One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1. John Williamson Nevin

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic, Tome 1 - John Williamson Nevin

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So in the present crisis, the salvation of the old German Churches in this country is to be accomplished, not by encouraging them to “believe every spirit,” but by engaging them, if possible, to “try the spirits, whether they be of God.” Let things that are wrong be called by their right names, and separated from things that are right.

      A heavy responsibility, in this case, rests upon the friends of New Measures. The circulation of spurious coin, in the name of money, brings the genuine currency into discredit. So also the surest way to create and cherish prejudice against true piety is to identify it with counterfeit pretences to its name. Popery, in popish countries, is the fruitful source of infidelity. So in the case before us it is sufficiently clear that the zeal which the sticklers for the system of the Anxious Bench display, in pressing their irregularities on the Church as a necessary part of the life and power of Christianity, is doing more at present than any other cause to promote the unhappy prejudice that is found to prevail in certain quarters against this interest in its true form. Many are led honestly to confound the one order of things with the other; and still more, no doubt, willingly accept the opportunity thus furnished to strengthen themselves in their opposition to evangelical interests, under a plausible plea, against their own better knowledge. In either case we see the mischievous force of the false issue which the question of New Measures has been made to involve. The Anxious Bench and its kindred extravagances may be held justly responsible for a vast amount of evil in this view. As a caricature always wrongs the original it is made falsely to represent, so has this spurious system, officiously usurping a name and place not properly its own, contributed in no small degree to bring serious religion itself into discredit, obscuring its true form, and inviting towards it prejudices that might otherwise have had no place. It has much to answer for, in the occasion it has given, and is giving still, for the name of God to be blasphemed, and the sacred cause of revivals to be vilified and opposed.

      “Such measures are usually inseparable from great revivals, and if the great luminaries in the Church set themselves up against them, why they must be content to abide the consequences. By the judicious use of such measures, the millennium must be accelerated and introduced; &c.—Luth. Obs. [Lutheran Observer 11, no. 21], Jan. 26, 1844 [p. 3].

      Chapter II.

      The merits of the Anxious Bench not to be measured by its popularity; nor by its seeming success.—Circumstances in which it is found to prevail.—No spiritual force required to give it effect.

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