Holistic Leadership, Thriving Schools. Jane A G. Kise
Twelve Lenses to Balance Priorities and Serve the Whole Student
Copyright © 2019 by Jane A. G. Kise
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Kise, Jane A. G., author.
Title: Holistic leadership, thriving schools : twelve lenses to balance priorities and serve the whole student / Jane A. G. Kise.
Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, [2019] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018050406 | ISBN 9781945349935 (perfect bound)
Subjects: LCSH: Educational leadership--United States. | Student-centered learning--United States. | Child development.
Classification: LCC LB2805 .K525 2019 | DDC 371.2--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018050406
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For Wendy Behrens
An education leader who not only knows how
to look both ways but also keeps setting me up
to learn and grow as an educator
Since 2000, scores of school leaders have invited me into their learning communities as we partnered on professional development. They shared their thoughts and ideas and fears as we worked to foster true collaboration and productive change. Thank you!
Beth Russell in particular allowed me to join her on initiative after initiative. I learned from both her example and from the work we did together on systemic change. Once again, she generously allowed me to share our story in these pages. Other leaders also gave up some of their precious time to talk with me about their successes in leveraging the interdependencies of leadership. A special thanks to Jennifer Abrams, John Alberts, Tim Brown, and Patrick Duffy for their time, their stories, their insights, and their review of how I presented their ideas.
Barry Johnson, founder of Polarity Partnerships (www.polaritypartnerships.com), introduced me to the power of both–and thinking, which helped me reframe the differentiated coaching model. He generously shared ideas, exercises, diagrams, and most of all, wisdom. Other associates of Polarity Partnerships, including Susan Dupre, Leslie DePol, and Cliff Kayser continue to answer questions, share their discoveries, and in other ways engage in the insightful and generous learning community. Wendy Behrens, director of Gifted Education for Minnesota, brainstormed with me early on about how to make this book practical and meaningful. Dozens of other school leaders have also given me information and advice to improve the content. Thanks to all!
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Anthony Bridgeman
West Islip High School
West Islip, New York
Donna DeSiato
East Syracuse Minoa Central School District
East Syracuse, New York
Robert Horn
Etowah High School
Woodstock, Georgia
Clay McDonald
Assistant Principal
Yukon High School
Yukon, Oklahoma
Cody Mothershead
White River High School
Buckley, Washington
Julie Nickerson
Morse Street School
Freeport, Maine
Vicki Wilson
Monroe Elementary School
Wyandotte, Michigan
Visit go.SolutionTree.com/leadership to downloadthe free reproducibles in this book.
Table of Contents
Developing Leadership for Whole-Child Schools
Five Essential Components for Effective Leadership Development