Ready for Anything. Suzette Lovely
predict the future is to create it.” I believe Dr. Lovely is doing just that. By providing this forward-looking framework, she invites educators everywhere to utilize these tools in the way that works best for their situation. I believe it’s time that we take a good look at what’s happening around us in technology, with the internet, social media, and the economy. It is so important to recognize that today’s students need to be prepared to face the reality of a changing world. We can no longer sit back wearing our old lenses and think all is well. A new prescription is needed. Students are ready and waiting for us to guide them into the future. I wholeheartedly support Dr. Lovely’s efforts to aid in this process and highly endorse Ready for Anything as a crucial catalyst for implementing these changes.
Renowned 20th century inventor and designer Buckminster Fuller said you can’t change things by fighting the existing system. Rather, to change something, you need to build new models that make existing models obsolete (Buckminster Fuller Institute, n.d.). Fuller spent his life working across disciplines to make the world better for humankind. His broad perspective on global problems drew him to pioneer solutions that revolutionized how people thought, connected, and lived.
This book is designed to inspire educators to become the Buckminster Fullers of their craft—to be lifelong learners, to continuously refine their practice, and to give learners the space to explore and dream. To prepare future-ready learners, learning, not teaching, must serve as the focal point for action. Throughout the pages of the book, I offer readers a compelling picture of a future-ready learner. In each chapter, I present practical approaches to create enriching experiences that feed students’ minds, curiosity, and aspirations. The impetus of the book is to encourage all educators to motivate and exhilarate learners from kindergarten year to senior year so that we prepare youngsters for life beyond high school. We know that we can’t reserve the most joyful learning experiences for the elementary grades; middle and high school students crave these opportunities too. At the same time, discussions about what students want to be when they grow up can’t wait until high school.
The Four Touchstones
This book introduces four touchstones to help readers reimagine their work (figure I.1, page 2). A touchstone is a standard or criterion by which something is judged, and it serves as a barometer for assessing the quality of the work educators do. Each touchstone provides a method and means to enable students to function well in school, the workplace, and life. The point is to initiate meaningful changes that lead to better opportunities for students. The touchstone model is a fitting construct for K–12 teachers, administrators, counselors, curriculum coaches, and professional development coordinators who are on a mission to prepare future-ready learners.
Figure I.1: The four touchstones of future-ready learning.
In This Book
Chapter 1 lays the foundation for the book by taking a deep look at a new paradigm of schooling. Included in this chapter are adjustments to teaching and learning that reflect what’s happening technologically, socially, economically, and globally. As you’ll discover in chapter 1, every institution in society is facing a reset. You’ll be reminded of the economic realities students face when they leave high school and how these realities have shifted our responsibilities.
Chapter 2 examines the first touchstone: implementing innovative practices. Innovation occurs when we try something new (invention) or make an existing practice better (reinvention). Through fluid thinking, we can solve novel instructional challenges independent of any methods used in the past. While pockets of innovation have always existed in schools, this touchstone focuses on the disruptive practices that spawn new ideas and unforgettable experiences. This chapter introduces approaches from outside education to broaden readers’ perspectives. The emphasis of this chapter is to help readers take students to levels of learning they never thought possible.
Chapter 3 delves into the elements of building a strengths-based culture and how a growth mindset feeds it. As educators foster students’ strengths, interests, talents, and leadership potential, learners feel valued and successful. Within this touchstone are common language strategies and vignettes that propel teams toward a strengths-based environment. This chapter presents methods to fit various settings to allow readers to tap into what’s already in place in their own building or district.
Chapter 4 investigates pathways to designing personalized experiences. Personalization refers to instruction that is paced to learner needs and preferences. This touchstone focuses on instruction becoming something we do with students, rather than to students. Crucial questions along with authentic examples offer readers insights and inspiration that ensure every learner can thrive.
Chapter 5 uncovers proven strategies to guide schools in successfully collaborating with the outside. Within this touchstone are structures and systems to enlist meaningful involvement from external and internal partners, including nonprofit agencies, philanthropic donors, the business community, and Millennial parents. Measures to connect students and teachers to local employers, industry experts, and outside professionals will create a lasting impact.
Rounding out each chapter are Touchstone Takeaways, which include Points to Ponder and Rapid-Fire Ideas to allow readers to gain immediate traction with the strategies they implement. Throughout the book, readers will discover stories and perspectives from the field so that site-level and district teams can walk the path to future-focused teaching and learning together.
It’s important to note that this book is not intended to provide step-by-step instructions to get a school district from point A to point B. If you’re expecting a prescriptive user’s guide to innovation, strengths-based environments, personalization, or external collaboration, you may be disappointed. Every school and district will have a different starting and ending place based on student needs, work culture, organizational leadership, and current priorities. Rather, think of this book as a road map with a plethora of routes to reach your destination. Whether you take a direct path or follow a more meandering course, this book is meant to be a flexible planning tool to synchronize individual and team efforts.
Remarkable things are happening in classrooms, schools, and central offices across the globe. By sharing these remarkable things, it is my hope to tilt education practices away from adult interests and desires and toward students’ interests and desires. When this occurs, it’s a game changer for all!
Rethinking Education
In a world of change, the learners shall inherit the earth, while the learned shall find themselves perfectly suited for a world that no longer exists.
—Eric Hoffer, American philosopher
A common narrative surrounding K–12 education goes something like this: when children reach age five, they’re ready to enter the system. Elementary teachers teach them to read, write, compute, and listen to prepare them for the next level.
In middle school, there’s no more recess or crying over spilled milk. The test score slump that often occurs between fifth and sixth grades leaves little time for slacking off. An ever-changing bell schedule integrates core subjects, electives, and advisement. Signs around campus implore students to work hard,