Nourishing Seeds of Faith. Virginia H. Loewen

Nourishing Seeds of Faith - Virginia H. Loewen

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Sometimes animals are characters in stories, too. Are the characters in your favorite stories real or make-believe?

      I know a story that is the most important story that was ever told or written. Do you know what it is? It’s the story of a person named Jesus.

      In a story, each happening is called a scene. Here is a scene from Jesus’ life story. (Refer to Nativity scene). Can you name the characters? What is happening in this scene? Where is it happening?

      The story of Jesus says that God is his father. He was born to Mary and Joseph and laid in a manger in the little town of Bethlehem. Angels came to shepherds in the fields who then went to see the baby. Wise men followed a star to find him and bring him gifts. Then Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Egypt to escape the ruler who wanted to kill him.

      That’s the story we hear at Christmastime. But it’s not the end of the story. What else do you know about Jesus? Did he remain a baby? . . . The baby Jesus grew to be a man. He taught people to love God and to love one another. He made sick people well. He did many miracles so that people would believe he is the Son of God.

      Do you think everyone believed him? . . . No, they didn’t. Because he claimed that God is his father, Jesus was put to death on a cross.

      But Jesus’ dying is still not the end of the story. What story about Jesus do we hear at Eastertime? . . . On Easter we celebrate Jesus’ leaving his grave! He lives and, even today, he sits beside God the Father in heaven. He gave his life so that, if we believe in him, we can live forever with him in heaven. That’s why the story of Jesus is the greatest, most important story ever told. And Jesus is real. He’s not a make-believe character in a made-up story.

      But he hasn’t left us alone. He sends the Holy Spirit to live inside us. Jesus said, (Matthew 20:b) “You can be sure I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of the world.” He will be with us until the end of time! What a wonderful promise!

      And Jesus gave us a job to do. Do you know what that job is? It is to obey his teachings and to tell his story to those who haven’t heard it. Jesus said, (Read from Bible Matthew 28:19–20a ) “So go and make followers of all people in the world. . . . Teach them to obey everything I have told you.”

      How can you help others to learn about Jesus? (Invite playmates or classmates to participate in Sunday School, Summer Bible School, Christmas programs, children’s choir, etc.)

      Let’s pray.

      Dear God, thank you for Jesus. Let us never get tired of hearing his story. Help us to tell it over and over again. Amen.

      Stretching Further:

      Jesus also told his disciples to “baptize (the followers) in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19b). Do you know if you have been baptized? You can talk about it with your parents.


      More About Jesus

      Theme: God’s word continues to teach us.

      Scripture: She (Mary) will give birth to a son. You (Joseph) will name the son Jesus. . . . All this happened to make clear the full meaning of what the Lord had said through the prophet. —Matthew 1:20b,22

      Preparation: Read the prophecies of Jesus’ birth in Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 61:1–2; Micah 5:2; and the wise men’s visit in Matthew 2:1–12.

      I already know that you like to hear stories. Does anyone like to read stories? Do you have a favorite story that you never get tired of?

      There are stories in the Bible that you will hear many times. Can you think of a Bible story that you have heard more than once?

      How do you feel when you hear a Bible story for the second or third time? Are you excited to say, “Oh, I know that story. I know what happened. I know how that story ends!” Or do you think Oh, no. Not that story again?

      I discovered something about hearing and reading Bible stories. I found that I can learn something new and surprising about a story I thought I already knew.

      You know the Bible story we always hear when we are getting ready for Christmas. What is the Christmas story about?

      We find the story about Jesus being born in the part of the Bible we call the Gospel of Matthew. The very first page of this book is where the Christmas story begins. This story is one of the Bible stories that people know best.

      Here are some things I didn’t know about the Christmas story when I was your age.

      About 700 years before Jesus was born there lived a man named Isaiah. Isaiah was a prophet. Do you know what a prophet is? A prophet is someone God gives messages to share. God gave Isaiah some very special news that he told all the people. He said that God’s Son would be born on earth.

      Another prophet lived at about the same time as Isaiah, long, long before Jesus was born. His name was Micah. Micah’s message told where the one who would become the King of the Jews would be born. Do you know the name of the person we call the King of the Jews? (Jesus) Where was Jesus born? (in Bethlehem)

      It was because teachers had read Micah’s message from God that the wise men knew exactly where to find the baby Jesus. The wise men had also discovered a new star in the sky. They believed that a new star was a sign that a great leader was going to be born. So they followed the star to find him and to give him gifts.

      The story about Jesus being born is a story we need to hear over and over again. It is the beginning of the greatest story ever told. It should be at the center of our Christmas celebration. We can always learn something new from the Bible about it. I have learned that, long before Jesus was born, God had told certain messengers that the Son would be born on earth, where he would be born, and that he would become the King of the Jews. I hope you know more about Jesus now, too.

      Let’s pray.

      Dear God, thank you for Jesus. You sent him as a baby at just the right time. Help us to keep on learning new things from the Bible. Especially, help us learn more about Jesus. Amen.

      Stretching Further: Read aloud Luke 4:14–21: Jesus reads the words of Isaiah in the synagogue. Talk about Isaiah’s words coming true.


      A Mighty Fortress

      Theme: God can keep us safe.

      Scripture: God alone is the mighty rock that keeps me safe, and he is the fortress where I feel secure.—Psalm 62:2 (CEV)

      Preparation: 1. Make two cards, large enough for the group to see. With a dark marker, on one card print fort, on the second card print fortress. 2. Obtain and print online photos of various sizes of snow forts.

      We’ve had lots of snow this winter, haven’t we? Do you like to play in the snow? What do you like to do in the snow? (Go sled-riding, tubing, build a snowman, make snowballs . . . ) Do you know what a snow fort is? Have you ever helped to make a snow fort? How do you make/build a snow fort? (Can use a big pile of snow and dig into it to make a room like a cave, or pile big snowballs or blocks of snow on top of one another to make a wall.) (Show photos.) What do you do with a snow fort after it’s finished? (Hide behind it if someone throws a snowball at you in a snowball battle . . .) It can keep you from getting hit, keep you safe. It can be your own special place to go to.

      Do you think we can find anything about a fort in the Bible? ( Show first word card.) This is what the word “fort” looks like. It’s a short word. “Fort” means “strong.” (Show second card.) If we add four more letters, it says “fortress.” A fortress is a strong place.

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