EgreGor. Firuza Akopyan
is closer to understanding the meaning of life?! It’s very hard for me right now! As if the God I had believed in all my life had been taken away from me! As if I had borrowed him and given him back painfully! Or even stolen him! I have analyzed a lot and conducted one experiment… Listen, it has been known that if you draw an axis from the main pyramid of Tibet to the opposite side of the globe, the axis will point to Easter Island. If you connect Easter Island with the Mexican pyramids, the continuation of this line will lead to mount Kailas in Tibet. The two lines that connect Kailas with Easter Island through the Egyptian and Mexican pyramids delineate the earth’s surface area and are divided into two equal triangles. The main “mirror” of Kailas is directed at the Egyptian pyramids, and the two Northern ones – at the Mexican ones. The Sphinx looks towards Kailas. There is something else very important that concerns the entire planetary pyramid system. The height of the main pyramid of Tibet is 6666 meters, the distance from Kailas to the North Pole is also 6666 meters, and the distance from Kailas to Stonehenge is exactly the same. Repeating sixes are considered diabolical numbers, but I was told in Tibet that they are a symbol of God? – she finished speaking and looked at me wearily.
– You have to rest.
– What if we, the living people, have already lived on Earth since the first appearance of man? What if we leave messages for ourselves? That is, we dig up the remains of ourselves in the past. Writers, composers, scientists, inquisitors, kings, peasants, slaves – all of us. I mean, there were once Lemurians and Atlanteans on Earth who didn’t look like us today. What if we were the ones who lived in those days? I believe in the immortality of the soul.
– But there are more people! How do I explain this?
– We may be getting help from outside. If we consider the soul as an informational shell, this theory is correct. The soul has memory, but matter does not. DNA is the only link between people. The body dies and our consciousness dies with it, and the DNA stores the memory of who we were, starting from the moment of the appearance of man on Earth. Thus, it turns out that the DNA is an archive that is in us and contained in the pyramids, and it hides all the information about the human being.
I saw in her a mental struggle that hurt her. She had not yet reached the truth, but she was tired and disappointed. Vita came to me, sat down next to me, and kissed. She wanted to forget herself with sex, and I didn’t need to be coaxed into it.
– We’ll figure something out, – I told her as we lay on the sofa.
– The earth has a magnetic core that protects it. What if DNA also has a magnetic structure? This is what I told you earlier. Imagine that our health depends on the level of magnetism. I can’t prove that human DNA has a quantum atomic structure centered on magnetic fields. Modern science considers 90% of the chemical composition of DNA inactive, since there are no codes and genes are not produced there. I want to understand what magnetism depends on. Horus, are you asleep? – Vita nudged me in the side.
– Tell me, what’s so special about you? Where is the magnet that draws me to you?
– Perhaps I have activated my DNA, – she smiled in response.
What if she’s right? Or maybe she’s gone mad and it’s time for me to sound the alarm. Vita gets a medical degree so that she doesn’t have to work in her specialty. How so? As a senior, she became disillusioned with her training and decided not to do what she had spent years doing. According to her, the knowledge she received serves as a starting point in her search for truth, but she uses only a small part of it. So much effort and time wasted! I didn’t understand it at all. However, I now understand that she only brushed aside the unnecessary in her life, every time it interfered with her. Vita was not afraid to cross out the old and enthusiastically take on something new. Periodically, she fell out of reality, driving herself into a state of apathy, and it was very important that during this period there was someone who would pull her out of this state. She was so overwhelmed that she could no longer distinguish reality from fiction. If no one was around, she would withdraw into herself for a while, digesting the information, and then return to the outside world. There were too many contradictions in it. I didn’t always keep up with her moods and thoughts. But it was these contradictions that led her to what I have now. For this, we should be grateful.
Chapter 5
Today is my friend’s birthday, to which I was invited. I took Vita with me. I don’t know why. Probably because most of my friends are family people and I didn’t want to be alone among married couples. The restaurant was decorated with beautiful women in elegant dresses. Vita put on a short red dress that accentuated her figure.
– I wish it was night, – I whispered in her ear, when everyone sat down at the table.
– Sit and lick your lips!
To my surprise, everyone liked Vita, she had a special gift for pleasing both women and men. She could hold a conversation with anyone and always knew what to say. Despite the fact, that she was the youngest among us, she always had something to answer, no matter what she was asked. I took pride in knowing that I was being judged through her.
At two o’clock in the morning, everyone left. Vita and I went to my place. Vita undressed, poured herself rum and sat on the bed.
– Your brain excites me, – I told her.
– The main thing is that you have sex with me, not with my brain! – she motioned me to sit next to her.
It’s hard to explain, but it shakes me when I possess her. With her, I stop being selfish. Before, it was important for me to have fun myself, but now I want her to have fun. Her body is very pliable, it’s nice to watch her bending. And it raises men’s self-esteem. I wonder if she’s just with me this way or with others too?
– Horus, I know this is a bad time to say this, but I still want to say it now. I quickly burn out; I quickly get bored with people. Today I feel good with you, and tomorrow you may bore me. This is who I am. When this happens, I will tell you about it, because I am always for honesty. But be honest with me, too. If you lose your passion, just tell me. I will leave without hysterics and unnecessary questions.
– What kind of talk? Are you drunk?
– No. I have never asked anything from you, but I do ask it of you.
– Vita, if you become cold to me, don’t tell me about it. You have to lie, please come up with something. Better call me a goat, a scoundrel, but not that.
– I can’t lie…
Vita quickly fell asleep, and my dream disappeared. I was lying on my bed, watching a movie on my smartphone, but I couldn’t sleep even when it was over. I looked at Vita. Outwardly, she seems so fragile, vulnerable, but in reality she is very different-resolute and strong. I moved closer to her, stroked her hair, and I felt a great tenderness for her. Then I fell asleep.
When Vita left in the morning, I took care of household, and also went shopping and bought food. My phone was ringing. It was a Sveta. She gave me a tantrum – you see, she didn’t like that I was missing and didn’t return her messages and calls. Frankly, I didn’t answer, not because I was near Vita, but because I knew that I wouldn’t hear anything but complaints. Tantrums were not in my plans.
– Sveta, it’s unbearable. Let’s stay friends, huh?
– You got someone? What’s wrong? – she was crying into the phone. one.
– You’re talking about that again!
– You have got another girl!
– Be happy! – I cut her off. I can’t stand women’s tears!
“I have finally broken off this relationship,” – I thought, feeling an incredible relief from the committed act Vita is right: relationships should bring joy and ease, and if they already