smut, Anti-Socialism, Anti-Semitism Bibliography, Anti-Federal Government, Anti-Communism in Africa, Billy James Hargis, C.E.A.S.E. [The Committee to End Aid to the Soviet Enemy], Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Christian Commentary, Church League of America, Circuit Riders, Civil Rights, Communism and the Civil Rights Movement, Conservatism in Major Political Parties, Conservative Victory Fund, Council of Churches and Carl McIntire, Council for Civic Responsibility, Council on Foreign Relations, Crestwood Books, European Fascist and National Socialist Groups, Extreme Right, Extremism, Finances of the Right Wing, For America, Human Events, Independent Conservative Parties, Institute for American Strategy, Iowa S.Y.L.P. [Support Your Local Police], James Madison Foundation, John Birch Society, Ku Klux Klan, Liberty Lobby, Max Rafferty, Minutemen, National Tax Reform Committee, National Right to Work, Non-Voting and Moderate Middle in Major Parties, Non-Communist Left, Para-Military, Patriotism, Paul C. Neipps, Phyllis Schlafly, Princeton Religious Research Center, Radical Right Groups, Radical Right, Radicalism and Reform, Respectable Right, Some Theoretical Assumptions of Extremism, Super Patriotism, Teen Age Republicans, The United States Anti-Communist Congress Inc, The American Right Wing, The Bible and Capitalism, Trial by Battle, and Young Americans for Freedom. The series Publications, 1955-1975 and undated, contains copies of American Independence Party, American Medical News, Christian Economics, Christian Herald, Christian Perspectives, Christian Economics, Christian News, Common Sense, Dan Smoot Report, Economic Education Bulletin, Fact Finder, Free Enterprise, Freedom Talk, Homefront, Lutherans Alert, Police Gazette, Reason, Roll Call, Success in Politics, Taxpayers Power, The White World, The Cross and the Flag, The Church of God, The Weekly Crusader, The Independent American, The Presbyterian Layman, Through to Victory, Tocsin, and Western Voice. The series Campaign Materials, 1967-1972 and undated, contains files on Constitution Party of Florida, Radical Right, and The Wallace Campaign.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aid:

      [0260a] Byron de la Beckwith Correspondence, Photographs, and Other Materials, circa 1940-1992, MS.3439

      Location: Special Collections, University Libraries, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 121 John C. Hodges Library, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000

      Description: Byron de la Beckwith (1920-2001) was a white supremacist and ordained minister in Christian Identity. This collection consists primarily of letters that de la Beckwith wrote to his wife, Mary Louise (Williams) Beckwith, his son, Byron de la Beckwith Jr., and his brother- and sister-in-law, Jesse and Frances Williams, while he was incarcerated before and during his first trial for the murder of NAACP leader Medgar Evers. Another set of correspondence was written between Beckwith and his nephew, B. Reed Massengill, while Massengill was working on a never-completed book chronicling Beckwith's life. Also included are photographs (some of which were published in Massengill's Portrait of a Racist) showing Beckwith and his family. In the letters to Massengill, Beckwith's Christian Identity principles are displayed prominently. Beckwith also enclosed leaflets, newspapers, and other items published by such organizations as the Christian Defense League, Aryan Nations, and the Ku Klux Klan for Massengill's edification.


      Elizabeth Dunham, "'On the White, Right, Christian Side of Every Issue': The Life and Death of Byron de la Beckwith," The Library Development Review (University of Tennessee Libraries, Knoxville, Tennessee) (2009-2010), pp. 5-7, and­On_the_White_Ri

      ght_Christian_Side_of_Every_Issue_The_Life_and_Death_of_Byron_de_la_Beckwith; Elizabeth Dunham, "Documenting a White Supremacist: The Byron de la Beckwith Papers," Archives and Archivists of Color Newsletter, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Winter 2010), pp. 5-6,­Documenting_a_White_Supremacist_The_Byron_de_la_Beckwith_Papers.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aid:

      [0260b] Byron de la Beckwith Letter, 1972, MS.2271

      Location: Special Collections, University Libraries, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 121 John C. Hodges Library, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000

      Description: Byron De La Beckwith (1920-2001) was an American white supremacist and the assassin of civil rights leader Medgar Evers on June 12, 1963, in Jackson, MS. He was twice tried for Evers' murder in 1964, but avoided convictions when the juries both returned deadlocked. Based on new evidence that he had boasted about the assassination at a Ku Klux Klan rally, De La Beckwith was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in 1994. In 2001, while his case was still being appealed, he died of heart problems in prison. The letter is a March 21, 1972, handwritten letter of application for employment with Bryan Brothers Packing Company in West Point, MS.


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