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those who shared it yesterday and those who will come calling tomorrow, do not make their appearances coincidentally. We share this path by design, because of the lessons we need to learn from one another. We have on some level selected one another, and it's within these carefully selected relationships that the lessons we need to learn present themselves. The people we meet today are our teachers.

      And we switch roles, moment by moment. In one instance we may be the teacher, and in the next the student. The dance is what matters.

      That doesn't make every experience easy, however. Some lessons are very difficult, in fact. But, usually, the difficulty lies in our resistance to embracing the lesson, to seeing the experience as hopeful or beneficial or spiritual or necessary to the growth we are ready to enjoy. And our resistance usually invites resistance from our teacher, too. It is helpful to remember that our Higher Power is part of the equation.

      Being in the role of teacher or student in all our relationships is the constant in our lives. That's the exciting news, and it makes all interactions purposeful. We may choose not to appreciate the purpose or learn the lesson that's calling to us, and that's okay. A similar experience, with a similar lesson, will come our way at another time. We are not being held to a specific timeframe. We are held only to the lessons. When we learn them is up to us.

      The ultimate lesson, of course, is forgiveness. Forgiveness of ourselves and of one another. And we can best accomplish this through making amends when we have harmed ourselves or others. The healing that fills our hearts and the hearts of our companions on this path when we make an amend is the substance that allows each one of us to carry the message of hope and love to all the people we meet on a daily basis. No one heals in isolation. Every opportunity we take to extend ourselves to others in a forgiving way heals hearts. And never just one. . .

      The simple but powerful ideas in this part of the book will help you, one day at a time, to look carefully at your relationships, approaching them more lovingly or openly or honestly, with full awareness that they are exactly the relationships you need in order to grow into the person you are meant to be. A particular relationship may not seems like a blessing when we're in the midst of an argument, but if we remember that all arguments are masking fear and that a loving response is always the right response, we can incorporate the experience into our journey in a way that makes our “trip”what it is supposed to be.

      Let's not waste any more time. Let's look at every person and every experience throughout the day with the joy and gratitude that they deserve. Without these people, without these experiences, we would not be capable of doing the work we have been called here to do. No one of us is without purpose, just as no experience is without purpose. We must do our part toward making this world a more peaceful place; each person we meet is an opportunity that's been divinely sent to us for extending the love that is necessary to heal our personal lives, our communities, and the world beyond us too.


      Only one person has to be kind for a relationship or situation to dramatically change. I will be kind today.

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      We will not hear the messages we need to hear if we isolate ourselves from the message carriers.

      I will join with others today and trust in the process of life.

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      Listening is a tool that will help heal our relationships. I can make the commitment to listen today.


      We are helping or hindering ourselves and one another each time we speak. I will remember this today.

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      Our relationship to the world community is helped by our willingness to listen to the travelers on our path. I will pay attention to them.

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      Difficult relationships generally have the most to teach us. Am I willing to learn?

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      We need the people who are sharing our journey, all of them. They have much to teach us, and we them. Do I show up for the lessons?


      Each lesson needs our acceptance so that we can offer our insights to another person who is journeying with us. We are constantly students and teachers. I will likely be both today.

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      The primary lesson in this life is to forgive ourselves and one another. I can release any grudge or resentment I may be holding on to. I will begin by developing the willingness to forgive today.

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      All struggles, big and small, allow us to give and receive forgiveness.


      Being willing to resolve any conflict contributes to world peace. I can do my part today by making a small decision.

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      Experiencing one peaceful relationship will change every experience one has.

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      There is really only one relationship to heal. Am I showing up lovingly?

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      When we commit to healing one relationship, all relationships benefit. Am I willing to change my behavior today?


      Changing our behavior in one relationship makes it easier to change it in all relationships. Can I take the first step today?

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      Our judgment of others holds us hostage while it harms those we judge. Am I willing to give up my judgments today?

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      Our growth in relationships depends on our willingness to love and forgive. Sitting in judgment prevents both. Is there someone I should forgive today?


      The travelers on our path are exactly where they are supposed to be. The same is true for us. Am I willing to appreciate this fact today?

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      Every person we meet has been chosen to share our path. Our willingness to cherish this idea gives all our encounters the meaning they deserve. Am I seeking the opportunity for growth that is present within every experience?

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      Each time any one of us remembers that God is always present, we help those individuals who are not, in that moment, remembering. I am willing to do my part in helping others remember today.


      Never lament what appears to be a failed relationship. Every relationship has played a part in our journey. Am I grateful for this understanding today?

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      Being courteous makes us feel good, just as it pleases those who are sharing our journey today.

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      Relationships allow us to heal. Isolation prevents our healing. Am I making healthy choices today?

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      Our isolation harms the people who need us on their journey at the same time that it's harming us. Am I willing to reach out today?


      Being in a relationship with others is why we are on this journey. Don't resist the opportunities to grow that present themselves today.

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