Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
Russia and The Jews, no date; The 4 in One, by Henry H. Klein (Women's Voice, 1946) [four articles in one pamphlet: The Poison In the Jews' Cup; The Sanhedrin Produced World Destruction; The United States of the U.N.O.; and The Old Testament Versus the Talmud and the Protocols], online at; "Jewish Ritual Murders," Völkischer Beobachter, May 14, 1929; Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1922), online at; The Gospel of Jesus Christ Versus The Jews, by J.B. Stoner (1946), online at; "Now-Siberia, U.S.A." The Register, Santa Ana, CA, January 24, 1956, online at; "Civilized Liberty Eliminated," Richmond News Leader, Richmond, Virginia, July 12, 1966, online at; To the Patriots of Los Angeles. January 1954; Hate Art. January 21, 1955; Lexington-Concord. 1775. Clinton-Sturgis. 1956 (South Bend, Indiana, 1956),; "Rockefeller Over The World," by Henry H. Klein, Women's Voice, December 26, 1946, online at; "Anti-Gentilism," by Pefferkorn, Women's Voice, November 25, 1953, online at; "West Hooker Replies to a Critic," Women's Voice, March 26, 1955, online at; The Jews in the Netherlands, by Hans Graf von Monts, 1941; The Coming Red Dictatorship, no date; Reds Don't Elect Presidents, no date; The Jew Created Communism, ca. 1922; Ship of State. Leader against communism (Salem, Mass), July 1967; The Jewish Evidence of Jewish Financial Control, by Irvin L. Potter, May 29, 1933, excerpts online at; Parallelism. U.S.S.R. and U.S.A., no date; Matters of Life And Death. A handbook for Patriots, by Gerald L.K. Smith (1958), prefatory material online at; "The Condemned Generation," by Eustace Mullins, Women's Voice, June-July 1954, online at; Money no Mystery. Mastery By Monopoly [probably by Arnold Leese] (London, Imperial Fascist League, 1938), online at; open letter from the Keep America Committee (Los Angeles, Cal.), June 1956, online at; National Vanguard Books Catalog. No 15, 1993; The international Jew, By The Dearborn Publishing Co., 1920, preface online at; Two-Party Treason, by Don Lohbeck, 1950; Are Britons determined to be slaves, 1929; Minutemen of America membership card, no date; Our invisible government made visible, by Myron C. Fagan, February 1965; The Truth At Last. News suppressed by the daily press, by Dr. E.R. Fields, 1970s-1980s; Liberty Bell. September 1984; The Yellow Peril, by Revilo P. Oliver. Liberty Bell Publications, 1983 [anti-Japanese], online at; "Holocaust myths exploded," Spotlight, July 5, 1982; Judeo-Christianity, a letter, St. Mary's Academy & College. Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, June 11, 1986; Charles Lindbergh, American first last always. October 13, 1939; Christians awaken. Boake Carter's anti-Christ bible, by Elizabeth Dilling, no date; Ethnic types of the White Race in Europe, 1902; Gerald B. Winrod, Two messages from the President of the Defenders of The Christian Faith, 1956, online at; Historical Revisionism, a Catalog, Institute for Historical Review, 1992; and Rev. Gordon Winrod, Mysterious Jew Power (Gainesville, Missouri, 1963), online at; and "Read and Pass On: The following two messages are from the President of the 'Defenders of The Christian Faith' in Wichita, Kansas, U.S.A.") [a letter from Gerald B. Winrod to Anthony Eden, Nov. 3, 1956; a telegram from Winrod to John Foster Dulles; also three telegrams from Antoine Francis Albina], online at
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0289] Herman Bernstein Papers, 1897-1935, RG 713
Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011-6301
Description: Bernstein (1876-1935) was an American journalist and diplomat. The papers consist of correspondence, clippings, manuscripts, notes, and reports relating to Bernstein's journalistic, literary and diplomatic careers. Correspondence with Henry Ford and Herbert Hoover. Instituted a libel suit in the 1920s against Henry Ford and the Dearborn Independent for publishing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion; articles, clippings, correspondence and court materials relating to the Ford libel suit. Interviews with celebrities including Henry Ford, and Amin Al Husayni [Haj Amin el Husseini, former mufti of Jerusalem]. Manuscripts, notes, outlines of books relating to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Guide to the YIVO Archives, edited by Fruma Mohrer and Marek Web (Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe, 1998); Victoria Saker Woeste, "Insecure Equality: Louis Marshall, Henry Ford, and the Problem of Defamatory Antisemitism, 1920-1929," The Journal of American History, Vol. 91, No. 3 (Dec. 2004), pp. 877-905.
Websites with information:
[0290] Julius Bernstein Papers, 1920-1984 (bulk 1950-1977), WAG 116
Location: Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, Elmer Holmes Bobst Library, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012
Description: Julius Bernstein (1919-1977) served for more than twenty-five years as a field representative of the Jewish Labor Committee based in Boston. Correspondence, reports, publications, and clippings related to desegregating the Boston school system, right-wing extremism in the United States, the Jewish Labor Committee, Soviet Jewry, welfare reform, and unemployment. Series II: Unprocessed Materials, 1938-1977, 1938-1977, contains, in Box: 37, 1938-1977, correspondence, reports, publications, and clippings related to right-wing extremism in the United States. Subject Files, 1920-1984, contain files on America First; American Conservative Union; American Flag Committee; American Independent Party (George Wallace); American Mercury; American National Party; American Nazi Party; Americans for Constitutional Action; Anti-Semitism; Becker Amendment; Bombings (Against Southern Jewry); William F. Buckley; Louis Budenz; Circuit Riders; Citizens for McCarthy; Citizens Foreign Aid Committee; Citizens' Council (Boston); Committee of One Million; Confederate Flag; Congress of Freedom; Conservative Parties; Father Charles Coughlin; Counter Attack; Robert B. Dresser; Equal Rights Amendment; Facts Forum; Father Leonard Feeney; Fluoridation; For America; Foundations: Investigation of, Freedom Riders: Reverse (Cape Cod), Freedom School (Colorado Springs); Genocide Treaties; God & Country Rally; Barry Goldwater; Green Mountain Patriots; Green Mountain Rifleman; Gordon Hall; Herald of Freedom; House Un-American Activities Committee; Human Events; Indignation Convention; John Birch Society; Joseph P. Kamp; Hubert Kregeloh; Ku Klux Klan; Kuchel Case (1965); Lyndon LaRouche; Let Freedom Ring; Liberty Letter; Liberty Lobby; Liberty Amendment Committee; Life-Line Foundation (H.L. Hunt); Loyalty Oaths; Manion Forum; Mantle Club; McCarthy; McCarthyism; Mental Health; Military "Muzzling" Hearings; Minutemen; National Economic Council; National Education Program (Right Wing Films); National State's Rights Party; National Renaissance Party- James H. Madole; Nationalist Party; New England Rally for God, Family, and Country; None Dare Call It Treason; Prayer Amendment; Protestant War Veterans Legion; Right-to-Work Laws; Right Wing Groups: Group Research, Inc. reports; Right Wing Extremists; Right Wing Extremists: COPE (Committee on Political Education, the political arm of the AFL-CIO), Right Wing Reports I; Right Wing Extremists: COPE, Right Wing Reports II; Right Wing Extremists: Opposition to; Right Wing Extremists: Reports; Right Wing Extremists Pamphlets; Schools: Desegregation; Rabbi Benjamin Schultz; Gerald L. K. Smith; Dan Smoot Report; Supreme Court: Attacks On; United Nations: Attacks on; Edwin A. Walker; George Wallace; We, the People; White Citizens Councils; Kevin White; and Young Americans for Freedom.