The Qur'an: Essential Teachings. Abdur Raheem Kidwai

The Qur'an: Essential Teachings - Abdur Raheem Kidwai

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alt="image"/> al-Khabīr(the All-Aware)image al-Ḥamīd(the Most-Praiseworthy)image al-Ghanī(the Independent)image Shadīd al-‘Iqāb(the Severe in punishment)

      In line with these descriptions the Qur’ān also brings home the following truths about Him:

      image Allah knows all that is evident as well as hidden. Nothing escapes His notice. Given this, man should lead his life along the lines set by Him. Otherwise, man’s misdeeds and unbelief will come to His knowledge and it will seal his fate in the Hereafter.

      image He is man’s only patron, protector and helper. Therefore, man should not turn to anyone else for help and support. Faith should draw him all the more to Allah, taking Him as the only source of all comfort and safety.

      image The entire universe is created, governed and regulated by Him. Islam does not endorse the belief of some faith communities that after having created the universe, He no longer has any role in it. While He does not normally interfere in the affairs of the world, which are subject to the laws of nature, He nevertheless watches all that happens and inflicts punishment on the guilty. In the creation and working of the universe, He did not draw upon anyone’s assistance. All objects in the universe are subject to His command. His might and wisdom account for the perfect working of the interrelated yet complex and awe-inspiring natural phenomena. Had He not put such diverse things in place, chaos would have set in, bringing all life to an end.

      image He alone is the Creator of all that exists. This underscores both His Oneness and creative power. Islam is very particular on its doctrine of monotheism. It differs sharply from the prevalent notions of a multiplicity or trinity of gods. Nor does it admit the role of some partner or assistant in creation. As the Creator, He knows well the needs of His creatures and provides sufficient sustenance for everyone. Furthermore, having created once, it is easy for Him to resurrect after death. This is what He would accomplish on the Day of Judgement. The amazing spectacles of birth, death and rebirth are there, all around us so that we grasp the basic truth and develop our conviction of faith.

      image He exercises absolute authority over all that exists. It is He Who causes life and death. As part of His grand plan He executes what pleases Him. His authority is manifest everywhere. In recognition of His might man should worship Him. No one can alter His plan. Nor is it possible to defer or advance the time appointed by Him for anything. Since the domain of the Unseen is governed by Him alone, no one, including His messengers and angels, shares such knowledge. This further underscores His might and power.

      image As He alone enjoys all authority, it is He Who passes judgement as He wills. No one can influence His judgement. Islam rejects false beliefs about intercession. For Allah alone decides everyone’s fate, in line with His grand plan. On the Day of Reckoning He alone will reward or punish everyone. Notwithstanding His absolute power and authority, which cannot be challenged by anyone, His judgement is characterised by fairness and leniency. He does not take the guilty to task instantly. Rather, He keeps on granting respite. However, once the term of respite awarded to individuals and communities is over, no one can thwart His pronouncement. Moreover, His judgement is swift and marked by perfect justice. Reason demands that justice be done at the end of time in order to reward the pious and punish the guilty. For justice is not dispensed in this life. It is a common sight that the innocent suffer while the evil ones get away with their crimes in this world. It is therefore, both natural and logical that someone as mighty and powerful as Allah should sit in judgement finally so that everyone is recompensed.

      image Allah’s providing sustenance to every living being stands out as irrefutable proof of His lordship and power. Countless creatures, since the beginning of creation and up to the Last Day, have been, are and will be constantly fed by Him out of the inexhaustible resources created by Him. Moreover, there is His equally amazing distribution of provisions. One gets one’s sustenance often from unexpected quarters. Allah makes no discrimination in providing sustenance, regardless of one’s conduct and faith. Even His worst enemies are provided with all that they need in life. All this brings into sharper relief His forbearance, justice and wisdom.

      image The entire universe represents a testimony to Allah’s immense creative power. Natural phenomena, in particular, are evidence of His creativity and might. The Qur’ān cites some of these:

       Surely your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and is firmly established on the throne, regulating and governing all things. No intercessor can plead with Him, without His permission. This is Allah, your Lord. Therefore, serve Him. Will you not take heed?

      (Yūnus 10:3)

       Surely in the creation of night and day and in all that Allah has created in the heavens and the earth, there are signs for those who fear Him.

      (Yūnus 10:6)

       Allah sends down water from the heavens, and channels flow, each according to its measure.

      (al-Ra‘d 13:17)

       And the earth! We have stretched it out and have cast on it firm mountains, and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. And We have provided therein your means of living and also for those for whose sustenance you are not responsible. And there is nothing of which there are not with Us the treasures, and We send it down in a known measure. And We send the fertilising winds, then We send down water from the heaven, and We give it to you to drink …

      (al-Ḥijr 15:19-22)

       Allah has sent down water from the heavens, then He revives the earth by it after its death. In this is a sign for those who listen. There is a lesson for you in cattle. From what is within their bodies, between excretion and blood, We produce for you a drink, milk, pure and pleasant to those who drink. And also there is a lesson for you in the fruits of date palms and grapes of which you take a wholesome drink and food. In that is a sign for a people who understand. And your Lord taught the bee to build its cells in hills, on trees and in men’s habitations. Then you eat all manner of fruits and find with skill the spacious paths of the Lord. There springs forth from their bellies a drink, of varying colours, in it is a healing for mankind. In this is a sign for those who give thought.

      (al-Naḥl 16:65-69)

      On realising Allah’s creative power, of which eloquent descriptions are scattered all around us, it is obligatory on man to affirm and celebrate His greatness and glory. As compared to Him, no one can lay any claim to majesty. For all living beings are mortal, subject to fall and decay. Even the unbelievers, who refuse to believe in Him, demonstrate their servitude to Him. For it is Allah Who causes their life and death and decides their fate. They are utterly helpless to resist His all-pervading authority. All objects of nature, bound to laws of nature, display their surrender to Him. For it is Allah Who makes them act in the way as it pleases Him.

      Apart from being the sole Creator, Allah is man’s guide and patron as well. He has blessed man with a body and physical faculties and invested him also with mental abilities, conscience and spirituality which help him in following the Straight Way. On the one hand,

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