Self Service A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition. Gerardus Blokdyk
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11. How will data analytics, technology and self-service solutions play into the mix?
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12. How do you verify Self-service completeness and accuracy?
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13. When is Root Cause Analysis Required?
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14. Why are customer self-service systems generally helpful in cutting customer service costs?
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15. Can you do Self-service without complex (expensive) analysis?
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16. When a disaster occurs, who gets priority?
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17. How will you measure success?
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18. How to leverage Data Discovery for self-service analytics?
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19. Are indirect costs charged to the Self-service program?
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20. Is there a burning need to build real time reporting and analytics, and self-service BI?
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21. What charts has the team used to display the components of variation in the process?
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22. What is the Self-service business impact?
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23. Has a cost center been established?
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24. Are Self-service vulnerabilities categorized and prioritized?
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25. How can you reduce the costs of obtaining inputs?
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26. Are process variation components displayed/communicated using suitable charts, graphs, plots?
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27. What is the total cost related to deploying Self-service, including any consulting or professional services?
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28. What cost management services are available to employers through your client self-service portal?
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29. How large is the gap between current performance and the customer-specified (goal) performance?
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30. What is the governance model for self-service cloud analytics?
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31. What are your organizations main reasons for implementing self-service BI and analytics?
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32. Why do you expend time and effort to implement measurement, for whom?
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33. Did you tackle the cause or the symptom?
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34. Is a solid data collection plan established that includes measurement systems analysis?
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35. Is long term and short term variability accounted for?
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36. How are you enabling the big move to self-service analytics?
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37. What has the team done to assure the stability and accuracy of the measurement process?
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38. Which analytical skills are expected by the individuals or different user groups who use self-service?
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39. What data was collected (past, present, future/ongoing)?
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40. Can the analytic be self-service?
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41. What particular quality tools did the team find helpful in establishing measurements?
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42. How is self-service analytics taking business intelligence capabilities to the next level?
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43. How to obtain a cost-effective operational model for support/ self-service websites?
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44. What is the scope of self-service analytics and what are users outside of business analysts, IT, and other quantitative staff able to do with it?
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45. How significant of an impact have your self-service capabilities had on customer-centric metrics that your organization uses today?
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46. What measurements are being captured?
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47. How best to implement Analytic Applications for high user adoption and self-service?
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48. What are the key input variables? What are the key process variables? What are the key output variables?
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49. Is a follow-up focused external Self-service review required?
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50. Is there a Performance Baseline?
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51. How do you know that any Self-service analysis is complete and comprehensive?
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52. How do you measure efficient delivery of Self-service services?
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53. Is Process Variation Displayed/Communicated?
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54. Do all call center inquiries have to be via telephonic means or can self-service methods be utilized via the web or other resources to reduce headcount and cost?
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55. Are you ready to learn more about how your organization can use self-service analytics to increase the effectiveness of analytics programs?
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56. What is your path to a single source of truth and true BI self-service with a current landscape that has multiple analytics solutions and a high TCO?
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57. Are there measurements based on task performance?
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58. How do you leverage empowered analytics (self-service) to change the way your organization works?
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59. How does self-service BI influence the lifecycle of BI, in terms of analysis and design?
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60. What is the impact on your self-service strategy?
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61. When asked, what impact does self-service have on your customers?
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62. How much will the self-service portal cost up front and annually?
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63. How will success or failure be measured?
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