When They Already Know It. Tami Williams

When They Already Know It - Tami Williams

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understanding of this topic, which will provide you with tools to address PLC critical question 4. Before you move on to the next chapter, use the reproducible “Individual Reflection: Ranking Reasons for Personalized Learning” to reflect on the arguments this chapter makes for using personalized learning. Then, as a collaborative team, use the reproducible “Collaborative Team Discussion: Personalized Learning” (page 46) to reflect on how your team defines personalized learning, your examples of engagement and lack of engagement, and your thoughts regarding the arguments for personalized learning.

      Rank the following items that argue for implementing personalized learning from first to fifth based on which you think makes the best case.

      ——— My own examples of being engaged or unengaged

      ——— The myth of average

      ——— The age of our students

      ——— Emotions

      ——— Research studies

      What resonates with you about your top-ranked item?

      Do you think your top-ranked item also resonates with others on your team?

      What item did you rank last? What is it about this item that causes you to provide a low ranking?

      When They Already Know It © 2018 Solution Tree Press • SolutionTree.com

      Visit go.SolutionTree.com/PLCbooks to download this free reproducible.

       Definition of Personalized Learning

      How did your collaborative team members’ definitions of personalized learning compare? How are they similar? How are they different?

       Engaged and Unengaged Examples

      In the examples the authors provide of their own experiences with students being engaged and unengaged, there is a profound difference between a student (such as the Civil War buff) sitting and waiting for an opportunity to explore and be challenged in an area of passion, and a student feeling pride in his or her accomplishments. List the differences your team sees in your own examples.

       The Why of Personalized Learning

      Collectively, when looking at your rankings of arguments for personalized learning, how did your rankings compare to others’ on your team?

      Does your team think the arguments in this chapter make a strong-enough case to continue to learn about how personalized learning relates to PLC critical question 4? Why or why not?

      When They Already Know It © 2018 Solution Tree Press • SolutionTree.com

      Visit go.SolutionTree.com/PLCbooks to download this free reproducible.

       CHAPTER 3

      Instructional Strategies That Support Question 4 Students

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