Lotus and the Lily. Janet Conner
href="#ulink_2a04dcc7-7d31-5dcf-8fdc-ea57e4d0fa75">The Story Behind the Lotus and the Lily
What Are Mandalas and Why Do We Make Them?
Week 1: Prepare
Day 3: You Are Your Own Shaman
Day 6: Uh-Oh! Here Comes the Opposite!
Week 2: Look Back
Day 8: Look Over Your Shoulder
Day 11: Thought Worms Be Gone!
Day 12: Don't Go Back to Sleep!
Week 3: Create Space
Day 17: The One You Must Forgive
Day 19: Release Your Prisoners
Day 21: Finally Forgive Yourself
Week 4: Look Forward
Day 23: Your Foundation: Soul Purpose
Day 24: Ellen and Your Life Around the Corner
Day 28: Focus Only on What's Coming In
Day 30: Soul Day and Intention Mandala
How to Keep Your Intention Mandala Alive
About the Author
Bonus Material
our master teachers
The Lotus
This is because that is.
—The Buddha
When conditions are sufficient there is a manifestation.
—Thich Nhat Hanh, You Are Here
The Lily
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
—Jesus, Matthew 6:33 (King James Version)
Here Jesus says that when we pursue a right relationship with the Universal One and allow this relationship to realign our lives, we produce a condition of receptivity in which anything we need to help us complete our purpose in life will be supplied by the universe.
—Neil Douglas-Klotz, Blessings of the Cosmos
Note to Readers
This book is intended to be an informational guide and is not meant to treat, diagnose, or prescribe. Always consult with a qualified health care professional regarding any medical condition or symptoms. Neither the author nor the publisher accepts any responsibility for your health or how you choose to use the information contained in this book.
Welcome to the divine playground of your soul. Here, Julian of Norwich's sweet blessing “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well” actually comes to pass. And none too soon. For many of us things haven't been going so well. We look around and wonder, “What happened? How did I get here?”
It isn't that we haven't been told what to do. We have. In many ways and by many teachers, we've been told to ask and receive. Asking sounds so easy and so fun. And sometimes, it works! But sometimes, nothing happens. Or the wrong thing happens. So we ask again. And again. And again. It seems no matter how much activity there is at the asking end, there's never quite enough on the receiving end.
Something is wrong, and we assume it must be with us. Maybe we're not asking correctly, or we're not clear enough about what we want, or our thoughts aren't in the right alignment, or perhaps our vibration is off, or we don't trust enough, or we're not saying the right affirmations, or—here's a scary thought—maybe we don't deserve to get what we want. Or, yikes, what if the universe doesn't actually work this way.
It's frustrating to keep knocking at a door that doesn't seem to want to open. Many of us are ready to give up.