Dark Moon Magic. Cerridwen Greenleaf

Dark Moon Magic - Cerridwen Greenleaf

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would not leave your house on a cold windy day without a coat, right? Please don’t leave your house without a psychic shield—you’ll thank yourself later.

      Visualize whatever feels like a secure defense against unwarranted psychic intruders. Some folks see garage doors, others utilize an enclosing egg, and I have even heard of a big wet blanket as a shield, but I prefer science-fiction style shields that I put up or take down and a hooded robe that I wear. Anytime I go out into groups where I feel unsure, the best defense is a strong, positive attitude and sense of self. The more you practice your meditation and creative visualization, the greater your skill will grow.


      With sensitivity comes the reality of being greatly affected by energy—both bad and good. It is important to constantly perform energy-cleansing rituals for this very reason, such as saging yourself and your space, taking purifying baths, and doing some mental clearing.

      You are about to learn a wonderful basic energy cleanser known as the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP), sometimes simply referred to as the Pentagram Ritual. It is a marvelous template that you can add to and personalize after you are truly familiar with it. This ritual will become an extremely important tool in your magical arsenal for keeping at bay any unwanted forces, both worldly and otherworldly. Some even believe that the LBRP casts out not just negative forces, but all forces. At the end of the LBRP, you have an utterly neutral environment in which you can perform spells and magic. As you perform this ritual and advance in your magical practice, bear in mind that positive and negative forces do not always mean automatically mean good and bad. It is a balance of energy, and to use it properly, you must stay aware.

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