When They Already Know It. Tami Williams
When They
Know It
How to Extend and PersonalizeStudent Learning in a PLC at Work™
Mark Weichel • Blane McCann • Tami Williams
Copyright © 2018 by Solution Tree Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Weichel, Mark, author. | McCann, Blane, author. | Williams, Tami, author.
Title: When They Already Know It : How to Extend and Personalize Student Learning in a PLC at Work / Mark Weichel, Blane McCann, and Tami Williams.
Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, [2018] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017046579 | ISBN 9781945349621 (perfect bound)
Subjects: LCSH: Professional learning communities--United States. | Teaching teams--United States. | Effective teaching--United States. | Individualized instruction--United States.
Classification: LCC LB1731 .W393 2018 | DDC 370.71/1--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017046579
Solution Tree
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Solution Tree Press
President and Publisher: Douglas M. Rife
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Proofreader: Jessi Finn
Cover Designer: Rian Anderson
Editorial Assistant: Sarah Ludwig
As we worked to develop this book, it was clear to us that we needed to work with other educators, share ideas, and see how elementary- and secondary-level teachers utilize the five elements of personalized learning and five instructional strategies for responding to question 4 that we champion in this book. The following educators offered expertise to the writing team in many ways. We visited or interviewed many of them to gain ideas to support our narrative regarding one or more of these elements or methods.
Crystal Bonin, Bow, New Hampshire
Karen Calcaterra, Wildwood, Missouri
Brittany Castellano, Wauconda, Illinois
Bay Cunningham, Olentangy, Ohio
Paul Darvasi, Toronto, Canada
Ric Dressen, Edina, Minnesota
Andrew Easton, Omaha, Nebraska
Amy Eide, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Gara Field, Providence, Rhode Island
Brett Geithman, Manhattan Beach, California
Marcia Gentry, West Lafayette, Indiana
Maria Harley, Sewanhaka, New York
Erin Heiman, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kristen Hogan, Omaha, Nebraska
Jenny Klemme, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jill Lizier, Sanborn, New Hampshire
Kristin Marconi, Olentangy, Ohio
Julie Martin, Manchester, Connecticut
Mike Matthews, Manhattan Beach, California
Marie McCann, Omaha, Nebraska
Kate Perardi, Edina, Minnesota
Crystal Phillips, Charlotte, North Carolina
Rebecca Reagles, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Joe Renzulli, Storrs, Connecticut
Jim Rickabaugh, Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin
Julie Schmitz, Omaha, Nebraska
Enid Schonewise, Omaha, Nebraska
Julie Schonewise, Lincoln, Nebraska
Shorewood School District, Shorewood, Wisconsin
Kristin Shrout, Lee’s Summit, Missouri
Katie Sindt, Omaha, Nebraska
Randy Smasal, Edina, Minnesota
Paul Tessmer-Tuck, Edina, Minnesota
Tara Thomas, Long Beach, California
Jill Thompson, Charlotte, North Carolina
Jonathan Vander Els, Sanborn, New Hampshire
Nicole Waicunas, Storrs, Connecticut
Westside Community Schools staff, Omaha, Nebraska
Additionally, in the fall of 2015, Blane and Mark worked with a small team of educators over the course of two days to, among other things, help define and develop the five elements of personalized learning. While other lists exist, the five elements we present in this book resonated with this writing team. We would like to thank the following educators for serving on that team: Greg Betts, Michelle Patterson, Lynn Spady, and Rebecca Kratky.
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Jay Billy
Slackwood Elementary School
Lawrenceville, New Jersey
Elizabeth Bruening
Shimek Elementary School
Iowa City, Iowa
Karen Calcaterra
Associate Principal
Lafayette High School
Wildwood, Missouri
Charles Folsom
Instructional Coach
Waukee High School
Waukee, Iowa