You Can Be a Winning Writer. Joan Gelfand

You Can Be a Winning Writer - Joan Gelfand

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conference focuses primarily on the art of nonfiction and fiction books, but there are also panels on freelance and travel writing, to name a few.

      Past faculty: Ann Packer, Jane Friedman, Annie Barrows

      Why you should go: In addition to providing a great escape from mid-winter snow, this all-levels conference is ideal for first-time conference attendees looking to survey multiple panels.

      Highlights: The conference always takes place at the InterContinental Mark Hopkins, one of the jewels of San Francisco, located atop Nob Hill. The luxury hotel provides elegant breakfasts, keynote luncheons and a gala. Each night, the conference hosts a group dinner at a different restaurant around town. They cost extra but are a great way to meet other writers and the presenters.

      Where: San Francisco

      When: February


      4. BinderCon

      BinderCon is a professional development conference designed to empower women and gender nonconforming writers, authors and those in the media. An offshoot of the popular Facebook group Binders Full of Women, the main conference takes place in the fall in New York City with a second installment in Los Angeles each spring.

      Past faculty: Lisa Kudrow, Jill Abramson, Anna Holmes, Leslie Jamison

      Why you should go: You are a woman or identify as gender nonconforming and are interested in a writing conference that takes these issues into account.

      Highlights: Drawing a lot of heavy hitters from the media world, including top women editors and agents, the conference abounds with the spirit of feminism. You’re sure to meet some inspiring women.

      Where and when: November in New York; February in Los Angeles


      5. Literary Writers Conference

      A two-day conference for fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction writers “learning how to maneuver in the marketplace.” Hosted by the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses in conjunction with the National Book Foundation and The New School Graduate Writing Program, it attracts a number of prestigious editors, agents, publicists and publishers.

      Past faculty: Michael Cunningham, Jonathan Galassi, Julie Barer, Gail Hochman, Renée Zuckerbrot

      Why you should go: This is a serious conference for serious writers. Many panels include author-editor conversations, which are a fascinating listen for anyone interested in writing a book. Attendees are a mix of New School graduate students and mid-career New York writers looking for a book deal. It’s small enough that it doesn’t feel overwhelming and always has an impressive group of panelists.

      Highlights: Agent speed dating. Each participant has the opportunity to sit down with two literary agents for eight minutes to pitch a book idea. Last year’s event featured agents from Brandt & Hochman, Zoë Pagnamenta Agency, Kuhn Projects, Fletcher and Co., Trident, Folio Literary Management, Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency and Renée Zuckerbrot Literary Agency.

      Where: New York City

      When: November


      6. San Miguel Writers’ Conference

      This is a destination writers’ conference where the atmosphere is just as important as the conference. San Miguel de Allende, a small town in Mexico, is known for its artistic community of writers, painters, musicians, poets and philosophers. In recent years, more American artists have flocked here in the winter.

      Past faculty: Joyce Carol Oates, Gail Sheehy, Elizabeth Hay, Scott Simon, Juan Villoro

      Why you should go: You have a sense of adventure and love the idea of mixing travel and writing. Perfect for those looking for an escape to Mexico during February.

      Highlights: This conference draws famous media personalities in addition to some great faculty for the workshops. It is not just a literary conference, but also a cultural experience. Don’t miss the live storytelling performances and the legendary fiesta, which Barbara Kingsolver has called “one of the ten best parties I’ve ever attended in my life.”

      Where: San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

      When: February


      7. Sewanee Writers’ Conference

      The longest event on this list, spanning twelve days, Sewanee is built on a workshop model. Each participant is assigned a workshop that meets every other day, combining lectures and informal exchanges. Each one is led by two faculty members, but attendees can also meet with faculty one on one. The focus of this conference is on finishing submitted work, not generating new pages.

      2016 faculty: Jill McCorkle, Alice McDermott, Robert Hass, Mark Jarman, Sidney Wade, Naomi Iizuka and Dan O’Brien

      Why you should go: This conference is great for those looking for an immersive workshop experience with room and board included.

      Where: Sewanee, Tennessee

      When: July


      8. VONA

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