Visions of the Lamb of God. Andrew Scott Brake

Visions of the Lamb of God - Andrew Scott Brake

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with the issue of witnessing for Christ in the midst of a pagan culture. The churches with problems must repent. The churches with no problems must persevere in their faithful witness.79 Mounce wants to see these letters as “a vital part of the Apocalypse as a whole and are intended for the exhortation and edification of the church universal.” This is not a survey of the church throughout history (as in the Dispensational view), but the sequential pattern was used by John “to impress upon the church universal the necessity of patient endurance in the period of impending persecution.”80 Why these seven churches? All seven were within one hundred miles of Ephesus in the Roman proconsular province of Asia and might have formed an established circular rout that functioned as a postal route. Johns seems to have been familiar with each church’s situation.81

      Doctrinal truth is still important today, especially in light of the fact that so many churches and denominations are giving up on important matters of the faith, like the exclusive claims of Christ, the Trinity, the atonement, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the nature of judgment at the end of time. When doctrine is compromised, a door is opened to any teaching and behavior in the church. Teaching fuels behavior. We can claim that we can live holy lives, but if we do not have a correct understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, and the role of the Holy Spirit, our lives will be powerless.

      The Ephesian church endured faithfully in what they had. The truth? The Faith? Proper teaching? The gospel? Whichever it was, and it was probably a combination of these, they had endured for the sake of the name of Jesus. They did not grow weary. This was not a casual rejection of false teaching but a persistent vigilance.

      The church in Ephesus has remained faithful to sound doctrine. Their problem was that they had forsaken the heart part of their relationship. Jesus had commended them for their endurance to the truth and their stance against false teaching and false prophesy, but his complaint against them was that they had forsaken their first love. What was their first love? Jesus spoke of two commandments: vertical love for God and horizontal love for one another. Had they grown cold in their commitment to loving God and loving one another in their stressing of the truth? ἀφῆκες (aphekes) has the idea of forsaking, not just forgetting. They had forsaken their mission and the highest command of Jesus.

      How is our commitment to genuine love both in the church and out of it? Sometimes it is

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