Postcards to the Universe. Melisa Caprio
would happen. I completely let go of that dream, but it didn’t let go of me.
This is a perfect example of how this law works. I want you to look back into your life. Can you see a similar situation where you unknowingly manifested something you wanted? I know if you look deep enough, you will find it. There are also things in our lives that we manifest that we don’t want. Look at those too. Whatever we focus and put our energy into is what we manifest. This also means we bring into our lives the things we don’t want. If we keep worrying, going over the worst-case scenario in our minds, and putting our energy into something unwanted, what we are doing is becoming a magnet for that unwanted outcome. I have learned to shift that energy, and place my focus on what I do want. That is why I created this project.
Postcards to the Universe was birthed from learning about being a conscious co-creator with the Universe for what we want and learning to stop focusing on what we don’t. This is very important—you must believe that you deserve to have what you want; you must have faith that the Universe has your back and is delivering the fulfillment of your wishes to you. Allow it to unfold as it is meant to, get out of the way, and let it go!
One of the biggest reasons that we encounter so much resistance to getting what we want is because we have a deep fear that we don’t deserve it. We must be a match energetically to what we want. If I want a brand-new shiny car, and am working on manifesting it in my life, yet I don’t feel I deserve it or cannot picture myself driving and owning that car, guess what is going to happen? Nothing. I am not a match energetically for that car; I am resisting its coming to me. If you have feelings that you are unworthy and undeserving of having your dreams come true, then I recommend you find a way to fix that. Fix it as soon as possible. Work with a therapist or a coach; find a class or program that will teach you to love yourself, so you know you deserve everything you want. This shift in thinking will completely change how you manifest what you want. The second thing I want to say is that everything is subject to divine timing. Have faith that a positive outcome is unfolding, because the Universe wants to give you everything you want! The problem is that we get very impatient, and butt in with how we think it should show up. Know that it is working out the way it is meant to, and move on with your life.
After I left my job as the staff photographer working with the dolphins and children, I struggled for a long while not knowing what I wanted to do. At that same time, my marriage ended, and I moved back to my old hometown. It was a difficult time, to say the least, and I hadn’t heard about the Law of Attraction yet. As I started doing internal work and healing, I learned that we co-create with the Universe. This is when I really took a moment and looked back over my life to see how I helped attract everything that entered it. I had to take responsibility for both the good and the bad. The more work I did, the more I connected with others who helped me reach the next level in my learning, and that is how Postcards to the Universe was born. I believe it was divinely gifted to me. I heard the words whispered in my ear, “Postcards to the Universe,” very clearly one night, and felt the significance of those words; inspiration sparked, and a movement was born. I make my own postcards on a regular basis when I want something; it is very powerful.
When I looked back over my life’s history closely with a fine-tooth comb, I found evidence everywhere that we in fact do attract people, situations, and experiences to our lives. Remember my story of wanting to be with dolphins? I thought I had to be a marine biologist, but I went into photography instead, so I let my intention to study marine biology go. The Universe created the perfect circumstances for me to have the experience of working with dolphins, and I wouldn’t change the way it happened to me for anything in the world. It was a magical experience, and the personal fulfillment I received from getting to know those dolphins, plus the added bonus of working with amazing special-needs children, are some of the greatest blessings in my life. I have written another book on that magical experience, filled with touching photos, and one day, I’ll publish that book too.
You are constantly co-creating in your life. Isn’t that wonderful? Take the time to reflect and ask yourself what it is that you want. Is there an area in your life where something is missing? Even those of us who are abundantly blessed desire more. I know I do. Many of my dreams have already manifested, this book is one, yet there is still more that I want to create.
I started Postcards to the Universe to share with others a fun way to tap into the energy of childlike creativity. Children are such master manifestors! Their imaginations are so vivid, they innately know the feeling of already having what they want. Their dreams are realized the way a meal is delivered to the table when it is ordered from a restaurant. I wanted to use art and photography in the process of making these postcards as a creative means to reach into that same kind of magical childlike energy. Participants really get into the fun of it. It’s like being a little kid again, and the Universe responds to that energy very strongly. We just set a very powerful intention out there. The Universe says, “Okay, got it, babe! I am on it.”
I hope as you go through the book that you enjoy seeing other people’s postcards, and reading their personal stories of manifestation. Every postcard and story in this book was sent to me with their creator’s permission to photograph and include them; they get to be a part of this creative journey. We are all co-creators, and together, we have the power to shift our world—starting with ourselves—and radiating outward to everyone else whose lives we touch. I have a big vision for my life and this world. Many of the participants in my book feel the same way. Remember, our inner world gets pushed outward into reality. Together we each are doing our part. Enjoy the magic!
“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”
—Oprah Winfrey
Love and Relationships
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”
—Maya Angelou
How Do We Cultivate Loving and Harmonious Relationships?
We all want harmonious relationships. In every area of our lives, we would like to have healthy relationships—with our parents, siblings, friends, coworkers, employers, employees, and of course, with our romantic partners. I can almost guarantee everyone reading this book is in or has had a difficult relationship of some sort. So, how do we cultivate harmonious relationships? Relationships are perfect mirrors for what is going on inside our own hearts. Imagine you are being triggered by your mother, because she constantly criticizes you. She believes she does it out of love for you, but every time you are together, you notice your heart beats faster and your stomach churns—because you are waiting for her next judgement. When it comes, it sends you reeling. The reason you are having this experience and feeling this is because inside you believe you are not good enough, and your mother is reflecting that back to you.
This gives you a perfect opportunity to heal your limiting and harmful beliefs. Once you heal, your relationship with your mother will shift—without even having to confront her about how much it bothers you when she makes her comments. She will most likely stop criticizing you, because she is responding to your new energy, and if she continues to nag you, it won’t trigger you any longer, because her criticisms hold no more power over you.
If you reflect on your relationships, can you identify the ones that are or were triggering? (This is very different from being in an abusive relationship. If you are being abused in any relationship, the first thing you need to do is remove yourself, get to safety, and get the help and support you need.)
We are in relationships with everything and everyone around us. Desiring harmonious and loving relationships is a common desire that we all share. We want to enjoy being with the people we love, and we want them to enjoy being with us. If you are around someone who makes you anxious and nervous and irritates you, take a moment to examine that. How does that irritation affect you? What emotions does it bring up? Where in your body are you holding it? This is very important, because it presents an opportunity to locate the wounds in ourselves; the best way to build healthy relationships