Trinity Alps & Vicinity: Including Whiskeytown, Russian Wilderness, and Castle Crags Areas. Mike White
from CA 299
Kanaka Peak Trailhead
Brandy Creek Falls Trailhead
Boulder Creek Falls Trailhead
Mill Creek Trailhead
CHAPTER 2 Trips in Trinity Alps Wilderness
Trips from CA 3: Weaverville to Callahan
Stuart Fork Trailhead
5. Stuart Fork to Emerald, Sapphire, and Mirror Lakes
7. Deer Creek and Four Lakes Loop to Long Canyon
Granite Peak Trailhead
Long Canyon Trailhead
10. Long Canyon, Lake Anna, and Billy-Be-Damn and Echo Lakes
Swift Canyon Trailhead
12. Granite Lake and Bear Basin Loop
13. Deer Flat, Thumb Rock, and Landers Creek Loop
Lake Eleanor Trailhead
14. Lake Eleanor and Shimmy Lake
Boulder Lake Trailhead
16. Boulder Lake to Poison Canyon and Lilypad Lake
17. Boulder, Lion, Foster, and Sugar Pine Lakes
Coffee Creek Trailheads
18. North Fork to East Fork Coffee Creek Loop
19. Union Creek and Dorleska Mine to Big Flat
20. South Fork Coffee Creek Loop to Trail Gulch and Long Gulch Lakes
22. Caribou Basin and Sawtooth Ridge
23. Sunrise Basin, Horseshoe Lake, and Ward Lake Loop
Upper CA 3 Trailheads
24. Stoddard Meadow, Stoddard Lake, and McDonald Lake
25. Stoddard Lake, Doe Lake, and Eagle Creek
26. Big, Little, and Wee Bear Lakes
28. Pacific Crest Trail: Scott Mountain Summit to Carter Meadows Summit
Trips from Forest Service Road 93: Callahan to Cecilville
Callahan Area Trailheads
30. Middle Boulder and Telephone Lakes Loop
31. Mavis, Fox Creek, and Virginia Lakes
33. Trail Gulch and Long Gulch Lakes
Cecilville Area Trailhead
34. China Gulch to Grizzly Lake
Forks of Salmon Trailhead
35. High Point to Rock and Red Cap Lakes
Trip from CA 96: Orleans
Salmon Summit Trailhead
36. Salmon Summit Trail to Red Cap Lake
Trips from CA 299: Weaverville to Willow Creek
Weaver Bally Trailhead
37. East Weaver and Rush Creek Lakes
Canyon Creek Trailhead
39. Canyon Creek to Boulder Creek Lakes
Hobo Gulch Trailhead
40. North Fork Trinity River to Grizzly Lake
41. North Fork Trinity River to Papoose Lake
Green Mountain Trailhead
43. Green Mountain Trail to North Fork Trinity River
New River Trailhead
44. New River and Slide Creek to Historic Mining District and Eagle Creek
45. New River and Virgin Creek to Salmon Summit and Devils Backbone
CHAPTER 3 Trips in Russian Wilderness
Trips from Forest Service Road 93 and CA 3
Deacon Lee Trailhead
46. Waterdog and Russian Lakes