Enriching the Learning. Michael Roberts

Enriching the Learning - Michael  Roberts

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Did we include an expectation in our SMART goal for question 4 students to grow their learning? What standards will serve as extension standards to keep these students learning and engaged?

       chapter two

      Identifying Question 4 Students and Intentionally Planning Extensions

      Planning is everything.


      Mrs. Rose sat and looked at Mr. Youngblood who, in turn, looked at Mrs. Sawyer. Until this moment, the collaborative meeting had gone well. This team of teachers reviewed the data the students had produced on the common formative assessment it had created and the instructional practices that led to this data. The team members used that data to identify students who needed serious remediation in prerequisite skills. They then planned interventions to provide additional support on the essential standard to students who needed it. But they still had one group of students left—the students who had demonstrated proficiency. They were unsure what to do with those students. The team knew there were four critical questions a collaborative team needed to answer, but surely, they argued, this fourth question regarding how to respond to proficient students was the least important. After all, these students were already successful with the material. Anything the team came up with would be fine, right? Besides, the time allotted for their meeting was quickly expiring and they all had other things to do.

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